of Sir Isaac Newton's Books
(See the main catalogue page for an overview of Villamil's lists of Newton's books.)
This supplementary list of volumes is taken from the list of Sir Isaac Newton's books as purchased by Mr. John Huggins from Sir Isaac Newton's administrators. The list is in manuscript and can be seen in the British Museum. It consists of the volumes starred in Dr James Musgrave's Catalogue, immediately preceding this list, and includes, in addition, the following volumes. In it will be noticed the entries ``Three dozen of small chymical books,'' ``Dozen of Wast 8° and 12°,'' and Above one hundred weight of Pamphlets and Wast books.'' The spelling of the manuscript has been followed.
It is perhaps legitimate to assume that some at any rate of these pamphlets were sorted out bound and catalogued by Charles Huggins. This would explain the appearance in his catalogue of a number of volumes which from their nature it would seem likely belonged to Sir Isaac Newton, but which do not appear under their titles in the British Museum list.
As to entries of volumes in the list of Newton books purchased by Mr. Huggins, but which do not appear in his catalogue, the fact is all that can be stated. The list is added here partly for the sake of completeness and partly because it enumerates volumes which once belonged to Sir Isaac Newton, any one of which might appear in the market. Unless such a volume had an unimpeachable history it would be a mere matter of surmise as to whether or not it ever belonged to Newton, for obviously it would not have the Chinnor press-mark.
Abrege des Observations sur la Comete, 1680, 1681 | - |
Academie des Sciences, Reglement ordonné par le Roy pour | 1699 |
Academie des Sciences (see Memoires) | - |
Acts of Parliament | - |
Adonis (Viennensis Archiepiscopus) Chronicorum | 1568 |
Aemilius Probus | 1673 |
Apol. Rodii lib IV cum annot H Steph Graece H. Steph. | 1574 |
Art Chimique, Parfait Exemplaire de l' | 1620 |
Balth: Lydii Waldensis | 1616 |
Barrow, see Euclid | - |
Barrow Lectiones Geometricae | 1667 |
Barrow Lectiones Optice XVIII | 1667 |
Bentley against Boyle | 1699 |
Berlii Geographia vetus | 1619 |
Bernard de Montfaucon Diarium Italicum | 1702 |
Bible with apocryphal Services and Psalms Camb. | 1683 |
Bible, Hebrew, caret Titulo | - |
Bibliotheque Ancienne et Moderne, some numbers | - |
Bibliotheque Choisie, Nouvelle, . . . 2 tom. | 1714 |
Borellus Theorica Mediceorum Planetarum | - |
Boyle, Lettres de, 3 tom. | 1714 |
Boyle's Medicina Hydrostatica | 1676 |
Boyle's Natural Philosophy 2 Tomes | 1664 |
Boyle's Physical Experiments and Observations | 1671 |
Brachesschi Alchemia | - |
Brandl's Reformation 1st Vol. Sound | - |
Brerewood Enquiries | 1674 |
Brissonius de Reg. Persarum, Lib. 3 | 1595 |
Brown's Accomptants' Best Companion bd in blew Turkey | 1717 |
Burnet de Fide et Officiis Christianorum ch Mag Cor Tur fol Deaur | 1722 |
Busby's Greek Grammar | 1663 |
Cambridge Concordance | 1672 |
Caroli a S Paulo Opus Geographia Sacra cum notis | 1713 |
Chamberlayne, Johan, Oratio Dominica in Diversas Linguas | 1715 |
Cheyne's Fluxiones | 1703 |
Chronologie des Estates Generaux | 1605 |
Ciceronis Epistolae cum notis 1st Ed | 1505 |
Clarke's Three Essayes | 1710 |
Clarke, John, of Moral Evil | 1728 |
Clemens Romanus de Constitutionibus Apostol. | 1564 |
Clementis ad Corinth Epist Gr Lat | 1633 |
Clerici Comment in Libros Historicos | 1708 |
Cockburn of Loosenesses | - |
Commerce des Anciennes | 1715 |
Commerce des Hollandais | 1717 |
Congeries Chemiae Paracelsiae Dornaei | 1581 |
Connaissance des Temps pour l'ann. 1714 etc, a sort of almanach | - |
Cornelius Nepos, English | 1713 |
Cossandri, Leon, Antiq. Philosoph Lib VI | 1694 |
Cumberland's Lanchonialtos Phoenician History | 1729 |
Dallaeus de Cultu Relig. Object: Tradition Geneva | 1664 |
Daniel (R) Septuaginta cum Apocryph. et Nov. Test. Graece | 1693 |
Davie's Athenae Britannicae, Vols 1, 2 & 3 | 1716 |
