Do you have a web page, or maintain a web site? Then, should you find GoMasonry useful, why not provide a link to the Masonic online directory on your page or site? We provide you with a selection of buttons an banners you can use to link to GoMasonry.
There are several ways you can link back to GoMasonry. One is to just put a text link like the following one:
<a href="">GoMasonry</a>
(For more information on how to create a text link, visit our Webmaster section.)
GoMasonry graphical banners and buttons
Feel free to use any (or all!) of the colorful, standard size buttons and banners provided below. Click on the Banners link to open a new window with our 468x60 banners.
Open a new window with our 468x60 animated banner.
Open a new window with our 468x60 search box banner.
125x125 animated buttons
88x31 animated buttons
If yo would like to use some of these on your site, we would appreciate if you would use them from your site and not link to images on the GoMasonry server (because hundreds of sites linking to our images will end up slowing down GoMasonry for everyone...). You can right click and save these images to your hard drive, but to make things even easier we have prepared a package for you.
Enter your email address below and you will be sent a zip file containing all these buttons and banners, as well as examples of GoMasonry search boxes to let your visitors search GoMasonry right from your web site! (see examples of our search boxes here)
The zip file is about 20k only in size (so it's a fast download), and comes with a "readme" file that will walk you through using our buttons and search boxes.