Grants are made only to applicants who are either presenting their own paper or poster at a meeting or chairing a session.
Grants are made only to applicants of at least PhD status, that is, either having been awarded a PhD or equivalent research degree or having completed at least one year of research at postdoctoral level or holding the position of lecturer or equivalent in an institution of higher education.
Grants not given to applicants in the following categories: civil servants or employees of the Research Councils, the National Health Service, state-aided research establishments and other governmental bodies, profit-making companies set up by universities, and other industrial or commercial bodies.
Grants may be made to British subjects, EC nationals working in the UK in postdoctoral appointments, or foreign nationals who have held a post in a UK university at postdoctoral level for at least three years or hold the post of lecturer or reader.
Applicants may make only one application per grant round
Applicants may not receive more than one grant from this scheme within any calendar year (ie from 1st January to 31st December).
Applicants for Conference Grants may not apply for a Royal Society Study Visit Grant to cover the same period.
Unsuccessful applicants may not reapply for a grant to attend the same meeting.
Grants are not made to persons in receipt of substantial stipends overseas (as when holding an appointment during sabbatical leave).
No age restriction applies.
Grants are not made to holders of the Society's University Research Fellowships
Please note that applications cannot be accepted by Fax or email |