Welcome to the Phylaxis Society Web Site. One of the most unique web sites of the many sites dedicated to Prince Hall Freemasonry. If you take the time to go through this site, you will have at our fingertips considerable information concerning our fraternity.
The Phylaxis Society was organized by active and retired U.S. Military Personnel in 1973 at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. It is a literary, historical, research society registered as a non-profit corporation authorized by the Secretary of State of Kansas. It is not a Masonic body, but an organization with a burning desire to educate the craft world wide. Its constitution reads:
The Phylaxis Society is an historical, literary research organization opened to all Freemasons regardless of race, creed or color. Dedicated to perpetuating the memory or Prince Hall who in 1775 became the first African_American Freemason, the founder of the first Black Masonic Lodge and the first Black interstate organization in America. The Society's primary goal is to memorialize all Prince Hall Freemasons, past and present, to conduct research, engage in educational activities and programs, to build a museum and to inform the present and future generations of the historical relationship of the fraternity in the building of Black America.
The Phylaxis Society is composed of Researchers, Writers, Editors and interested Freemasons. It has no special creed or dogma and the members express individual opinions. Its purpose is the unifying of those anxious to help make Prince Hall Masonic Journalism and Literature more efficient and to encourage Masonic writers around the world in the quest for Truth and Light in Masonry. The Society will in no way interfere with the Legislative and Ritualistic Affairs of any Masonic body or in any way make any suggestions thereof.
In January 1974, the first issue of the Society's flag ship, the Phylaxis Magazine was published. It's goal was to bring Prince Hall Freemasonry to Universal Freemasonry. The leaders of the Society felt that all Prince Hall Freemasons should be able alarm the door of any Regular Masonic Lodge, and be admitted and welcomed. We are a great family, a marvelous family, part of the great Masonic family, and felt we should act like it. From that day onward the Society using advanced technology, the Internet, a Public Affairs Office and a myriad of other resources sought for the recognition of Prince Hall Freemasonry, and today, due mostly from the Society's efforts, there are more than 29 Grand Lodges in America that recognize our Grand Lodges, including a number of Grand Lodges aboard, with the Grand Lodge of England, the mother Grand Lodge of Prince Hall Freemasonry, amongst the many that recognize us.
Living the principals of Masonic common law that dictates the authority for recognition, that a Grand Lodge must be able to trace its blood lines to a regular Masonic body, despite the petty prejudices of some within and without of Prince Hall Freemasonry. This is what separates Prince Hall Freemasonry from the more than 170 self started black groups claiming to be Masonic, without any Masonic authority what so ever, started in various cities and communities within the United States, mostly for financial gain. Prince Hall Freemasonry of course traces its blood lines to Prince Hall's African Lodge 459 and to the Grand Lodge of England. Masonic common law dictates that regular Grand Lodges must be able to trace its genealogy to the British Isle, that is England, Scotland and Ireland. If any groups claiming to be Masonic in the Black community can not trace its authorization directly to these three Grand Lodges, then they are not a Masonic body. Those who voice "what about our black brothers" do not understand Masonic common law, which should have nothing to do about race. You either follow the standards or you do not. Those who do not are misinformed, or ignorant of Masonic law.
Through out its 27 years the Phylaxis Society has made a considerable number of friends, Masonic scholars, historians and writers around the world, who are dedicated to Universal Freemasonry. We have also picked up our share of critics even among the leadership of Prince Hall Freemasonry, and we are sadden by this.
One area that creates concern is the true history of our Patron Saint, Prince Hall. Despite all of the research that has been done, there are those who continue to give through ignorance, false information, such as his birth in Barbados, when in fact there is no proof where he was born. There are those who continue to say that his mother was of French extraction, all of course which is false. In an effort to combat this falsehood, the Society has decided to place an article by the late George Draffen of Newington, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and a Fellow of the Phylaxis Society for all to read. The paper was read before the members of the premier Lodge of Masonic research, the Quaturor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, London, England and printed in its Volume 89 for the Year 1976 (Published November 1977) and published in the Phylaxis Magazine, Volume III, 4th Quarter issue also in 1977. I was able to assist Bro. Draffen in his research. We have included with the paper some comments that may be taken to be negative, but that is what research is all about. This will clearly show what was facing Prince Hall Freemasonry in 1977. There of course is a lot of water under the bridge, and today, Prince Hall Freemasonry is recognized by the majority of Grand Lodges in the United States and with each passing year more and more are extending amity to our fraternity.
Once again I encourage you to read all of the information made available to you on our web site which includes our Computer Chapter and our auxiliary the Phyllis Chapter. Much appreciation goes to our web master Bro. Nelson King in Canada for his efforts on our behalf.