Site Map of the InterAction Council Website in English

Site Map of the InterAction Council Website
Homepage .
Table of Contents page
I. Background of the InterAction Council
II. Council Members
IIIa.Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities - Languages
IIIb.Speeches and Articles on the Universal Declaration of Human
IIIc.Opinion-editorial Ad in the International Herald Tribune
IV. Reports on the High-level Expert Group Meetings
V. Communiqués of the Annual Plenary Sessions
VI. Speeches and Articles by Council Members |
Short Biographies of the Members (in English only):


IIIb. Speeches and Articles on the Responsibilities Declaration
(English / Japanese)
- It is
Time to Talk About Responsibility, by Chancellor Helmut SCHMIDT
(Speech at Hansung University, Korea, October 1999)
- Towards
a Universal Recognition of Environmental Responsibilities, by Dr. Arthur
(Article submitted to Environmental Conservation, September 1999)
- Human
Responsibilities Reinforce Human Rights: The Global Ethic Project, by Prof. Hans
(Article from Reflections on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A Fiftieth
Anniversary Anthology, 1998)
- Rights
and Responsibilities, by Dr. Kalevi SORSA
(Speech at the International Press Institute World Congress in Moscow, May 1998)
- A
Declaration on Human Responsibilities?, by Malcolm FRASER
(Speech at the UNESCO Conference, March 1998)
- Don't Be Afraid of Ethics! Why we need to talk
of responsibilities as well as rights,
Prof. Hans KÜNG English
/ Japanese
- Some
Contributions to a Universal Declaration of Human Obligations, by Dr. Oscar
ARIAS, April 1997
IIIc. Opinion-editorial page in the Internation Herald Tribune
The Council congratulates
the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

IV. Reports on the High-level Expert Group Meetings ( English / Japanese)
- Monetary,
Financial and Debt Issues, chaired by Helmut Schmidt (May 1984)
- Increased Assistance to Least Developed Countries, chaired
by Ola Ullsten (December 1984)
- Military Expenditures by Developing Countries, chaired
by Olusegun Obasanjo (March 1985)
- Nuclear Armaments and Arms Control Issues, chaired
by Jacques Chaban-Delmas (May 1985)
- Interrelationship
between Population, Environment and Development, chaired by Takeo Fukuda
(December 1985)
- Unemployment, chaired by Jacques Chaban-Delmas
(December 1985)
- Arms Control, chaired by Olusegun Obasanjo (February
- Consultative Meeting with Spiritual Leaders on
Peace, Development, Population and the Environment,
chaired by Takeo Fukuda (March 1987) English / Japanese
- International Debt Questions, chaired by Kurt
Furgler (September 1987)
- Global Deforestation Trends, chaired by Ola
Ullsten (January 1988)
- Ecology and Energy Options, chaired by Pierre
Elliott Trudeau (April 1989)
- Ecology and the Global Economy, chaired by
Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado (February 1990)
- Global Interdependence and National Sovereignty, chaired
by Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo (March 1990)
- Economies in Transformation: Limitations and
Potential of the Transition Process
chaired by Pierre Elliott Trudeau (April 1991)
- The Role of Central Banks in Globalized Financial
Markets, chaired by Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
(April 1991)
- The Search for Global Order: The Problems of
Survival, chaired by Helmut Schmidt (January 1992)
- Crisis and Change in Latin America, chaired by
Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo (February 1992)
- Bringing Africa Back to the Mainstream of the
International System, chaired by Lord Callaghan of Cardiff (January 1993)
English / Japanese
- The Lessons of the German Unification Process for
Korea, chaired by Helmut Schmidt (February 1993) English / Japanese
- The Future Role of the Global Multilateral
Organisations, chaired by Andries van Agt (May 1994) English / Japanese
- The Challenge to Balance Population Growth with Food
Supply, chaired by Malcolm Fraser
(April 1995) English / Spanish
- In Search of Global Ethical Standards, chaired
by Helmut Schmidt (March 1996)
English / Japanese
- To Create a Stable International Financial System, chaired
by Kurt Furgler (March 1996)
English / Japanese
- Opportunities and Risks of Globalization, chaired
by Lord Callaghan of Cardiff (March 1997)
English / Japanese
- What should be the Elements of a Universal
Declaration of Human Responsibilities,
chaired by Helmut Schmidt (April 1997) English /
- Media and Politics, chaired by Andries van Agt
(April 1997) English / Japanese
- Balance and Perspectives of the Political, Economic
and Social Situation in Latin America:
Progress, Difficulties and Challenges, chaired by Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado (February
1998) English / Japanese
- Broader Dissemination of the Universal Declaration
of Human Responsibilities, chaired by Malcolm Fraser (March 1998)
English / Japanese
- The Insecurity of International Money, by Helmut
Schmidt and Malcolm Fraser (April 1999)
English / Arabic / Japanese
- The Religious Implications of the Middle East Peace
Process, chaired by George Vassiliou
(April/May 1999) English
/ Arabic / Japanese

V. Communiqué of the Annual Plenary Sessions
- First Session in VIENNA, Austria (1983)
English / Japanese
- Second Session in BRIONI, Yugoslavia (1984)
English / Japanese
- Third Session in PARIS, France (1985)
English / Japanese
- Fourth Session in TOKYO/HAKONE, Japan (1986)
English / Japanese
- Fifth Session in KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (1987)
English / Japanese
- Sixth Session in MOSCOW, Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics (1988) English / Japanese
- Seventh Session in WASHINGTON D.C./WESTFIELDS,
Virginia, U.S.A. (1989)
English / Japanese
- Eighth Session in SEOUL, Republic of Korea (1990)
English / Japanese
- Ninth Session in PRAGUE, Czech and Slovak Federal
Republic (1991) English / Japanese
- Tenth Session in QUERETARO, Mexico (1992)
English / Japanese
- Eleventh Session in SHANGHAI, People's Republic of
China (1993) English / Japanese
- Twelvth Session in DRESDEN, Federal Republic of
Germany (1994) English / Japanese
- Thirteenth Session in TOKYO, Japan (1995) No
finalized Communiqué
- Fourteenth Session in VANCOUVER B.C., Canada (1996)
English / Japanese
- Fifteenth Session in NOORDWIJK, the Netherlands
(1997) English / Japanese
- Sixteenth Session in RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (1998)
English / Portuguese / Spanish / Japanese
- Seventeenth Session in CAIRO, Egypt (1999)
English / French / Spanish
/Arabic / Japanese

VI. Speeches and Articles by Council Members (English / Japanese)
- It is
Time to Talk About Responsibility, by Chancellor Helmut SCHMIDT
(Speech at Hansung University, Korea, October 1999)
- On Certain Features and Tendencies of
Development of the World Situation, by Mikhail GORBACHEV
(Message to the InterAction Council 16th Plenary Session in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
May 1998)
English / Japanese
- Rights
and Responsibilities, by Dr. Kalevi SORSA
(Speech at the International Press Institute World Congress in Moscow, May 1998)
- A
Declaration on Human Responsibilities?, by Malcolm FRASER
(Speech at the UNESCO Conference, March 1998)
- Some
Contributions to a Universal Declaration of Human Obligations, by Dr. Oscar
ARIAS, April 1997

