Dr. James Musgrave
Rector of Chinnor, Oxon
(Entries marked with a star are also present in the Huggins List, and so were almost certainly owned by Newton. See the main catalogue page for an overview.)
* | Tachenius (Otto) Hippocrates Chymicus, 4to. | 1677 |
* | Taciti Opera notis Var. Gronovii 2 Vol., 8vo. | 1685 |
Taciti Opera, Boxhornii, 8vo. | 1661 | |
Taciti Annales per Beatum Rhenanum, F. | 1533 | |
Tallent's Chronolog. Table, Perry's Maps of Ireland, &c., F. | 1700 | |
* | Tatlers 4 Vol., 8vo. | 1710 etc. |
* | Tavernier's Collection of Voyages, F. | 1684 |
Taylor's Life of Christ and Cave's Lives of the Apostles, F. | 1684 | |
Taylor's Rules for Holy Living & Dying, 8vo. | 1663 | |
Temple's Introduct. to the History of England, 8vo. | 1699 | |
* | Terentius et Phædrus per Bentleium, 4to. | 1726 |
Terentii Comædiæ notis Delphini, 8vo. | 1709 | |
* | Terentii Comædiæ, Farnabii, 8vo. | 1657 |
* | Terentius Varro de Ling. Lat., 8vo. | 1581 |
* | Tertulliani Opera Rigaltii, F. | 1634 |
Testamentum Novum Gr. Lat. Bezam, 8vo. | 1640 | |
Testamentum Gr. et Lat. interlin Montani, 8vo. | 1627 | |
Testamentum Græcum per Fell, 8vo. | 1675 | |
* | Testamentum Novum Græcum Millii, F. | 1707 |
Testamentum Græcum Maittaire, 8vo. | 1714 | |
* | Testamentum Græcum Curcellæi, 8vo. | 1675 |
* | Testamentum Græcum Hoole, 8vo. | 1656 |
Testamentum Græcum Hoole edit. altera., 8vo. | 1701 | |
Testamentum Græcum, 8vo. | - | |
Testamentum Latinum per Bezam, 8vo. | 1679 | |
Testamentum Latinum per Hieronymum, 8vo. | 1500 | |
* | Testamentum Syriacum per Lusdenum et Schaaf, 4to. | 1709 |
Testament in French, 8vo. | 1735 | |
* | Texte D'Alchymie et le Songe Verd., 8vo. | 1698 |
* | Theatrum Chemicum 6 Vol., 8vo. | 1659 |
Theobald's new Compendious Dispensatory, 8vo. | 1752 | |
* | Theodoreti Opera per Sirmondum 5 Vol., F. | 1644 |
* | Theodicee sur la Bonte de Dieu, 8vo. | 1710 |
Theophylacti Institutio Regia Gr. Lat., 4to. | 1651 | |
Thesauri (Eman.) Genealogia Christi, 8vo. | 1651 | |
Thesaurus Sacræ Scripturæ, 8vo. | - | |
Thompson's Seasons, 8vo. | 1729 | |
Thucydidis Historia Lat. Laurent Vallæ, 8vo. | 1589 | |
Thuani Elogia Doct. Virorum, 8vo. | 1671 | |
Thysii Roma Illustrata, 8vo. | 1657 | |
Tillotson's Works 12 Vol., 8vo. | 1743 | |
Tillotson's Sermon at Mr. Gouge's Funeral, 8vo. | 1682 | |
Toll Historia Gemmarum et Lapidum, 8vo. | 1636 | |
Tombeau de la Pauvrete, 8vo. | 1673 | |
Tombeau de Semiramis et Refutat de Pantaleon, 8vo. | 1689 | |
* | Tornielli Annales Sacri & Profani, F. | 1611 |
* | Tournefort Relation d'un Voyage du Levant 3 Vol., 8vo. | 1717 |
Towerson on the Church Catechism 4 Vol., F. | 1685 | |
Tracts on Antiquities found in England, 8vo. | 1713 | |
Tracts in the Bangorian Controversy 4 Vol., 8vo. | 1718 | |
Tracts by Dr. Bentley & others relative to Trin. Coll. Camb., 8vo. | 1710 | |
Tracts in Chymistry & Natural History, 8vo. | 1688 | |
Tracts in Chymistry viz. Wigan Medulla Chymic, 8vo. | 1683 | |
Tracts on Coin & the Publick Accounts, 8vo. | 1695 | |
