Catalogue of the Library

Dr. James Musgrave
Rector of Chinnor, Oxon

(Entries marked with a star are also present in the Huggins List, and so were almost certainly owned by Newton. See the main catalogue page for an overview.)


Sabini Comment in Metamorph. Ovidii, 8vo. 1593
Salmon's Modern History 32 Vols., 8vo. 1728
*Salmon's Practical Medicina, 8vo. 1707
Sallustii Historia cum Fragmentis, 8vo. 1675
Sallustii Philosophi de Diis et Mundo, 8vo. 1639
*Samme's Antiquities of Britain, F. 1676
Sanderson's Sermons with his Life, F. 1689
*Sandii Historia Ecclesiastica, 8vo. 1669
*Sandwich, Art of Metals from Barba 1674
Sanguis Naturæ, or ye Solar Liquor of Nature, 8vo. 1696
Savaron Chronologie des Estats Generaux, 8vo. 1715
Saunders's Secrets of Palmistry, 8vo. 1663
*Saurin of the Events of the Old & New Testament, 8vo. 1720
*Saurin's Dissertations on the Bible, 8vo. 1723
*Saxon Grammatici Danorum Historia, F. 1548
*Scaliger de Emendatione Temporum, F. 1583
Scanderberg a Tragedy, with a list of Dramat. Authors, 8vo. 1747
*Scapulæ Lexicon Gr. Lat., Elzevir, F. 1652
*Scapulæ Lexicon Gr. Lat., F. 1629
*Schaaf Lexicon Syriacum, 4to. 1709
*Schedius de Diis Germanis, 8vo. 1648
Scheiner Fundamenta Opticæ, 4to. 1652
*Schelamerus de Nitro cum Vet. tum nostro Comment., 8vo. 1709
*Schelstrate Hist. Ecclesiæ Africanæ, 4to. 1679
*Schelstrate Sacr. Antiochenum Concilium, 4to. 1681
*Schelstrate Antiquit. Illustrat. Concil. Gener., 4to. 1678
*Scheuchzeri Itineraria per Helvetiæ Alp. Regiones 2 Vol., 4to. 1708
*Scheuchzer Herbarium Diluvianum, F. 1709
Schickard Horologium Hebræ, 8vo. 1639
*Schindleri Lexicon Pentaglotton, F. 1612
*Schooten Exercitationes Mathematics, 4to. 1657
*Schrevelii Lexicon Gr. Lat., 8vo. 1657
Schroderi Ars Medica, 4to. 1679
Seidelii Manuale Græcæ Linguæ, 8vo. 1653
*Science des Medailles Antiques et Modernes, 8vo. 1717
*Selden de Synedriis Vet. Ebræorum, 4to. 1679
*Selden Uxor Ebraica seu de Nuptiis et Divortiis, 4to. 1673
*Selden de Jure, Nat: et Gent. juxta Discipl. Ebræorum, 4to. 1665
*Selden de Diis Syris, 8vo. 1681
*Senecæ Opera Omnia 2 Vol., 8vo. 1626
Senecæ Tragædiæ, 8vo. 1665
Seneca Tragsædiæ, notis Farnabii, 8vo. 1656
*Seneca et Syri Mimi Sententiæ, notis Gruteri, 8vo. 1708
Sermons by Bp. Beveridge, Conybeare &c. 2 Vol., 8vo. 1735
Sermons by Butler, Bird, Stillingfleet &c, 4to. 1688
Sermons on Charity 2 Vol., 4to. 1720
Sermons by Dr. Lupton, Sacheverell, &c, 8vo. 1709
Sermons by Berriman, Rogers, Hind, &c., 8vo. 1722
Sermons by Sprat Fothergill, &c., 8vo. 1710
Sermons by Dr. Webber, Dr. Tottie &c. 2 Vol., 8vo. 1735
Sermons by several Hands 3 Vol., boards, 4to. 1720
Sermons printed for the benefit of the Poor 2 Vol., 8vo. 1707
Sermons in the time of Oliver Cromwell, 4to. 1644
Shakespeare's Plays 7 Vol., 8vo. 1734
Sharp's Sermons 7 Vol., 8vo. 1738
Sharrock's Ends of the Christian Religion, 4to. 1673
Sheffield (Duke of Buck) Works, 2 Vol., 8vo. 1740
Shelton's Art of Short Hand, 8vo. 1660
Sherlock (Dr.) on Death, 8vo. 1710
Sherlock's (Bp) Sermons 4 Vol., 8vo. 1764
Sherlock's Discourse on Prophecy, 8vo. 1721
Shuckford's Connection 3 Vol., 8vo. 1731
Skeeler's Sermons, 8vo. 1740
*Sidonii Sollii Apollinarii Opera, 4to. 1599
*Sigonii Hist. Occident et Reg. Italiæ, F. 1593
*Simon's Enquiries into the Various Editions of the Bible, 4to. 1684
*Simon's History of the Old & New Testament 2 Vol., 4to. 1689
Simon Hist. des Ceremonies des Juifs, 8vo. 1673
