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Meeting Schedule lodge de Veluwe nr.72 ao 1889

Schedule for januari and februari


Meetings are held on monday evenings at 8:00 pm at the lodge, Mr. van Hasseltlaan 29, Apeldoorn.

Meetings are accessible to freemasons only, unless stated otherwise.


Monday Februari, 16 Meeting 1st degree

Sequel preparation countrywide meeting march, 28 1998

Monday Februari, 23 Open Lodge 1st degree. Initiation candidate.

Meeting in forma, with a dinner afterwards. Visitors can email to pronounce their presence.

Monday March, 2 Meeting 1st degree

Instruction for apprentices by the junior Warden

Thursday March, 5 Study 2nd degree
Monday March, 9 Meeting 1st degree

The "Droste" effect

Monday March, 16 Open Lodge 1st degree. Moarning lodge

Meeting in forma. No dinner afterwards.

Monday March, 23 Meeting 1st degree

Lecture by a pastor" The nearly forgotten Jewish source of Christianity. Reorientation."

ThursdayMarch, 26 Study 1st degree
Monday March, 30 Open Lodge 1st degree. Initiation candidate.

Meeting in forma, with a dinner afterwards. Visitors can email to pronounce their presence.

Thursday April, 2 Meeting for interested people

This evening can be visited free for people who want to know more on Freemasonry. There will be a short lecture and posibility to talk with Freemasons.

Doors will open at 7:30 pm. The evening starts at 8:00 pm.

When you want to be invited for this evening, send us a email with your address. We will send the invitation as soon as possible

Monday, April 6 Meeting 1st degree

"Het van Marenfonds en Commissie Welzijnszorg"

Monday, April 20 Open meeting, accessible for invited guests.

Title of the lecture is "Prejudice"

When you want to be invited for this evening, send us a email with your address. We will send the invitation as soon as possible

Monday, April 27 Meeting 1st degree

Title yet unknown

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