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Do you maintain a site or a personal page related to Freemasonry? Or maybe you know of a site that you think deserves to be listed under one of GoMasonry´s categories.
Please, help us make this place as useful as possible to all by suggesting sites of interest.

Please read and follow these simple guidelines to submit a site to GoMasonry.

GoMasonry is organized by subject and most sites in it are suggested to us by users. Sites are placed in categories by our content team, who visits and evaluates your suggestions and decides whether they qualify, and where they best belong. We do this to ensure that GoMasonry is organized in the best possible way, and is easy to use, intuitive, helpful, and fair to everyone.

GoMasonry is primarily designed as a directory for Freemasonry related web sites (i.e. Masonic and para-Masonic Bodies, such as Women Orders, Youth Groups, etc.) However, we have decided to open a "General Interest" category, where you can suggest sites that are not Masonic in nature, although likely to be of interest to Freemasons and people interested in Masonry.

    With this in mind, we ask that you follow three simple steps whenever there is a site you'd like to suggest:

    1. Check to see if your site is already listed.
    An important first step, because if your site is already listed, you do not need to submit it again. Check by searching for your site by title, or by browsing appropriate categories (from the GoMasonry Main Page). (You can do this from most pages within GoMasonry using the search box near the top of the screen).

    2. Find the appropriate category in the GoMasonry.
    Finding an appropriate category for your site is at the heart of this process. To do this, start from the GoMasonry Main Page, look up the main Category list ("Lodges", "Personal Sites", "Research & Education", etc.), and "drill down" to find the sub category relevant to your site at the deepset level. For example, let's say you want to submit your Lodge's site, and it is located in Wyoming, you would go: Lodges:North America:USA:Wyoming.
    Please remember that our content team visits each site suggested and proper categorization on your part helps us process suggestions quickly.

    3. Suggest your site from the appropriate category.
    Suggest your site from the category you think most appropriate. Do this by clicking on the "Suggest a site" link at the top of that category page. In other words, start from the GoMasonry Home page, and browse until you are in the right category; from there, click the "Suggest a site" button. When you click on "Add URL" in the appropriate category, you'll see an on-line form asking for information about your site. (In the "Category" space on the form, you'll see the name of the category and any sub categories you have chosen.)

    Please be prepared to provide your e-mail address, your site's title, URL, a brief description and up to 15 key search words to associate with your entry. Please do not use words like Freemasonry, Masonry, Masonic Mason, etc. as keywords, these are useful when submitting a site to general search engines, however, nearly ALL sites listed in GoMasonry are Masonic in nature, so these terms really do not help!

    We update our database on average every two days and sites following the guidelines above can expect to be added in this time. Please help us to help you by providing your information as outlined above.

Also remember that the final approval (or rejection) and placement of your site is determined by our content team.

If you have any questions regarding site submission to GoMasonry, please send a mail to

Thank you for your interest in GoMasonry!


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