The International Phylaxis Society, a Society of Prince Hall Freemasons who seek light and have light to impart, is the most unique research body within the fraternity. Founded in 1973 by a handful of active duty and retired military personnel, the Society has grown to be the premier research society in Prince Hall Freemasonry.

Its magazine, The Phylaxis the flag ship of the organization is received throughout the world, and is often quoted in Masonic publications throughout Universal Freemasonry. It is highly respected and scholars from around the world contact the Society for information on Prince Hall Freemasonry.

The organizational structure of the Society itself is very complex, due to its several layers of leadership. The organization leadership is led by what is called the First Presidency, that is the executive staff of the body, a President, two Vice Presidents, an Executive Secretary, Financial Secretary and Treasurer. Under its supervision , is the Corporation of the First Presidency and its entities or subsidiaries that operates outside of the Society.

The first subsidiary is the C.O.F.P. Investment Club, incorporated as a for profit corporation under the State of Kansas, and a member of the National Association of Investors Corporation (NAIC) with an investment portfolio purchased off the New York Stock Exchange, and other exchanges. It has been highly successful, and publishes a quarterly newsletter The Minority Report for its members.

The second subsidiary is the C.O.F.P. Book Department, to provide the members of the Society a source for the purchase of books of interest to Prince Hall Freemasons, works on Masonry and Afrocentricity. It too has proven to be quite successful.

The third entity, is the Phylaxis Society Public Affairs Office and Masonic Information Center. It publishes Phylaxis Notes, and works to keep Prince Hall Freemasonry informed with information concerning the fraternity and the VIP's in it.

The final entity is the three Executive Councils, Membership, Historical and Chapters which meets at the annual session of the Society to brain storm on ideas for each section.


is the backbone of the Society. It has several directories under its control, each important to the success of the Phylaxis Society. It has a President, two Vice Presidents, and Secretary who are responsible for its diverse operations. The Directories are as follows:

The Phylaxis Foundation: incorporated under the laws of the Washington, D.C. It presently operates the Dr. James Singletary Memorial Writing Contest, which is used to generate interest into research into Prince Hall Freemasonry, and to encourage the Craft to write scholarly works on our fraternity.

The Public Communication: Sends letters of congratulations at the anniversary of regular Masonic bodies throughout universal Freemasonry. Prior to the annual Grand Lodge session of each, to include Prince Hall, letters are received from the Society. There are over 170 regular Grand Lodges and Masonic bodies around the world.

The Social Services and Welfare: has been established as the charity arm of the Society. It works under the 4B's program established by the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of North Carolina. TransAfrica, The Iowa Masonic Library, and many others have received donations from this directory, which is supported strictly from donations received from the membership.

The Prince Hall Art Commission: is attached to the Prince Hall Elementary School in Philadelphia. Each year the students are encouraged to do water color paintings of Prince Hall, which is sent to the Phylaxis Society annual session, where the attendees judge the paintings and issues prizes to the young artist. As a rule all of the children who submits paintings receives United States Savings Bonds.

The Non-Prince Hall Commission: attempts to track all groups claiming to be Masonic in the Black community across the country. All members are asked to support this effort, with Public Affairs Directors, and members of the Council of Representative sending in data on the various groups. The Commission publishes a quarterly newsletter.

Lux e Tenebris Research Chapter a very unique research group within the Phylaxis Society that publishes its Transactions every so often. The papers received by this Chapter are scholarly and often the best that Prince Hall Freemasonry has to offer.

The Prince Hall Research Institute: its goals is research into the life and times of Prince Hall and the members of African Lodge No. 459, as well as early Masonry in Boston. It too plans to issue a Transactions carrying copies of some of the great out-of-print publications concerning the formation of Prince Hall Freemasonry.

The Scottish Rite Research Institute (Prince Hall Affiliation) goal is to research the Scottish Rite among Prince Hall Freemasonry and publish its Transactions named Hautes Grades annually. It also publishes a quarterly newsletter, named Ecossais.

The Life Membership Directory: is a special program within the Society for those interested in taking out life membership. Those who do, receive a gold plated life membership pin, a Masonic Passport, and a gold membership certificate and card.

Chapter Presidents Directory: is made up of the Presidents of the various Phylaxis Chapters. It publishes a quarterly newsletter, The Chapter News, which keeps all of the Chapters informed what each are doing. All Chapters work under the Society's 413's program. Chapters are not study clubs, and work under strict guidelines of the Society.

John G. Lewis, Jr. Medal of Excellence Directory: is another very special program within the Society. It issue this medal as the highest honor that can be awarded to outstanding members.

The Royal Arch Research Institute: is operational and is similar to the Scottish Rite Research Institute, publishing its Transactions and a newsletter as well.

The final layer in the organization is the Council of Representatives, the membership gathering arm of the organization., with a President and two Vice Presidents.

The last layer in the Society are the several Chapters scattered throughout the country. These Chapters are not study clubs. They have there own guidelines and programs to follow such as the 413's program adopted from the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of North Carolina.

This unique organization could not exist without the good will of Prince Hall Freemasonry which it serves.