From the marbled corridors of Capitol Hill to the executive suites of corporate America to the boardrooms of community based organizations, Prince Hall Freemasons are playing a major role in shaping national policy.  With passionate and powerful voice they are articulating the needs and desires of African-Americans in every stratum of American life.[1] 

The Phylaxis Society had requested photographs of all of the Leadership within Prince Hall Freemasonry, many was not received.  However, irregardless if the photographs were used or not, we have listed the names of those Men of Mark in Prince Hall Freemasonry in America.  There are many Prince Hall Freemasons whose names should be included in this listing, for instance we know that many of the Mayors across the nation are Prince Hall Freemasons, therefore, we ask our members to furnish the Society with those names.  The names can be sent to The Phylaxis Society, Public Affairs Office, Post Office Box 2232; Kansas City, MO. 64142.

Abrams, Brian L. Sr., Director, Scottish Rite Research Institute, Phylaxis Society, Chicago, Illinois.

Alexander, Lincoln, Past Lieutenant Governor of Province, Ontario, Canada

Allen, Alex E., Chief, Judge, Detroit Recorder’s Court, Detroit, Michigan

Althouse, Roy H., Grand Master, Kansas

Archer, Dennis, Mayor, Detroit, Michigan

Arrington, Marvin, President, Atlanta City Council, Atlanta, Georgia

Ash, James K, Grand Master, Minnesota

Barksdale, Benjamin, Grand Master, Georgia

Bendaw, Harold H., Grand Master, New Mexico

Blackwell, Kenneth J., State Treasure, Cincinnati, Ohio

Blevins, William E., Grand Master, Tennessee

Boone, Michael R, Grand Master, Alaska

Bradley, Walter T., Director, Life Membership, Phylaxis Society, Midway, Kentucky.

Breckenridge, Sid., Sr., Director, COFP Book Department, Phylaxis Society, Tacoma, Washington

Bridges, Edgar Sr., Grand Master, Mississippi

Brodgon, Samuel Jr., Sovereign Grand Commander, Northern

Butts, Calvin O., Rev., Pastor Abyssinian Baptist Church, New York

Bynor, John G, Grand Master, Massachusetts

Campbell, Bob “Soup”, Pres., Second Vice President, President Phyaxis Society Public Affairs, Kansas City,  Missouri.

Campbell, William, Mayor, Atlanta, Georgia

Chambers, Marvin , Grand Master, North Carolina

Channel, Afred, City Councilman, Marksville, Louisiana

Clay, William L., U.S. Representative, 1st District, Missouri

Cleveland, Clyde, Councilman, Detroit, Michigan

Clever, Emanuel D., Ex-Mayor, Kansas City, Missouri

Connor, Robert E., Jr., Grand Master, Texas

Curling, Alvin, Member of Provincial Parliament, Ontario, Canada

Curtis, Israel “Bo”, State Rep, District # 26, Alexandria, Louisiana

Dailey, Herbert, First Vice Pres., Emeratus, Phylaxis Society, Tacoma, Washington.

Dallas, James W., President, Northeast Chapter, Phylaxis Society, Tacoma, Washington.

Darnell, Edward B., Great Black Man in Masonry, Deputy Imperial Potentate, A.E.A.O.N.M.S.

Davenport, Charles W., Grand Master, South Carolina

Davis, Ossie, Actor

Desselle, Wilton A., Police Juror, Avoyelles Parish, Marksville, Louisiana

Dixon, Lamont, Director, Prince Hall Art Commission, Phylaxis Society, Atco, New Jersey.

Elerbee, James, General Conference Grand High Priest

Ellis, Henrick, Grand Master of the Caribbean

Evans, Willie B., Grand Master, Illinois

Ford, Harold E., U. S. Representative, 9th District, Tennessee

Ford, Johnnie, Legislature, Tuskegee, Alabama

Foster, Jimmie D, Grand Master, Wisconsin

Gantt, Harvey B., Former Mayor, Charlotte, North Carolina

Gray, Marvin L., Grand Master, Delaware

Green, Al, Singer

Green, George W., Director, Williamson Hall of Fame, Phylaxis Society, Iselin, New Jersey.

Green, William D., Financial Secretary, Phylaxis Society, Tacoma, Washington.

Griffin, Willie H, Grand Master, District of Columbia

Gross, William H., Jr., President, Council of 459, Baltimore, Maryland

Halstead, Joseph, Commissioner of  Economical Development, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Harmon, Clearance, Mayor, St. Louis, Missouri

Harris, Lawrence, Grand Master, Pennsylvania

Hartsfield, Wallace, Rev., Vice Chair, Congress of National Black Churches

Hill, Stephen, Director, Non Prince Hall Commission, Phylaxis Society, Seaside, California.

