Conference Grants
Conference grants are awarded to scientists BASED IN THE UK presenting their own paper or poster, or chairing a session, at an overseas conference, where conference participation is the main or sole purpose of visit. The conference must be on a subject within the natural sciences, including: mathematics, engineering science, agricultural and medical research, the scientific aspects of archaeology, geography, experimental psychology and the history of science. Provision is intended to complement that provided from other sources eg the applicants university, the conference organisers, appropriate foundations and the applicants themselves. In order to assist scientists with young children to participate in conferences overseas the Society has introduced payments to help with child care costs during the periods spent overseas.
Closing dates: 1 March, 1 June, 1 October, 1 December. Notification by the end of the following months: April, July, November, January Applications must be made at least 28 days before departure. Closing dates are strictly adhered to. Contact Sandra Goodall email: Telephone: 0171 451 2540 Fax: 0171 930 2170 6 Carlton House Terrace London SW1Y 5AG PDF files retain the layout and appearance of the original document. For more information about Adobe Acrobat and to download a free copy of Acrobat Reader, go to Royal Society I News & Media I Events Diary I Grants & Funding I Science for all I Science Policy I Library I Publications I Facilities I Fellows Room I Search I Home |