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Many Thanks ! | Thursday, June 15, 2000 - 2:56 PM GMT+2 | This is just a short note to thank everyone for the very kind mails I have received. I really appreciate them. We are working hard to continue the success of GoMasonry, but we need your support. If you have or know of a Masonic related site that is not listed in GoMasonry, please list it. It is only though your efforts that GoMasonry can be of the most value to all. If you have any questions or problems, please write us. If you wish to add a site, but simply can not figure out how to do it, just send us an e-mail with the site name, URL, category you wish the site added and description. We will be happy to add it for you. Please make sure that the description closely represents what the viewer will find on your site. Be creative and brag on your sites. You want others to find and see the great work you have done! Thanks again and please find peace in all your travels.
Michael Poll | Author: Michael |
PLEASE READ | Wednesday, May 24, 2000 - 4:15 AM GMT+2 | As many of you have noticed, things have been a bit slow around GoMasonry for the last few months. Some of you have expressed fear that GoMasonry will close. While GoMasonry, is, most certainly, not closing, an explanation for the lack of site activity and upkeep is in order.
I should first point out that GoMasonry is by no means a commercial venture. It was created by Brother Martin Barbedor from his vision and realization of the need of a Masonic "Yahoo" type site to assist all Masons in navigating the many, many Masonic and Masonic related web sites on the internet. The vision, the design and the creation were all from the talents of Bro. Martin without a thought of one cent in return for his countless hours of hard work. His was a gift of true Masonic love. His was also an incredible, time consuming and, at times, frustrating task. His reward has been to see his vision come to life and see it so very appreciated by the many Masons around the world who benefit from his efforts.
While Bro. Martin has received assistance, from time to time, from Masons (including myself), the bulk of the duties and responsibilities have been shouldered by Bro. Martin alone. Bro. Martin's personal and professional life began to demand more attention and he was in something of a dilemma. There was simply not enough hours in the day to devote to GoMasonry and his chosen profession. Last week Bro. Martin asked me if I would assume the responsibilities of the administration of GoMasonry for a time to assure its continued service to all Masonry. I agreed and am honored to do so.
All pending site additions have been resolved and the backlog of mail is now being answered. I ask for your patience and understanding during the time that things are returning to normal. If you have questions, suggestions or problems, please let us know. We need you to be successful. Thank you for your continued support of GoMasonry. WE ARE BACK!
Michael Poll
| Author: Michael |
GOMASONRY IS BACK! | Tuesday, May 23, 2000 - 2:45 AM GMT+2 | Ok, first and foremost, let me apologize for all these weeks of inactivity on the site (and slow email response time). We won't go into details here, but the most important is that GOMASONRY IS BACK TO LIFE!... This is thanks to Michael Poll, who will be taking care of GoMasonry while I will still need to concentrate on other projects for some time.
I'm very grateful to him for his help on this, as I'm sure all GoMasonry users are.
Please bear with us a couple of more days while we are going through the mail backlog, and dealing with your questions. Thank you.
If you have any question about the site, please write to mpoll@gomasonry.com, or martin@gomasonry.com to reach me; although I will read all emails I can't garantee a response time (as some of you have experienced lately).
The "big changes" announced a couple of months ago here had to be postponed, as close as they were to be completed. More news about this as soon as possible, but for now GOMASONRY IS BACK!
Thank you for your support!
-- Martin Barbedor
| Author: Martin |
Email response time slowed down | Tuesday, March 07, 2000 - 12:04 PM GMT+1 | As we are working to the final step of the new version, our email response time may be slowed down due to the global work load on the upgrade. Please bear with us. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Thank you for your understanding.
| Author: Martin |
Big changes coming soon! | Saturday, February 19, 2000 - 11:31 AM GMT+1 | From the front end, GoMasonry seems quiet... but you shouldn't judge on appearances, as this only reflects our being VERY busy in the back end, to bring you some major changes in GoMasonry; both as itself (much improved search and navigation, new layout etc.), and in that GoMasonry will soon be one part of a much bigger apparatus integrating some other important web services intended to make internet life easier, more enjoyable and enlightening to mmbers of Fraternal Bodies.
We won't reveal much more at this point, as we want to leave the "surprise" intact... but we are confident that you will enjoy all we're currently working on when we're done, that is hopefully soon.
Stay tuned, and thank you for your interest in GoMasonry!
| Author: Martin |
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