Holder, Ira S., Jr., President Ira S. Holder, Sr. Chapter, Phylaxis Society, Uniondale, New York.

Hood, Nicholas, Rev., Former Detroit City Councilman Pro Tem

Hooks, Benjamin, Past Executive Director, NAACP, Grand Secretary, Tennessee

Hughes, McMurphy, Grand Master, Indiana

Hurst, Wayne, Mayor, Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada

Huyler, Godfrey B., Grand Master of Bahamas

Jackson, Jessie L., Rev., President, Rainbow-PUSH Coalition

Jackson, Maynard, Former Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia

James, Sharpe, Mayor of Newark, New Jersey

Janifer, Joseph E., Director, Chapter Presidents

Jassamy, Thomas F., Grand Master, New York

Jemison, T. J., Rev. Past President, National Baptist Convention, USA

Jenkins, Verne E., European Representative, Phylaxis Society, Germany

Jones, William O, Grand Master, Alabama

King, Don, Boxing Promoter

Lawson, Myron K., Past President Rapides Parish Police Juror, Alexandria, Louisiana

Leake, Joseph, Chief, New York Police Department

Lewis, Raymond, Athlete, Past Grand Master, Ontario, Canada

Logan, Benjamin H., District Judge State of Michigan.

Mallett, Conrad, Jr., Chief Justice, Michigan Supreme Court

McNeal, Ralph L., Assistant to First Presidency, Director, Masonic Information Center.

Mfume, Kweisi, President and CEO, NAACP

Miller, Marvin, Grand Master, Connecticut

Moss, Otis, Jr., Rev., Pastor, Olivet Intuitional Baptist Church, Cleveland, Ohio

Neal, Torrance L., Grand Master, Colorado

Nelson, Ramon E., Grand Master, New Jersey

Newman, Lonnie, Grand Master, Rhode Island

Newson, John W., Jr., Director, Jno. G. Lewis Medal of Excellence 

Parker, William C. Jr., Past Grand Master, North Carolina.

Patrick, Julius, Mayor, Boyce, Louisiana

Perry, Moses, Grand Master, Nebraska

Pettiford, E. Duane, Grand Master, Ohio

Phillips, Robert, M. E. Grand Master, Knights Templar

Poe, James E, Imperial Potentate, A.E.A.O.N.M.S.

Rangel, Charles, U.S. Representative, 15th District, New York

Redden, Sheldon Grand Master, Maryland

Rheubottom, William, Grand Master, Washington

Richardson, Franklin, Grand Master, Missouri

Rigmaiden, Tommy, Decentralized Art Commission of Louisiana, First Vice President,  Phylaxis Society.

Roberts, Oscar, Jr., Treasurer, Phylaxis Society, Kansas City, Missouri

Robinson, Ronald, Grand Master, California

Scott, Bruce O., Grand Master, Ontario, Canada

Scott, Henry, Grand Master, Oregon

Shannon, George A., Mayor, Pleasant Hill, Louisiana

Sharpton, Al, Rev., Civil Rights Leader, New York City

Slaughter, Ralph, Grand Master, Louisiana

Stokes, Louis, Ex- U.S. Representative, 11th District, Ohio

Stone, Craig, Recorder’s Court Judge, Detroit, Michigan

Street, Fred H., Grand Master  Kentucky

 Sullivan, Leon H., Rev., Chairman, OIC of America

Taylor, Charles A., Pres., Council Representative, Phylaxis Society, Kansas City, Missouri.

Taylor, Eugene, Grand Master, Iowa

Towns, Edolphus, U.S. Representative, 10th District, New York

Tyler, Gilbert, Grand Master, Virginia

Uzzel, Robert, L., Rev., Director, Public Communication, Phylaxis Society, Waco,  Texas.

Vaughn, Deary, Grand Master, Oklahoma

Walkes, Joseph A., Jr., President, Phylaxis Society

Washington, Lawrence, Grand Master, West Virginia

Waters, Willie, Grand Master, Nevada

Webb, Wellington, Mayor, Denver, Colorado

Wilder, Douglas L., Ex-Governor, Virginia

Williams, Euell, Rev., Past President of Rapides Parish School Board, Alexandria, Louisiana

Williams, John B., President, Computer Club, Phylaxis Society, Rialt, California.

Wolder, Harold L., Grand Master, Arizona

Woods, Howard L., Grand Master of Arkansas, Pres., Conference of  Grand Masters

Wright, David, Grand Master, Florida

Yarbrough, Samuel, Jr., Grand Master, Michigan

Young, Andrew, Former Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia

[1] Taken from Ebony Magazine, May 1994, p. 36.


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