Catalogue of the Library

Dr. James Musgrave
Rector of Chinnor, Oxon

(Entries marked with a star are also present in the Huggins List, and so were almost certainly owned by Newton. See the main catalogue page for an overview.)


Mabillon de Re Diplomatica Supplement. &c. F. 1704
*MacLaurin Geometria Organica, 4to. 1720
*Macrobii Opera notis Pontani et Meursii, 8vo. 1628
Magazines, British 4 Vol., 8vo. 1746
Magazines, Universal 27 Vol., 8vo. 1747
Magazines, London 9 Vol., 8vo. 1756
Magazines, New Universal 4 Vol., 8vo. 1751
*Magical Light communicated to ye World, 8vo. 1651
Magni Philosophorum Arcani Revelator, 8vo. 1683
Maier Symbola Aureæ Mensæ, 8vo. 1617
*Mayer Tract de Volucri Arborea, 8vo. 1619
Maier de septem Montibus Planetarum, 8vo. 1651
Maier Septimana Philosophica, 4th. 1620
Maier Scrutinium Chymicum, 4to. 1687
Maimbourg of the Prerog: of the Church of Rome, 8vo. 1685
Maimonides de Idolatria per Vossium, 4to. 1642
*Maiminides de Cultu Divino per De Veil, 4to. 1678
*Maimonides de Sacrificiis per De Veil, 4to. 1683
Maimonides de Jure Anni Septimi, 4to. 1708
Management of the War in Spain, 8vo. 1712
*Manethonis Apotelesmatorum Lib 6, 4to. 1698
*Marbodæus de Gemmis et Lapidibus, Pretiosis, 8vo. 1539
*Marckius de Selectis Textibus nov. Testament., 4to. 1721
*Mariotte Oeuvres Mathematiques 2 Tom., 4to. 1717
Marrow of Alchemy a Treatise of the Philosph. Hone. 8vo. 1654
*Marsham Canon Chronicus, 4to. 1676
Massæi Chronicorum Mundi Lib XX., F. 1540
*Marshall's Chronological Tables, F.
Martenez Dictionarium Tetraglotton, 8vo. 1671
Martin's History of the Inquisition, 8vo. 1738
*Mathematici Veteres viz Athenæus, Bito &. Gr. Lat., F. 1693
*Mat. Paris Historia Angliæ per Watts, F. 1684
*Maundrells Travels from Aleppo to Jerusalem, 8vo. 1721
*Maundrells Travels, with Additions, 8vo. 1732
Maximes, traduites de L'Espagne, 8vo. 1671
Mayer of the Superiority of Creatures, 8vo. 1654
*Mead de Imperio Solis ac Lunæ, 8vo. 1704
*Meade Discourse of the Plague, 8vo. 1722
Meager's Art of Gardening, 8vo. 1697
*Mechanique de Feu, 8vo. 1714
*Medailles de Louis le Grand, avec des Explications, 4to. 1702
*Mede, Josiph, Works with his Life, F. 1672
*Meibomii Antiquæ Musicæ Auctores 2 Vol., 4to. 1652
Melancthon Chronicon Charionis, 8vo. 1680
*Memoirs of the Dutch Trade, 8vo. 1710
*Memoirs concerning the Affairs of Scotland, (Lockhart) 8vo. 1704
*Memoires de Mons. D'Ablancourt, 8vo. 1701
*Memoires sur les derniers Revolutions de la Pologne, 8vo. 1710
Memoires sur le Commerce de Hollandois, 8vo. 1717
*Memoires pour Servir a L'Histoire de France 2 Vol., 8vo. 1719
*Memoires du Marquis de Guiscard, 8vo. 1705
*Menandri et Philemonis Reliquiæ notis Grotii et Clerici, 8vo. 1719
*Menandri et Philemonis Reliquias, Emendationes in 1710
*Mercatoris (Mar) Opera Omnia, F. 1673
*Mercatoris Institutiones Astronimiæ, 8vo. 1676
Mercury's Caducian Rod, 8vo. 1702
*Meursius Glossarium Græco Barbarum, 4to. 1614
*Meursius de Regibus Atheniensium, 4to. 1633
*Meursius, Themis et Reliqua Attica, 4to. 1685
*Mersius, Theseus 1684
*Meursius de Regno Laconico et de Piræo, 4to. 1687
Mills's Compleat System of Husbandry 5 Vol., 8vo. 1762
*Milton's Works (Poetical) 2 Vol., 4to. 1720
Minucii Felicis Octavius notis Rigaltii, 8vo. 1678
*Miscellanea Berolinensia, 4to. 1710
*Miscellanea Græcorum Script. Carmina, et Matthaire, 4to. 1722
*Miscellanea Curiosa, 8vo. 1705 and 1706
Miscellanea Italica Physico-Mathematica, 4to. 1692
Miscellanies by Pope, Swift &c., 2 Vol., 8vo. 1751
Modus Conficiendi Lapidem Philosophicum, 4to. 1630
*Moivre's Doctrine of Chances, 4to. 1718
*Moivre's of Annuities upon Lives, 8vo. 1725
*Moivre Animad in Cheyneum de Fluxion., 8vo. 1704
*Molls System of Geography, F. 1701
*Molls Description of England & Wales with Maps, F. 1724
*Molyneux's Case of Ireland, 8vo. 1677
*Molyneux Treatise of Dioptricks, 4to. 1692
Montaigne Essais per Pierre Coste 3 Vol, 4to. 1724
*Montanus in Quatuor Evangelia, 4to. 1575
*Montani Antiquitatum Judaicarum Lib IX, 4to. 1593
*Moore (Sr. Jonas) Elements of Military Architecture, 8vo. 1689
*Moore's Mathematical Compendium, 8vo. 1695
*Moore's Arithmetick, 8vo. 1650
Moore's Philosophical Poems, 8vo. 1647
More (Dr. Hen) on the Prophet Daniel 2 Vol., 4to. 1681
More (Dr. Hen) on the Revelations, 4to. 1680
More on the Immortality of the Soul, 8vo. 1688
More's Discourses on Several Texts, 8vo. 1692
Moore of Judiciary Astrology, 8vo. 1684
*Morden's Geography, 4to. 1700
*Morgan's Philosoph. Principles of Medicine, 8vo. 1725
Morhoffius de Metallorum Transmutatione, 8vo. 1673
*Morland of the Force of the Heart, 8vo. 1713
*Morley Collectanea Chymica Leydensia, 8vo. 1693
Montfaucon Diarium Italicum, 4th. 1702
Mortii Chemiæ Veræ Nobilitas & Utilitas, 4to. 1696
*Moyle Miscellaneous Works 2 Vol., 8vo. 1726
Moyne's Art of Writing & Judging of History, 8vo. 1695
Munsteri Kalendarium Hebraicum, 4to. 1577
Munster Dictionarium Chaldaicum, 4to. 1627
Munsterus in Proverbia Solomonis, 8vo. 1520
Munster Cosmographia Universalis, F. 1590
*Muratori Antichita Estensi, F. 1717
Masæum Hermeticum, 4to. 1625
Musæum Hermeticum reformatum & amplificat:, 4to. 1678
Mylii Basilica Chymica, 4to. 1618
Mynsicht Thesaurus et Armament. Med. Chymicum, 8vo. 1651
*Mythographi Latini notis Var per Munckerum, 8vo. 1681

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