Catalogue of the Library

Dr. James Musgrave
Rector of Chinnor, Oxon

(Entries marked with a star are also present in the Huggins List, and so were almost certainly owned by Newton. See the main catalogue page for an overview.)


Eachard's Compendium of Geography, 8vo. 1691
*Eachard's Description of Ireland, 8vo. 1691
Ecchard's Gazetteer compleat, 8vo. 1741
*Ecchard's Ecclesiastical History 2 Vol., 8vo. 1720
Ecton of Ecclesiastical Benefices, 8vo. 1728
Edwards of Diocesan Episcopacy, 8vo. 1705
Ellis Defensio Articulorum Eccles. Anglicanæ, 8vo. 1709
Ellis's Experiments in Husbandry &c. 3 Vol., 8vo. 1736
Elucidatio Metallorum & Metallicorum, 8vo. 1665
*Emperici (Sexti) Opera Gr. Lat, F. 1621
*England's Black Tribunal being ye Tryal of K. Chas., 8vo. 1660
*Eniedini Explicationes Vet et Nov. Testamenti, 4to. 1670
Epictetus Cebes et Theophrastus Gr. Lat., 8vo. 1680
Epictetus et Cebes Gr. Lat., 8vo. 1620
Epictetus Gr. Lat. vers. per Trie, 8vo. 1723
*Epiphanii Opera Gr. Lat. 2 Vol, F. 1682
Erasmus in Novum Testamentum 2 Vol., 4to. 1658
Erasmi Enarratio in Psalmum primum, 8vo. 1644
Erasmus's Christian's Manual in English, 8vo. 1752
Erasmus on the New Testament 2 Vol, F. 1579
*Erpenii Historia Saracenica Arab. et Lat., F. 1625
Escalier des Sages, ou la Philosophie des Anciens, F. 1689
*Essay D'Analyse sur les Ieux de Hazard, 4to. 1713
Essay for the Amendment of Silver Coin, 8vo. 1695
Essay on the Use of the Anodyne Necklace, 8vo. 1719
Euclidis Elementa, novo ordine ac method, Demonstrat., 8vo. 1678
*Euclidis Elementa per Barrow, 8vo. 1711
*Idem Liber notis MSS Isaac Newton, 8vo. 1655
*Euclidis Elementorum Lib XV Gr. Lat. 8vo. 1573
Euclid's Elements in English, 4to. -
*Evelyn's Discourse of Medals, F. 1697
*Everard's Stereometry made easie, 8vo. 1684
*Euripidis Tragædiæ Gr. Lat. Canteri - 2 Vol., 4to. 1602
*Europe Savante 11 Vol., 8vo. 1718
*Eusebii Socratis &c. Historia Eccles Gr. Lat. Valesii 3 Vol, F. 1678
*Eusebii Preparatio et Demonstratio Evang: 2 Vol., F. 1688
Eusebii Historia Eccles, Lat. per Boussardum, 8vo. 1525
*Eusebii Thesaurus Temporum, Opera Jos. Scaligeri, F. 1658
Examiners for the Year 1711, 8vo. 1712
*Experiences (Rakes) sur L'Esprit Mineral &c., 8vo. 1668

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