Meeting schedule lodge de Veluwe


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Freemasons Lodge

de Veluwe nr. 72 Apeldoorn


The lodge "De Veluwe" has been founded in june 1889.

Meetings are held every monday evening at 8:00 PM. The address is at van Hasseltlaan 29 in Apeldoorn.


Lodge "De Veluwe" and lodge "Liefde en Trouw" are having meetings for the public on a regurarly basis. These meetings are held for everyone who wants to know what Freemasonry is about.

If you want to be posted about a next date please send a note to this address.

Would you like to know about Dutch Freemasonry in common?
Or would you like to mail me questions about the lodges in Apeldoorn in special?

Meeting schedule

Every monday evening members of lodge "De Veluwe" come together to work. We meet to have a presentation or to have a ritual. These evenings are only accessible for freemasons. In our meeting schedule you can get an impression about subjects we talk about.

A few links about Freemasonry!

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