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The York Rite Research Institute
( PHA )

The York Rite Research Institute (PHA), is an appendant body of the Phylaxis Society, having determined it to be in its best interest to dedicate itself to the research and study of York Rite Freemasonry, and thereby creating a safe repository of valuable information for the brotherhood, does hereby establish itself as a champion of York Rite Freemasonry.

Membership shall be regular and special. Regular membership in the Institute shall consist of those who are Master Masons, Royal Arch, Royal and Select Masters, Knights Templar, and Knight York Cross of Honor in the United States and abroad. Special Members are those who wish to subscribe to our publications such as library's or interested party.


Symbolic Lodge

Royal Arch Chapter

Royal and Select Council

Knights Templar Commandery

Knight York Cross Of Honor Priory

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Information in this document is subject to change without notice.