The York Rite Research Institute

York Rite Research Institute Officers


Hon. Tommy Rigmaiden FPS
3606 Trail Brush
Arlington, TX 76014


Hon. Cleveland 0. Singleton
1st Vice President
2204 East 72nd St.
Kansas City, MO 64132-1753

Hon. James A. Abron
2nd Vice President
1715 Starview Drive
San Leandro, CA 94577

Hon. William D. Moore
Secretary 602 Pershing St.
LaFayette, LA. 70501-5159
Home: (318) 234-6220

Hon. Walter T. Bradley
P.O. Box 434
Midway, KY 40347

Special Advisors

Hon. Joseph A. Walkes Jr.
President, Phylaxis Society
P.O. Box 3151
Ft. Leavenworth, KS 66027

Hon. Rev. Howard L. Woods
MWGM of Arkansas
119 E. 4th Avenue
Pine Bluff, AR 71601

Hon. Brien L. Abrams
President, Scottish Rite Institute
7031 So. Vernon Ave.
Chicago, IL. 60637-4623

Hon. James W. Ellerbee, PGGHP
R. E. Grand Commander K.T., MD
7403 Walker Mill Road
Capitol Heights, NO 20743

Hon. Mayor George A. Shannon
ME Grand High Priest-LA.
P.O. Box 127
Pleasant Hilt, LA. 71065

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Information in this document is subject to change without notice.