Tracts in Divinity, Bp. of London Pastoral Letters &c., 8vo. | 1730 | |
Tracts in Divinity by Dr. Clarke & others 4 Vol., 8vo. | 1706 | |
Tracts in Divinity viz. the Russian Catechism, &c. 8vo. | 1695 | |
Tracts in History viz. Claims of the People of England, &c. 8vo. | - | |
Tracts Historical viz. True state of England, &c., 8vo. | 1726 | |
Tracts Historical & Mathemat. viz Kalendar Menses, Var. Genl., &c., F. | 1721 | |
Tracts, Law, viz. Law of Pledges & Pawns, agt. Papists, &c., 8vo. | 1723 | |
Tracts on the Longitude, by Hobbs, Keith, Rowe, &c., 4to. | 1709 | |
Tracts on the Longitude by Norman & others, 8vo. | 1720 | |
Tracts on the Longitude by Hawkins, Row, &c., 8vo. | 1715 | |
Tracts on the Longitude & Latitude, 8vo. | 1720 | |
Tracts Mathematical 2 Vol, by Grandus, Cotes, &c., 4to. | 1720 | |
Tracts Mathematical viz. Acct of Engine to raise Water by Fire, 8vo. | 1702 | |
Tracts Mathematical viz: Matheseos Felix cum Theol. Nexus, &c., 8vo. | 1622 | |
Tracts Mathematical 2 Vol. by Bernoullius, Stewart, &c., 4to. | 1713 | |
Tracts Mathematical 2 Vol. by Borelli, Gregory, &c., 4to. | 1693 | |
Tracts Mathematical by Collins, Taylor, Keill, &c., 4to. | 1701 | |
Tracts Mathematical by Collin, Martin, Moxon, &c., 8vo. | 1701 | |
Tracts Mathematical viz: Dary's Problems, &c., 8vo. | 1669 | |
Tracts Mathematical in French, 8vo. | 1717 | |
Tracts Mathematical & Medical by Michelottus, &c., 4to. | 1721 | |
Tracts on Medals and Antiquities, 4to. | 1708 | |
Tracts Medical, chiefly on the small Pox, 8vo. | 1724 | |
Tracts in Natural History viz: Piscium Querelæ &c., 4to. | 1708 | |
Tracts in Natural History viz: Bradley of Succulent Plants, 4to. | 1708 | |
Tracts on Medals in Latin, 8vo. | 1671 | |
Tracts relative to Oxford, 8vo. | 1760 | |
Tracts relative to the Pretender, 8vo. | 1702 | |
Tracts on the Philosophers Stone, &c., 8vo. | 1714 | |
Tracts on Employing the Poor, 4to. | 1714 | |
Tracts on Trade and Navigation, 8vo. | 1729 | |
Tractatus de Alchemia, author. Varii, 8vo. | 1572 | |
Tractati Chemici, Varii Authores, 8vo. | 1610 | |
Tractati Chemici, varii Authores, 8vo. | 1647 | |
Tractatus de Liquore Alchaest. Lapide Philosoph. &c., 8vo. | 1640 | |
Tractatus de Divinitate Filii contra Weikum, 8vo. | 1594 | |
* | Tractatus de Nat. Filii adversus Volanum, 8vo. | 1627 |
* | Traité de la Lumiere par C.H.D.Z., 4to. | 1690 |
Trapp's Defence of the Church of England, 8vo. | 1734 | |
Treatises concerning the first matter of Philosophers, 8vo. | 1680 | |
Treatises on Church Government, 4to. | 1647 | |
Treclatii Loci Communes Theolog., 8vo. | 1608 | |
* | Triomphe Hermetique, ou la Pierre Philosoph:, 8vo. | 1689 |
Trowell's Husbandry & Gardening, 8vo. | 1739 | |
Truman of Christ's Satisfaction, 8vo. | 1699 | |
Tryals, for High Treason, 4to. | 1700 | |
Tryal of the Seven Bishops, 8vo. | 1739 | |
Tryals, viz: Admiral Byng, Counsellor Layer, &c., F. | 1757 | |
Turbe des Philosophes, ou le Code de verite en L'Art, &c., 8vo. | 1671 | |
* | Turretini Nubes Testium, 4to. | 1719 |
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