Catalogue of the Library

Dr. James Musgrave
Rector of Chinnor, Oxon

(Entries marked with a star are also present in the Huggins List, and so were almost certainly owned by Newton. See the main catalogue page for an overview.)


*Tachenius (Otto) Hippocrates Chymicus, 4to. 1677
*Taciti Opera notis Var. Gronovii 2 Vol., 8vo. 1685
Taciti Opera, Boxhornii, 8vo. 1661
Taciti Annales per Beatum Rhenanum, F. 1533
Tallent's Chronolog. Table, Perry's Maps of Ireland, &c., F. 1700
*Tatlers 4 Vol., 8vo. 1710 etc.
*Tavernier's Collection of Voyages, F. 1684
Taylor's Life of Christ and Cave's Lives of the Apostles, F. 1684
Taylor's Rules for Holy Living & Dying, 8vo. 1663
Temple's Introduct. to the History of England, 8vo. 1699
*Terentius et Phædrus per Bentleium, 4to. 1726
Terentii Comædiæ notis Delphini, 8vo. 1709
*Terentii Comædiæ, Farnabii, 8vo. 1657
*Terentius Varro de Ling. Lat., 8vo. 1581
*Tertulliani Opera Rigaltii, F. 1634
Testamentum Novum Gr. Lat. Bezam, 8vo. 1640
Testamentum Gr. et Lat. interlin Montani, 8vo. 1627
Testamentum Græcum per Fell, 8vo. 1675
*Testamentum Novum Græcum Millii, F. 1707
Testamentum Græcum Maittaire, 8vo. 1714
*Testamentum Græcum Curcellæi, 8vo. 1675
*Testamentum Græcum Hoole, 8vo. 1656
Testamentum Græcum Hoole edit. altera., 8vo. 1701
Testamentum Græcum, 8vo. -
Testamentum Latinum per Bezam, 8vo. 1679
Testamentum Latinum per Hieronymum, 8vo. 1500
*Testamentum Syriacum per Lusdenum et Schaaf, 4to. 1709
Testament in French, 8vo. 1735
*Texte D'Alchymie et le Songe Verd., 8vo. 1698
*Theatrum Chemicum 6 Vol., 8vo. 1659
Theobald's new Compendious Dispensatory, 8vo. 1752
*Theodoreti Opera per Sirmondum 5 Vol., F. 1644
*Theodicee sur la Bonte de Dieu, 8vo. 1710
Theophylacti Institutio Regia Gr. Lat., 4to. 1651
Thesauri (Eman.) Genealogia Christi, 8vo. 1651
Thesaurus Sacræ Scripturæ, 8vo. -
Thompson's Seasons, 8vo. 1729
Thucydidis Historia Lat. Laurent Vallæ, 8vo. 1589
Thuani Elogia Doct. Virorum, 8vo. 1671
Thysii Roma Illustrata, 8vo. 1657
Tillotson's Works 12 Vol., 8vo. 1743
Tillotson's Sermon at Mr. Gouge's Funeral, 8vo. 1682
Toll Historia Gemmarum et Lapidum, 8vo. 1636
Tombeau de la Pauvrete, 8vo. 1673
Tombeau de Semiramis et Refutat de Pantaleon, 8vo. 1689
*Tornielli Annales Sacri & Profani, F. 1611
*Tournefort Relation d'un Voyage du Levant 3 Vol., 8vo. 1717
Towerson on the Church Catechism 4 Vol., F. 1685
Tracts on Antiquities found in England, 8vo. 1713
Tracts in the Bangorian Controversy 4 Vol., 8vo. 1718
Tracts by Dr. Bentley & others relative to Trin. Coll. Camb., 8vo. 1710
Tracts in Chymistry & Natural History, 8vo. 1688
Tracts in Chymistry viz. Wigan Medulla Chymic, 8vo. 1683
Tracts on Coin & the Publick Accounts, 8vo. 1695
Tracts in Divinity, Bp. of London Pastoral Letters &c., 8vo. 1730
Tracts in Divinity by Dr. Clarke & others 4 Vol., 8vo. 1706
Tracts in Divinity viz. the Russian Catechism, &c. 8vo. 1695
Tracts in History viz. Claims of the People of England, &c. 8vo. -
Tracts Historical viz. True state of England, &c., 8vo. 1726
Tracts Historical & Mathemat. viz Kalendar Menses, Var. Genl., &c., F. 1721
Tracts, Law, viz. Law of Pledges & Pawns, agt. Papists, &c., 8vo. 1723
Tracts on the Longitude, by Hobbs, Keith, Rowe, &c., 4to. 1709
Tracts on the Longitude by Norman & others, 8vo. 1720
Tracts on the Longitude by Hawkins, Row, &c., 8vo. 1715
Tracts on the Longitude & Latitude, 8vo. 1720
Tracts Mathematical 2 Vol, by Grandus, Cotes, &c., 4to. 1720
Tracts Mathematical viz. Acct of Engine to raise Water by Fire, 8vo. 1702
Tracts Mathematical viz: Matheseos Felix cum Theol. Nexus, &c., 8vo. 1622
Tracts Mathematical 2 Vol. by Bernoullius, Stewart, &c., 4to. 1713
Tracts Mathematical 2 Vol. by Borelli, Gregory, &c., 4to. 1693
Tracts Mathematical by Collins, Taylor, Keill, &c., 4to. 1701
Tracts Mathematical by Collin, Martin, Moxon, &c., 8vo. 1701
Tracts Mathematical viz: Dary's Problems, &c., 8vo. 1669
Tracts Mathematical in French, 8vo. 1717
Tracts Mathematical & Medical by Michelottus, &c., 4to. 1721
Tracts on Medals and Antiquities, 4to. 1708
Tracts Medical, chiefly on the small Pox, 8vo. 1724
Tracts in Natural History viz: Piscium Querelæ &c., 4to. 1708
Tracts in Natural History viz: Bradley of Succulent Plants, 4to. 1708
Tracts on Medals in Latin, 8vo. 1671
Tracts relative to Oxford, 8vo. 1760
Tracts relative to the Pretender, 8vo. 1702
Tracts on the Philosophers Stone, &c., 8vo. 1714
Tracts on Employing the Poor, 4to. 1714
Tracts on Trade and Navigation, 8vo. 1729
Tractatus de Alchemia, author. Varii, 8vo. 1572
Tractati Chemici, Varii Authores, 8vo. 1610
Tractati Chemici, varii Authores, 8vo. 1647
Tractatus de Liquore Alchaest. Lapide Philosoph. &c., 8vo. 1640
Tractatus de Divinitate Filii contra Weikum, 8vo. 1594
*Tractatus de Nat. Filii adversus Volanum, 8vo. 1627
*Traité de la Lumiere par C.H.D.Z., 4to. 1690
Trapp's Defence of the Church of England, 8vo. 1734
Treatises concerning the first matter of Philosophers, 8vo. 1680
Treatises on Church Government, 4to. 1647
Treclatii Loci Communes Theolog., 8vo. 1608
*Triomphe Hermetique, ou la Pierre Philosoph:, 8vo. 1689
Trowell's Husbandry & Gardening, 8vo. 1739
Truman of Christ's Satisfaction, 8vo. 1699
Tryals, for High Treason, 4to. 1700
Tryal of the Seven Bishops, 8vo. 1739
Tryals, viz: Admiral Byng, Counsellor Layer, &c., F. 1757
Turbe des Philosophes, ou le Code de verite en L'Art, &c., 8vo. 1671
*Turretini Nubes Testium, 4to. 1719

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