Catalogue of the Library

Dr. James Musgrave
Rector of Chinnor, Oxon

(Entries marked with a star are also present in the Huggins List, and so were almost certainly owned by Newton. See the main catalogue page for an overview.)


Fabri (Pet Johan.) Opera Chymica 2 Vol, 4to. 1652
*Fabri Dialogi Physici, 8vo. 1669
*Fabricii Codex Veteris Testamenti 2 Vol, 8vo. 1713
*Fabricii Codex Apocrypha novi Testamenti, 8vo. 1703
*Fabricii Bibliotheca Græca, 10 Vol., 4to. 1705
*Fabricii Bibliotheca Latina, 8vo. 1708
*Fabricii Bibliotheca Antiquaria, 4to. 1706
*Fabry Synopsis Geomet. et Opusculum, 8vo. 1669
Faith of one God who is the only Father, 4to. 1691
Fame and Confession of the Rosie Cross, 8vo. 1652
Fatii Lettre a Monsr. Cassini, 8vo. 1686
Featley's Dippers Dipt, with other Tracts, 4to. 1660
Felton on the Classicks, 8vo. 1713
Fenice's French & Italian Dictionary, 8vo. 1586
Fenner on ye Catechism with his other Works, 4to. 1656
Ferrarii Lexicon Geographicum, F. 1657
Fiddes's Life of Cardinal Wolsey, F. 1726
Fields five Books of the Church, 4to. 1606
*Feullee Journal des Observations Physiques 2 Vol., 4to. 1714
Filet D' Ariadne de la Philosophie Hermetique, 8vo. 1695
*Fisher's Sermon at the Funeral of the C. of Richmond, 8vo. 1708
*Flacci (Valer) Argonautica, 8vo. 1523
*Flacci Argonautica D. Heinsii, 8vo. 1702
*Flamstedii Historia Cælestis, F 1712
Fleetwood's Reasonable Communicant, 8vo. 1732
*Floyer Orivolo da Polso de Medici, 4to. 1715
Fontenelle Eloges Historiques 2 Vol., 8vo. 1717
Fontonelle's Plurality of Worlds, 8vo. 1728
*Forster's Mathematical Lucubrations, F. 1659
*Fortescue of Absolute & Limited Monarchy, 8vo. 1714
Fowler's Design of Christianity, 8vo. 1670
Franckenbergii Compendium Chronologiæ, 4to. 1661
Frankii Manuduct. ad Lect. Scripturæ Sacræ, 8vo. 1706
Freeholder by Mr. Addison, 8vo. 1761
*Friend Prælectiones Chemicæ, stained blue Turkey, 8vo. 1726
Freniele Traite des Triangles, 8vo. 1676
Fromondi Meteorologicorum Libri sex, 8vo. 1639
*Fruit Walls Improved by inclining to ye Horizon, 4to. 1699
*Fuller's Pharmacopæia Extemporanea, 8vo. 1714

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