Catalogue of the Library

Dr. James Musgrave
Rector of Chinnor, Oxon

(Entries marked with a star are also present in the Huggins List, and so were almost certainly owned by Newton. See the main catalogue page for an overview.)


*Rabutin Histoire de Louis XIV, 8vo. 1700
*Ray Synopsis Avium et Piscium, 8vo. 1713
Rami Arithmetica et Geometrica, 4to. 1607
*Rami Ulyses et Outinus, unus et idem, 8vo. 1713
Ramsay's Travels of Cyrus, 8vo. 1736
Randolph's Poems with the Muses Looking Glass, 8vo. 1652
*Ralphson Historia Fluxionum, 4to. 1715
*Raphson Analysis Æquat Univers. et Casini Observ., 4to. 1690
Rapin Histoire D'Angleterre 5 Vol, 8vo. 1729
Rapin's History of England by Quest. & Answr., 8vo. 1758
Ray on the Creation, 8vo. 1692
Ray Physico Theolog. Discourses, 8vo. 1700
Reeve's Sermons at Waltham Abbey, 4to. 1661
*Reland Antiq. Hebræorum, 8vo. 1708
*Reland de Nummis vet. Hebræorum, 8vo. 1709
Religious Courtship with the Appendix, 8vo. -
Remarks on Dr. More, on thc Apocalypse, &c., 4to. 1691
Remonstrances &c. in Parliament 1641 &c., 4to. 1643
Republick of Letters 6 Vol., 8vo. 1728
*Retz (Card de) Memoirs, 8vo. 1723
*Reyher de Nummis quibus ex Chym. Metallo factis, 4to. 1692
Rhenani Opera Chymica, 8vo. 1668
Rhodii Argonautica et Rhodomani Palestinæ Gr. 4to. 1574
Rhodii Argonautica Gr., 8vo. 1541
*Rhodii Argonautica Gr. Lat. Hoelzlini, 8vo. 1641
*Ricard Traite General du Commerce, 4to. 1700
*Riccioli Almagestum Novum 2 Tom., F. 1651
Richerii Historia Conciliorum, 4to. 1680
Ridley of Magnetical Bodies & Motion, 4to. 1613
Ridley's View of the Civil & Ecclesiast. Law, 8vo. 1662
*Riplei Opera Omnia Chemica Capel, 8vo. 1649
*Ripley's Hermetico Poetical Works reviv'd, 8vo. 1678
*Roberts's Merchants Map of Commerce, F. 1700
Robertson Thesaurus Linguæ Sanctæ, 4to. 1680
Robertson Thesaurus Linguæ Græca, 4to. 1676
Roe & Wingates Tables of Logarithms, 8vo. 1633
Roger's Voyage round the World, 8vo. 1712
Rogers on the Articles with other Tracts, 8vo. 1633
*Rohaulti Physica per Newton & Clarke, 8vo. 1710
Rolfinchii Chimia in Artis forman redacta, 4to. 1671
Roman Forgeries, being an Acct of false Records &c., 8vo. 1673
Romish Horseleech, or Charge of Poperty to England, 8vo. 1674
*Ronayne's Algebra, 8vo. 1717
*Roque, La, Voyage dans la Palestine, 8vo. 1718
Rosencreutz's Hermetick Romance or Chymical Weddg. 8vo. 1690
Rowe (Mrs.) Exercises of thc Heart, 8vo. 1743
Rutillii Itinerarium notis Grævii &c., 8vo. 1687
Rutherforth's Tryal & Triumph of Faith, 4to. 1645
Rulandi Lexicon Alchemiæ, 4to. 1612
*Rulandi Problemata Chymica, 8vo. 1607
Rule for finding Easter &c., 8vo. 1712
Rushworth's Historl. Collections 8 Vols. large paper, F. 1721
*Roux, Le, Dictionnaire Comique Satyrique &c., 8vo. 1718
*Ruysch Adversaria Anatom. Med. Chirurgica, 4to. 1720

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