Catalogue of the Library

Dr. James Musgrave
Rector of Chinnor, Oxon

(Entries marked with a star are also present in the Huggins List, and so were almost certainly owned by Newton. See the main catalogue page for an overview.)


*Lactantius, per Spark, 8vo. 1684
Lactantius de Mortibus Persecutorum, 8vo. 1680
*Lahontan Voyages dans L'Amerique 3 Vol., 8vo. 1703
Lamb's Fresh suit against Independency, 8vo. 1677
*Lampe de Cymbalis Veterum, cum Fig. 8vo. 1703
Lamy Dissertation sur L'Antimoine, 8vo. 1672
*Lancaster on the ninth Chapter of Daniel, 4to. 1722
Lancelotti Institutiones Juris Canonici, 8vo. 1670
*Landi Numismata Selecta, 4to. 1695
Langbaine's Lives of Eng. Dramatick Poets, 8vo. 1699
*Langii Invent. Novum Quadrat. Universalis, 8vo. 1714
*Langii Philologiæ Barbaro Græcæ, 4to. 1708
Lansdown's Poems, 8vo. 1726
*Larvey Histoire de France, 4 Vol., 8vo. 1718
Lau. Valla de Collatione novi Testamenti, 8vo. 1630
Laws Serious Call to a Holy Life, 8vo. 1750
Laws for the Poor, 8vo. 1718
Lawrence's Pleasure & Profit of Gardening, 8vo. 1717
*Lazius de Gentium aliquot Migrationibus, F. 1557
Lectures on the Roman History Fr. & Eng, 8vo. 1729
*Leguat Voyage et Avantures en deux Isles desertes, 8vo. 1708
*Leibnitii Scriptores Rerum Brunsuicensium 3 Vol., F. 1707
*Leidekker de Republica Hebræorum, F. 1704
Leigh Critica Sacra, F. 1650
*Lemery's Course of Chymistry, 8vo. 1698
*Lemery Traite de L'Antimoine, 8vo. 1717
*Le Neve Monumenta Anglicana 5 Vol., 8vo. 1718
*Le Neve's Lives of the Protestant Arch Bishops, 8vo. 1720
*Lesley's Case Stated with the Ch. of Rome, 8vo. 1713
Lestrange's History of King Charles the 1st., F. 1655
Leusden's Compend. Gr. novi Testamenti, 8vo. 1691
*L'Hopital Traite des Sections Coniques, 4to. 1707
Libavii (And) Alchymia, F. 1506
Life of Prince Eugene, 8vo. 1749
Life of James Duke of Ormond, 8vo. 1738
Life of FitzJames Duke of Berwick, 8vo. 1740
Life of General Monk by Gumble, 8vo. 1671
Life of General Monk by Skinner, 8vo. 1723
Life of Sir George Rooke, 8vo. 1705
Life of Chas. Ratcliffe Esq., 8vo. 1747
Life & Adventures of Lord Lovat, 8vo. 1746
Life of Miss Jenny Cameron, 8vo. 1746
Life of Queen Anne with Plans of Battles, &c., 8vo. 1738
Lives of St. Wenefred, Mr. Hales of Eton, Dr. Clarke &c., 8vo. 1713
*Lightfoot's Works 2 Vol., F. 1684
Limbourch Theologia Christiana, 4to. 1686
Lipsii Epistolarum select. Chilies, 8vo. 1711
List of the Lords Spiritual & Temporal, 8vo. 1735
*Lister de Morbis Chronicis, 8vo. 1694
Liturgia Græcæ, 8vo. 1666
Liturgia Latima, 8vo. 1691
Liturgie in French, 8vo. 1730
Lively Oracles by the Author of ye Whole Duty of Man, 8vo. 1678
Livii Historia Romana per Gruter 2 Vol., 8vo. 1699
Livii Historia per Le Clerc 10 Vol., 8vo. 1710
*Locke of Human Understanding, F. 1690
*Locke of Human Understanding, 2 vol., 8vo. 1731
Locke's Posthumous Works, 8vo. 1706
*Lockius de Intellectu Humano, F. 1701
*Lock on raising the Value of Money, 8vo. 1692
*Lock on St. Paul's Epistles, 4to. 1707
*Lock's Letters to the Bp. of Worcester, 2 Vol., 8vo. 1697
*Lock's Pieces published by Des Maizeaux, 8vo. 1720
Logica, sive Ars Cogitandi, 8vo. 1670
*Loggan Cantabrigia Illustrata, F. 1690
Longini (Cæsar) Secretorum Magicorum Opus, 8vo. 1673
Longinus de Sublimitete Gr. Lat. Hudson, 8vo. 1718
Longinus of the Sublime in English, 8vo. 1698
Lord's Prayer in all Languages, 8vo. 1715
*Lubienetz Theatrum Comet. & Historia Cometarum, 2 V., F. 1681
*Lucretius notis Tan Fabri, 8vo. 1686
*Ludolfi Comment. ad suam Hist. Æthiopicam, 8vo. 1691
*Ludolphus History of Æthiopia, F. 1684
Lucani Pharsali notis Gratii, 8vo. 1651
Lucas's Enquiry after Happiness, 8vo. 1685
*Lucas Voyage au Levant 2 Vol, 8vo. 1704
*Luciani Opera Gr Lat. Bourdelotii, F. 1615
*Luciani Opera Gr. Lat. 2 Vol., notis Var, 8vo. 1687
Luidii Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia, 8vo. 1709
*Lullii (Raym) Opera Chymica, 8vo. 1609
Lullii de Conservatione Vitæ & Liber Secretorum, 8vo. 1616
Lullii Fontes Alchimicæ Artis, 8vo. 1563
Lullii Testamentum Novissimum, 8vo. 1572
*Lullius de Secretis Naturae, 8vo. 1567
Lullius de Rebus Metallicis, 8vo. 1541
Lullius de Mecurio Ars Intellectiva &c., 8vo. 1570
*Lullii Ars Magna Generalis et Ultima, 8vo. 1596
*Lumiere sortant des Tenebres, 8vo. 1687
Lusitani Curationum Medicinalium cent. prima. 8vo. 1553
Lusus Mathematicus or ye Mathematical Game, 8vo. 1681
Luther on the Galatians, 8vo. 1577
*Lydiat Canones Chronologici, 8vo. 1675
Lydii Conservat. Veræ Ecclesiæ, 8vo. 1616

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