Catalogue of the Library

Dr. James Musgrave
Rector of Chinnor, Oxon

(Entries marked with a star are also present in the Huggins List, and so were almost certainly owned by Newton. See the main catalogue page for an overview.)


*Wafer's Description of America, 8vo. 1699
Waghorst Reg. Christiani Jus Danicum, 4to. 1698
*Wake's Genuine Epistles of the Fathers, 8vo. 1719
Wake on the Church Catechism, 8vo. 1718
Walker's Examples of the Lat. Syntaxis, 8vo. 1683
*Walker's English Particles, 8vo. 1683
Walker's Plea for Infant Baptism, 8vo. 1677
Walker's Doctrine of Baptism, 8vo. 1678
*Waller's Essay on the Value of Mines, 8vo. 1698 and 1708
*Wallis Opera Mathematica 3 Vol., F. 1695
*Wallis Mechanica, sive de Motu, 4to. 1670
Wallis Institutio Logica, 8vo. 1739
*Ward Idea Trigonometria, 4to. 1654
*Warnefridius de Gestis Langobardonum, 8vo. 1595
Warton's Poems on Several Occasions, 8vo. 1748
Waser de Antiquis Numis Hebræonum, 4to. 1605
*Waterland's Sermons at Lady Moyers Lecture, 8vo. 1720
Waterland's Case of Subscription with Answers &c., 8vo. 1721
Watson's Clergyman's Law, F. 1747
Watt's Attempt towards the Revival of Religion, 8vo. 1742
*Webster's History of Metals, 4to. 1671
Weidenfeld de Secretis Adeptonum, 4to. 1684
*Weir's Ready Accomptant, 4to. 1700
Welchmann on the Articles interleaved, 8vo. 1724
Wells's Practical Sabbatarian, 4to. 1668
Wendelini Christianæ Theologiæ, 8vo. 1656
Whear Methodus legendi Historiæ, 8vo. 1684
Wheatley on the Common Prayer, 8vo. 1741
*Whiston Prælectiones Astronomicæ, 8vo. 1707
*Whiston's Astronomical Principles of Religion, 8vo. 1717
*Whiston's Chronology of ye Old Test. & Harmony of the New, 4to. 1702
*Whiston's Essay on the Revelations, 4to. 1706
*Whiston's Primitive Christianity reviv'd 4 Vol., 8vo. 1711
*Whiston's Historical Preface to Christianity reviv'd, 8vo. 1711
Whiston's Council of Nice Vindicated, 8vo. 1713
*Whiston's Sermons & Essays, 8vo. 1709
Whiston's Tracts 3 Vol., 8vo. 1710
Whitfield's nine Sermons, 8vo. 1742
Wilcocks's Works, F. 1624
Wilkins's Discourse concerning Preaching, 8vo. 1651
Willis de Morbis Convulsivis, 8vo. 1668
*Wilson's Course of Chemistry, 8vo. 1698
*Wing Astronomia Britannica, F. 1678
*Wing Harmonicon Coeleste, F. 1651
*Wingate's Arithmetick, 8vo. 1694
Winstanley's England's Worthies, 8vo. 1684
*Winwood's Memorials of State Affairs 3 Vol., F. 1725
Wittichius &c. Lapide Philosophorum, 8vo. 1625
Wollaston's Religion of Nature Delineated, 4to. 1731
Wollebii Compendium Theologiæ, 8vo. 1650
*Woodward's Historia Naturalis Telluris, 8vo. 1718
*Woodward's Nat. Hist. of the Earth by Holloway, 8vo. 1726
*Woodward's State of Physick, 8vo. 1717
*Woodward's Account of the Religious Societies, 8vo. 1707
Worthington of Self Resignation, 8vo. 1675
Wotton's (Sr. Hen.) Remains, 8vo. 1651
*Wotton's (Wm.) Reflections on Learning, 8vo. 1697

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