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Welcome to the GoMasonry webmaster resource area.
This area was designed to help Masons and members of the Masonic community build maintain and enhance their internet presence.
Internet Traffic Report
The Internet Traffic Report monitors the flow of data around the world. It then displays a value between zero and 100. Higher values indicate faster and more reliable connections.
Whether you are planning on to put together a personal page about yourself, or establish an Internet presence for your Lodge, Chapter, Bethel, etc. these pages, will provide you with a load of information and resources, from basic HTML turorial, to scripting resources for adding interactivity to your site; our Webmaster area is designed to be your starting point to building or expanding your Masonic web presence.
Of course, there are already several web sites and associations ran by Masons around the world, whose purpose is to help the Masonic community in this endeavor. GoMasonry, as the portal site to Freemasonry on the Internet, does not position itself as a competitor to these existing valuable sites, but rather will try to help you dertermine what each can do to help you.
As for GoMasonry in general, these pages are only as good as they provide you with answers to your needs; please don't hesitate to write to us, and let us know what else you would like to see on these pages.
Let your visitors search GoMasonry right from YOUR pages...
The Complete Web Site Building Tutorial
Do you need to create a web site? For your Lodge, a personal page, or even a business web site? Then be sure to peruse our Complete Web Site Building Tutorial covering all aspects of web site building, maintenance, enhancement, promotion and more! Whether you are new to web site building, or wanting to add features to your site, this is a must read!
HTML for Rookies
HTML is a "markup" language used to build web pages. If you are new to web page building and want to delve into that language, this tutorial is for you. It expands on what is covered on the Complete Web Site Building Tutorial (see above). Broken down into three parts for an easier read and use: "Basic", "simple", and "advanced".
Iron out your meta tags
Iron out or create your web page's meta tags with our meta tags generator. Use a simple form to enter your page's Title, Description, Keywords, Author, we will generate the proper code for you, then have this code sent to you by email. Couldn't be simpler, could it? Don't know what meta tags are? Read on... we'll fill you in.
"Meta" what??
The "META tags" are HTML tags that basically define your web page's Title, Description and Keywords. These tags are used by search engines to allow them to more accurately list your site in their indexes. Learn more about these in our meta tags tutorial. And in the meta tags section of the Complete Web Site Building Tutorial. Then simply use our meta tags generator to create the right tags for your site.
Free site submission service!
Your pages are ready, your meta tags are set, now what you want to do is make search engines aware that your site exist, so they can index it, and web surfers can find your site when doing a relevant search in the major search engines. Some (more or less serious) services will charge you for submitting your site to major search engines, now why pay for something GoMasonry is offering you FREE of charge?! Use our free submission service, and within a couple of clicks of the mouse, your site will be promptly indexed by 18 of the major search engines including Altavista, AOL, Infoseek, Hotbot, and many others from several countries.
Coming Soon:
- Webmaster links: We will be adding many links and new resources in this section for you to cover all kinds of needs. We are considering the option of setting up a "light" version of our directory engine specifically covering webmaster resources. Stay tuned!
- Site launch check list: We are in the process of writing a ste launch check list to help you in the process of making your site live (once it's built) in the best conditions.
- Web Tools: This will be a page with small forms pointing to great web tools to help you iron out and maintain your site. Links checking, graphics optimization, and much, much more...
For further resources regarding web site building and maintenance, be sure to go through our Complete Web Site Building Tutorial, which contains LOTS of pointers to resources covering about all aspects of web site building.
Also be sure to check out Masonic sites that offer free services to Masonic webmasters in our Computer and Internet > Webmaster resources section.