Dionysii Pelavi Opus de Theolog: Dogmatibus 3 Tom | 1700 |
Discours Philosophique de l'Art et de la Nature | 1675 |
Discourse of Local Motion | 1670 |
Discourses on the Judicial Authority of the Master of the Rolls | 1727 |
Dissertion sur l'Antimoine | 1682 |
Du Chesne Medecine Metalliq et minerals | 1648 |
Eclaircissements sur l'Analyse des Infiniment Petits par Mr Varignon | 1725 |
Edwardi Luidii Ichnographia | 1697 |
Enarratio Trinin Gebri Medicinarum, London | 1678 |
England State of | 1700 |
Enquiry into the War with Spain | 1712 |
Etymologicon parvum | 1684 |
Euclid Barrow cum data | 1655 |
Euclid Barrow cum data | 1678 |
Fausti Socini Defensio animadversionium | 1618 |
Fires Improvd by Mr Ganger | 1715 |
Fulton on the Classics | 1713 |
Gale Apollodorus | 1675 |
Geber's Works | 1678 |
Gibbon Introduct: ad Latinam Blazoniam | 1682 |
Gobert's Merchants' Map of Commerce | 1700 |
Grabii Septuaginta Vols 1 & 4 in quires | - |
Gravesaand ad Philos Newtonian, 2 Tom | 1721 |
Gravesaand Mathesios Univers Elementa | 1727 |
Gravesaand Supplement Physicum | 1725 |
Green's Natural Philosophy | 1712 |
Gregorii Geometriae Pars Universal. Inserviens | - |
Gregoris Turnici Historia Francior. Lib 10 | 1568 |
Grounds and Reason of the Christian Religion | 1724 |
Hardwin J., Chronologia ex Nummis Antiquis restituta | 1693 |
Heble's Statutes 2 Vols. | 1695 |
Henningi Marci de Regno China | - |
Henrici Sulbengre Thesaurus Antiq Roman 2 Vol | 1716 |
Hirrup's Use of the Quadrant, London | 1665 |
Histoire de renouvellement de l'Academie des Sciences en 1699 2 tom | 1617 |
History of France, Secret, | 1714 |
Hollandi Opera Mineralia | 1600 |
Houghton Rara Avis in Serris | - |
Hudibras with Cutts | 1716 |
Husband's Collections | 1643 |
Hypothesis Physica Nova | 1651 |
Indian Conferences between Danish Missionaries | 1719 |
Interpretatio antiqua ac Perutilis in Apoll Rhodii Argonaut Graece | 1541 |
Itinerarium Provinciarum Antonius Angrosti Luga Vincent | - |
Jones Synopsis Palinarcorum Mathesios | 1706 |
Keill Lectiones Physicae | 1702 |
Kennedy Ophthalmographia | 1715 |
King's Primitive Church | 1692 |
Lampier's Voyage | 1725 |
Langii Nic. methodus Testacea Marina | 1702 |
Laurent Rhodomanni Palestinae Lib IX Gr Lat | - |
Le Neptune François ou Atlas Nouveau des cartes Marines par Père eb cassius | 1693 |
Le Mort, J, Chimia et Pharmacia | 1696 |
Leo's History of Africa | 1690 |
Lister Exercitationes Medicinales | 1694 |
Lock of Coin Compleat | 1692 |
Lock's First and 2nd Letters to Stillingfleet | 1697 |
Lock's Third Letter to Stillingfleet | - |
Lock's Second and Third Letter of Toleration | 1692 |
Lock's Posthumous Pieces | - |
Lowndes Corn | 1675 |
Lumiere Chimique (Nouvelle) | 1671 |
Lullius Codicillus sive Vade Mecum | 1563 |
Macke's Voyages | 1699 |
Maier Viatorium Planetarum | 1651 |
Malebranche de la Recherche de la Verité | 1712 |
Medulla Historia Anglicana | 1687 |
Memoires de l'Academie des Sciences (Suite) | 1720 |
Mercator, Nic., Logarithma Technia | 1668 |
Modest Plea for Scripture Notion of the Family | 1717 |
Montani Novum Test. Graecum | 1627 |
Mich: Ang: Ricii Exercit: Geomet: | 1668 |
Morden's Geographia | 1693 |
Moore, of Fortifications | 1689 |
Moore, Sir Jonas, Mathematicks Vol 2 | 1681 |
Morfesson, Petri, Comment in Epistolas ex Crellio Racon | 1636 |
Morgan J. Bapt. Adversaria Anatomica omnia | 1719 |
Muschenbroeck, Pet., Van Ebdomia Element Physica Mathematicorum | 1726 |
Newton's Algebra by Raphson and Curon | 1780 |
Newton Optics | 1721 |
Newton Optics Latine by Clarke | 1719 |
Newton Optics Latine by Clarke | 1706 |
Newtonia Principia | 1723 |
Newtonia Principia | 1687 |
Newtonia Principia cor Turc | 1722 |
Norwood's Trigonometry | 1688 |
Novem Fabulae, Melanograph ex Titiano ae Amoribus Deorum Joan Smith | - |
Novum Testamentum cum variis lectionibus | 1675 |
Nossius de Idolatria | 1641 |
Pasoris Lexicon | 1650 |
Pearson's Opera posthuma | 1688 |
Phillips Dissertatio de Atheismo | 1716 |
Philosoph Transactions for Jan Feb Mar. Lat Red Abr de Moivre | 1711 |
