Catalogue of the Library

Dr. James Musgrave
Rector of Chinnor, Oxon

(Entries marked with a star are also present in the Huggins List, and so were almost certainly owned by Newton. See the main catalogue page for an overview.)


Pagnini Epitome Thesaurus Linguæ Sanctæ, 8vo. 1578
Palladii Historia Sanctorutm Patrum, 4to. 1555
*Palladius de Vita Chrysostomi, 4to. 1680
*Palsyn Descript. Anatomique, 4to. 1708
Pamela or Virtue Rewarded, 4 Vol., 8vo. 1762
*Pancirolli Rerum Memorabilium Lib. Sex, 4to. 1660
*Pancirolli Comment. in Notitiam Imper. Romani, F. 1608
Panegyrici Veteres notis Gruter, 8vo. 1607
*Paracelsi Opera Omnia 3 Vol., F. 1662
*Paracelsi Tract. Varii, 8vo. 1600
*Paracelsus de Summis Naturæ Mysteriis, 8vo. 1574
*Paracelsus de Transmutat, Metallorum, 8vo. 1581
Parkyns's Cornish Hug Wrestler, 4to. 1713
Parkynson's Herbal, F. 1644
Paterson's Comment on Milton's Paradise Lost, 8vo. 1744
Patricii (Fran), Zoroaster, Herm. Trismegist. Oracula, 8vo. 1593
Patrick's Parable of the Pilgrim, 4to. 1678
Patrick's Glorious Epiphany, 8vo. 1678
Pauli Geographia per Holsten, F. 1703
*Pausaniæ Græciæ Descriptio Gr. Lat. Huhnii, F. 1696
Pays Amitiez Amours et Amourettes, 8vo. 1678
*Pearson Opera Chronologica, 4to. 1688
Pearson's Exposition of the Creed, F. 1701
Pearce's Vindicat. of the Miracles, 8vo. 1729
Pasori's Lexicon novi Testamenti, 8vo. 1650
Pelegrom Synonymora Sylva, 8vo. 1668
*Pemberton Epist, ad Wilson de Cotesii inventis Curv. rat., 4to. 1722
Pemble's Works, F. 1635
Penn of the Established Worship in the Ch. of England, 8vo. 1733
Pepys Memoirs of the Royal Navy of England, 8vo. 1690
*Perezonii Origines Babylonica 2 Vol., 8vo. 1711
*Perezonii Comment. Rerum Gest. Sæculo 16, 8vo. 1710
*Perigrinationes in Montem Syon, F. 1486
Perkins's Discourse of Idolatry, 8vo. 1601
*Perry's Acct. of the Stopping of Daggenham Breach, 8vo. 1721
*Perry's State of Russia, 8vo. 1716
*Petavius Rationarium Temporum, 8vo. 1694
*Petavius de Doctrina Temporum 3 Vol., F. 1703
Petavius Dogmata Theologica 3 Vol., F. 1700
*Petau Abrege Chronolog. de L'Histoire Universelle 5 Vol., 8vo. 1715
Peteveri Historia Animalium Quadruped, Avium, &c., F. 1702
*Pettus's Laws of Mettals, F. 1683
*Petty of Duplicate Proportion, 8vo. 1674
Pezelii Mellificium Historicum, 4to. 1631
*Pfaffius de Gen Lib Novi Testamenti, 8vo. 1701
Pfeiffer Theologia Judaica et Mahommed., 8vo. 1687
Pieces sur la Philosophie &c. par Leibnitz Clarke &c., 8vo. 1720
*Philo Judæus Gr. Lat. per Gelenium, F. 1640
*Philostriatorum opera Gr. Lat. ex recens Gottofredi Olearii Ch. Mag., a little stained 1709
*Phillips Dissertationes varii Argumenti, 8vo. 1715
Phillips de Sacramento Eucharistæ, 8vo. 1715
Phillips Historia Atheismi, 8vo. 1716
Phillips and Smith's Works, 8vo. 1720
*Philosophical Transactions at Large 16 Vol., 4to. 1680
*Philosophical Transact. Abridgd by Lowthorp & others, 10 Vol., 4to.1705, etc.
*Philosophie Naturelle restablie en sa. Purete, 8vo. 1651
Philosophie Naturelle de trois Anciens Philosopes, 4to. 1682
*Philosopher's Stone, Five Treatises on it, 4to. 1652
*Photii Epistolæ, Gr. Lat, F. 1651
*Photii Bibliotheca Gr. Lat. per Hoeschelium, F. 1653
*Piazza's Account of the Inquisition, in Italy, Greece, and France, 4to. 1722