*Simon Lettres Choises, 8vo. 1700
*Slare's Observat. on the Bezoar Stones, 8vo. 1715
Sleidan Comment. de Statu Religionis, 8vo. 1556
Sleidan de Quatuor Monarchiis, 8vo. 1686
*Sloane's History of Jamaica, 2 Vol., F. 1707
*Slusii Mesolabum Problemata Solida de Analysia, &c., 4to. 1668
Smalridge's Sermons, 8vo. 1717
Smiglecii (Martin) Logica, 4to. 1658
*Smith's Seaman's Grammar and Dictionary 4to. 1692
*Smith de Græcæ Ecclesiæ Statu, 8vo. 1698
Smith's Preservative agt. Quakerism, 8vo. 1732
Smith Aditus ad Logicam, 8vo. 1650
Smith's Mystery of Rhetorick unveil'd, 8vo. 1683
Soarez dc Arte Rhetorica, 8vo. 1640
*Socinus adversus Gab. Eutropium, 8vo. 1618
*Solutio Problematis Paschalis, 4to. -
*Sophoclis Tragædiæ 7. cum Scholiis, 8vo. 1673
*Spanhemii Historia Imaginum, 8vo. 1686
*Spanhemii Dubia Evangelica, 2 Vol., 4to. 1659
Sparkii Specimen Sapientiæ Indorum Veterum, 8vo. 1697
Sparrow's Articles Canons, Constitutions, &c., 4to. 1684
Speeches in Parliament in 1640 & 1641, 4to. 1641
*Spectators, 8 Vol., 8vo. 1675, etc.
Speeds Maps of the World, 8vo. 1646
*Spencer de Legibus Hebræorum, F. 1685
*Spener Historia Germaniæ 2 Vol., 8vo. 1716
*Spener Notitia Germaniæ Antiquæ 2 Vol, 4to. 1717
Spenser's Faerie Queen by Church 4 Vol., 8vo. 1758
Sperlinguis Dissertatio de Nummis non cusis, 4to. 1700
Spratt's History of the Royal Society, 4to. 1677
Squire's Sermons agt. Popery, 4to. 1630
Stackhouse's History of the Bible 2 Vol., F. 1752
Stackhouse's Body of Divinity, F. 1743
Stanhope on the Epistles & Gospels 4 Vol., 8vo. 1751
Stanhope's St. Augustine's Meditations, 8vo. 1721
Stanhope's Thomas a Kempis, 8vo. 1731
*Stanelii Histor. Philosoph. Orientalis, 8vo. 1690
*Stanley's Lives of the Philosophers, F. 1701
Starkey's Pyrotechny asserted and vindicated, 8vo. 1658
Statuta Universitalis Oxoniensis. 8vo. 1721
Statutes at Large 2 Vol., F. 1695
*Statutes in use in the Kingdom of Ireland, F. 1668
*Statutes for High Treason, 8vo. 1709
Stearne de Visitatione Infirmorum, 8vo. 1704
*Stephani (Hen) Thesaurus Græcæ Linguæ 4 Vol., F. 1572
*Stephani Concordantia Græcæ, F. 1600
Stephani (Rob) Dictionar. Nominum Propriorum, 8vo. 1576
*Stephanus (Byzaant) de Urbibus Gr. Lat. Gronovii, F. 1678
*Steven's Historia of Persia, 8vo. 1715
Stillingfleet of the Idolatry of the Ch. of Rome, 8vo. 1671
Stillingfleet of the Doctrine of the Trinity, 8vo. 1677
Stillingfleet's Origines Sacræ, F. 1702
Stillingfleet's Answer to several Treatises, 8vo. 1673
Stillingfleet's Weapons Salve for ye Churches Wounds, 4to. 1662
*Stone's Mathematical Dictionary, 8vo. 1726
Stoughton's Choice Sermons, 4to. 1640
*Strabonis Geographia Gr. Lat. notis Varior. 2 Vol., F. 1707
*Strabonis Geographia Gr. Lat. Xylandri, F. 1620
*Stradæ Prolusiones Academicæ, 8vo. 1662
Straights Sermons 2 Vol., 8vo. 1741
*Street's Astronomia Carolina, 4to. 1710
*Suetonius per Pitiscum 2 Vol., 4to. 1614
Suetonius ex Erasmi recognitione, 8vo. 1543
*Suiceri Thesaurus Ecclesiasticus 2 Vol., F. 1682
*Suidæ Lexicon Gr. Lat. per Kuster 3 Vol., F. 1705
*Suidæ Lexicon Gr. Lat. Æmil Porti 2 Vol., F. 1619
*Sulpicius Severus notis Variorum, 8vo. 1665
Survey of London 2 Vol., 8vo. 1742
Swift's Works 20 Vol., 8vo. 1766
Swift's Tale of a Tub, 8vo. 1705
*Sike Evangelium Infantiæ Arab & Lat., 8vo. 1697
*Sylburgii Elymologicon Magnum, F. 1594
Symson's History of the Church, 4to. 1624

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