International Exchanges Section Grant Report Form

The grant report form should be filled in jointly by the host scientist and the visiting scientist and returned to the Society within a month of the end of the visit or, for annual Joint Project reports, as specified for your programme. Some questions apply only to visits longer than six months. These questions are clearly indicated on the form. Some programmes also require the submission of a summary of the research and a breakdown of expenditure. If in doubt, please refer to your original award letter, the programme guidelines or ask your contact at the Royal Society.

Completed forms and additional information such as summaries and expenditure breakdowns should be sent, marked for the attention of the International Exchanges Officer with whom you have been in contact, to:

International Exchanges Section
The Royal Society
6 Carlton House Terrace

Please do not hesitate to contact the International Exchanges Section if you have any questions concerning the Grant Report Form. Please contact your International Exchanges Officer or alternatively email or telephone + 44 (020) 7451 2550.

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