Piece qui a remporte le Prix de L'Academie Roy, 4to. 1724
Pierii Hieroglyphica, seu de sains Ægypt Literis, 4to. 1631
Pilote de L'Onde Vive, 8vo. 1689
*Pindari Opera Gr. Lat. West & Welsted, F. 1697
*Pindari Opera Gr. Lat. Benedicti, 4to. 1620
Pindari et Poet. Lyricorum Carmina, 8vo. 1570
*Pitisci Lexicon Antiquitatum Romanarum 2 Vol., F. 1713
Platina de Vitis Pontificum, 4to. 1600
*Platonis Opera Gr. Lat. per Ficinum, F. 1602
Plato de Republica Lat cum notis, F. 1626
Plays by Mrs Centlivre, Owen &c., 8vo. 1722
Plays by Several Hands 5 Vol., 8vo. 1736
Plays viz. Way of the World, All for Love, &c., 8vo. 1733
Plays viz. Sophonisba, Beggars Opera &c., 8vo. 1730
Plays by Dryden, Otway, &c. 2 Vol., 8vo. 1735
*Plessis, Merton de Nouvelle Geographie, 8vo. 1700
Plinii Epistolæ et Panegyricus, 8vo. 1640
*Plinii Epistolæ et Panegyricus cum Notis, 8vo. 1677
Plot's History of Oxfordshire, F. 1677
*Plutarchi Opera Gr. Lat. per Xylandrum 2 Vol., F. 1597
*Plutarchi Opera Omnia Gr. Lat. Hen. Stephan 12 Vol., 8vo. 1572
Pockck's Works by Twells 2 Vol., F. 1728
*Pocockii Carmen Tograi Arab. et Lat., 8vo. 1661
*Pocockii Porta Mosis Heb. et Lat., 4to. 1655
Poems, viz Field Sports by Somerville &c., F. 1734
Poems, viz. Somervilles Chace, Verses on ye Coronation &c., 8vo. 1735
Poems, viz. Art of Cookery, Art of Politicks, &c., 8vo. 1729
Poems by Gay and others, 8vo. 1720
Poems on Sir lsaac Newton, &c., 4to. 1747
*Poli Synopsis Criticorum 5 Vol., F. 1669
*Polybii Historia Gr. Lat. Casauboni, F. 1609
*Pomponius Mela de Situ Orbis, Gronivii, 8vo. 1696
*Pomponius Mela de Situ Orbis, 4to. 1557
*Poetæ Minores Gr. Lat. per Wintringham, 8vo. 1684
Pope's Works IO Vol his o~vn Edit., 8vo. 1736
Pope's Dunciad, 8vo. 1739
*Pope's Homer's Iliad 6 Vol., 4to. 1718
*Pope's Homer's Iliad 6 Vol., 8vo. 1720
Popish Prayers, 8vo. -
Porta (Joan Bap) Magiæ Naturalis, 8vo. 1651
Potire Veredar Hermettico Philosoph., 8vo. 1623
Potter's Charge against the Roman Catholicks, 8vo. 1634
*Potter's Antiquities of Greece 2 Vol., 8vo. 1701
*Power's Experimental Philosophy, 4to. 1664
Præexistence of Souls, being a Key to Providence, 8vo. 1662
Preparation for Death & Judgment, 8vo. 1700
*Prideaux Marmora Oxoniensia, F. 1676
Prideaux Connection 3 Vol., 8vo. 1716
*Prior's Poems large paper, F. 1718
Priviledges of the House of Lords & Commons, 8vo. 1702
*Procopii Cæsariensis Historia Arcana, F. 1623
Procoli Sphæra, Cleomedes de Mundo Gr. Lat. &c., 8vo. 1588
Prophetical Warnings of the Eternal Spirit, 8vo. 1708
Protests of the House of Lords from 1741 to 1747, 8vo. -
*Prudentius in usum Delphini, 4to. 1687
Psaumes de David par Merot, 8vo. 1613
Psalms of David in Indian & English, 8vo. 1709
*Ptolemæi Harmonica Gr. Lat. per Wallis, 4to. 1682
Ptolomæi Geogr8phia per Bertium, F. 1719
*Puffendorf Introductio ad Historiam Europæam, 8vo. 1702
*Puffendorf's Introduction to the Hist. of Europe, 8vo. 1699
Pufferdorf de Officio Hominis et Civilis, 8vo. 1700
Purbachii Nov. Theor. Planetarum, 8vo. 1596
*Purchas's Pilgrimage, F. 1613
Pyle on the Acts of ye Epistles 2 Vol., 8vo. 1750
Pyle on the Revelation of St. John, 8vo. 1735

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