Philosophie Chimiq | 1626 |
Pindar Gr Lat Stephan | 1560 |
Pocock on Hosea | 1685 |
Polenus, Joan, de Motu Aquae Mixto lib 2 | 1727 |
Pollexsen of Trade Coin etc. | 1700 |
Raphson Analysis | 1720 |
Ray's Discoveries of the Deluge | 1714 |
Ray's Wisdom of God | 1692 |
Receueil de Pieccs de Leibnitz, Clarke, etc 2 tom | 1720 |
Reductio de Changes et Monnoys | 1761 |
Refutatio Libelli quem J. Wickus edid. in Polonis de Divinitate Julii Dei | 1701 |
Reineccii Decor: Priorum Familiae Lueberg Helmes | 1585 |
Relation de la Cour de Rome | 1594 |
Religious Philosopher 3 Vols 17I8 | |
Revolutions de Portugal | 1712 |
Rider's Almanach: red Turkey Silver Clasps | - |
Robertsoni Lexicon Hebraeum | 1680 |
Rulandi Progymnasmata Alchemiae | 1607 |
Rudd's 6 Books of Euclid (wants title) | - |
Russia, Present State of, 2 vols | 1723 |
Rymor Foedera | 1707 |
Sanchoniathos Phoenician History by Mr. Cumberland | 1700 |
Scheuchzeni Itinera Alpine cum big | 1723 |
Science des Nombres 2 tom | 1701 |
Scitys Cretensis de Bello Trojano | 1691 |
Scriptores Ecclesiastici Magdeburgenses Basil 7 tom | - |
Secret du Flux et Reflux de la Mer | 1689 |
Senex and Maxwell's Maps | - |
Simon History of the New 'restament Parts 1, 2 | 1659 |
Simon History of the Old Testament, 23 books | 1689 |
Smith's Variety of Conquests | 1712 |
Slanyans Act of Switzerland | 1717 |
Socinian Tracts Vol. 1 | 1691 |
St Caecil Cypriani Opera Rigalti (1st) Paris | 1649 |
St Irenaei Opera | 1675 |
Starkii Specimen Sapientiae Indorum Veterum Gr Lat | 1697 |
Teinturier Parfait, Le | 1708 |
Tollii Fortuiti | 1687 |
Trilet, Le, Ariadne pour entrer l'a Labyrinth de Philosophie Hermetiq. | 1695 |
Tullii Orationes Vol 1 ex Emendatione Lambinii, Lutetia | 1572 |
Utilitates Mathematiq | 1719 |
Varii Historiae Romanae Scriptores H. Steph | 1598 |
Vesaei J. et Fran Taraphos Rerum Hispa Memorab Annales Coln | 1577 |
Voyages and Discoveries in South America | 1678 |
Waller of Mines | 1698 |
Waterland on the Athanasian Creed | 1724 |
Waterland's Defense | 1722 |
Waterland's Defense, Observations on | 1724 |
Whiston's Essays | 1713 |
Whiston's Essays towards Restoring the True Text of the Old Testament | 1722 |
3 dozen of small chymical books
Dozen of Wast 8° & 12°.
Above a hundred weight of wast books and Pamphlets.
At the close of the list of Sir Isaac Newton's Library in the British Museum catalogue, purchased from Mr. W. J. Tait of Rugby, October 21, 1863, there is the following entry:
``Books that has notes of Sir Isaac Newton.
4° Newtoni Principia interleaved imperf sowd 1687
Newton's Optics lat Interleaved 1706
Descartes Geometria Tom 1 Lugd 1644
Bible with Service Dirty and leaf wanting Fueld 1660
Secrets Reveald or an Entrance to the Shelt Pallace 1669
Added also to the list is the following receipt, dated June 2, 1727:
Reed of Mr John Huggins in money five pounds five shillings wch with Three hundred pounds sterling now agreed to be paid by the sd Mr Huggins to the Administrators of Sir Isaac Newton Decd is the price agreed on for the Library of Books pamphletts etc of the sd Sir Isaac Newton sett forth in this Catalogue. Save only and except that the Books Particularly Mentioned in this Page to have, Sr. Jsaac Newton's notes are not to be delivered to the sd Mr Huggins but to be valued by two jndifferent persons John Conduitt Esq to choose one and Mr Huggins the other and such valuation to be deducted out of the Three hundred pounds, wch is to be paid And the Books to be delivered on or before the first day of July next -
I say recd. as one of the Administrators, and by virtue of a Letter of Attorney from Katherine the wife of the sd Mr Conduitt, Administratrix also of the 5d Sr Jsaac Newton
By me
Jno Pilkington
Witness Robt Champion
July ye 20th 1727.
Recd the three Hundred Pounds above mentioned in full for the Books set forth in this Catalogue
Jno Pilkington
Catherine Conduitt
J Woodman
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