The Phylaxis Society and The Prince
Hall Confession Of Masonic Faith


In this declaration of the principles of the Phylaxis Society, we call upon the words of Bro. George W. Crawford, from his book "Prince Hall and His Followers" (1914).

"So for from lamenting the absolute of Negro Masonry from the white Masonry of this country, our attitude towards that fact should be that of serene indifference. Because of what it is meant to imply, and because of its usual accompaniment of degradation, the Negro people frequently find themselves compelled to oppose the separation of the races. This fact is often seized upon by detractors, both within and without the ranks, as evidenced of our lack of proper racial self-esteem. More is the reason, therefore, that on those occasions when it does not hurt to be by ourselves, we ought to be conspicuous in our contentment to have it so.

THE FOLLOWERS OF PRINCE HALL ARE REGULAR MASONS. Why should they crave "recognition" from those whose Masonic divestment have left them still clothed in all the pettiness and prejudice of the profane; and to whom the word brother is a designation of social status rather than of the universal kinship of men?

THE FOLLOWERS OF PRINCE HALL BELIEVE IN THE UNIVERSALITY OF MASONRY. Shall they feel aggrieved at being denied affiliation with those whose Masonry is of such sort that they halt the worthy candidate at the porch of the Temple to inquire if he be Aryan, or Finn or Hottentot?

THE FOLLOWERS OF PRINCE HALL ARE PROUD OF THEIR MASONRY. Shall they therefore aspire to assume Masonic offices for those who would deem it a condescension to accept the same? Or shall they desire to take their distress to those who would consider any proffered relief not the charity of a Mason but the alms of a profane?

The only recognition which Negro Masons could ever accept without self-stultification would be recognition coupled with the union with them under the wide baldachin of universal Masonry, from which the white brethren have drawn themselves apart. As to recognition on any other basis - a fig!"

The Phylaxis Society stands behind these words, and declares it before the entire Masonic world, wheresoever a Freemason be dispatched. And to those who are the enemies of Prince Hall Freemasonry: TAKE DUE AND TIMELY NOTICE, and govern yourself accordingly.


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