Catalogue of the Library

Dr. James Musgrave
Rector of Chinnor, Oxon

(Entries marked with a star are also present in the Huggins List, and so were almost certainly owned by Newton. See the main catalogue page for an overview.)


Natales Comes de Mythologia, 8vo. 1612
Nelson's Practice of true Devotion, 8vo. 1758
Nelson's Reply to Clarke on ye Trinity, 8vo. 1714
Nelson on the Feasts and Fasts, 8vo. 1757
Neumanni Clavis Domus Heb. et de Unin. & Thummim, 4to. 1712
*Newtoni Principia Mathematica chart max:, 4to. 1726
*Newtoni Principia Mathematica, 4to. 1707
*Newtoni Principia Mathematica Edit. 2, 4to. 1713
*Newtoni Optice per Clarke, 4to. 1719
*Newton's Opticks English, 4to. 1704
*Newton's Opticks in Eng. with his Correction in MSS., 4to. 1717
*Newton's Opticks in English, 8vo. 1717
*Newton's Opticks in French by M. Coste, 4to. 1722
Newton's Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms, 4to. 1728
*Newton Analysis per Quantitatum Ser. Fluxiones, 4to. 1711
*Newtoni Arithmetica Universalis, 8vo. 1707
*Newton's Universal Arithmetick, 8vo. 1707
*Newton Traite D'Optique par Coste 2 Vol., 8vo. 1720
*Newton (Hen.) Epistolæ Orationes et Carmina, 8vo. 1710
*New Light to Alchymie, Sandivigius, 4to. 1650
New Whole Duty of Man, 8vo. 1729
New Year's Gift 6 parts, 8vo. 1656
*Nicæi Vitæ Cæsarum per Xiphilinum, 8vo. -
*Nicephori Callisti Hist. Ecclesiast. Gr. Lat. 2 Vol., F. 1630
*Nieuwentyt Analysis Infinitorum, 8vo. 1695
Nieuwentyt's Religious Philosopher 3 Vol, 8vo. 1718
Nodot Relation de la Cour de Rome, 8vo. 1701
*Nodot Voyage d'Italie 2 Vol., 8vo. 1706
*Nonni Panopolitæ Dionysiaca Græce, 4to. 1569
Norwood's Doctrine of Triangles, 4to. 1685
Norwood's Doctrines of Triangles, 8vo. 1645
Nourse on the Homilies, 8vo. 1731
Novels a Volume viz Advantures of Proteus &c., 8vo. 1727
Novum Lumen Chymicum, 8vo. 1639
*Nubes Testium, a Collection of the Prim. Fathers, 4to. 1686
Nun's Complaint against the Friars, 8vo. 1676
Nuysement de vero Sole secreto Philosophorum, 8vo. 1672

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