Catalogue of the Library

Dr. James Musgrave
Rector of Chinnor, Oxon

(Entries marked with a star are also present in the Huggins List, and so were almost certainly owned by Newton. See the main catalogue page for an overview.)


D'Acugna's Discoveries in South America, 8vo. 1698
Dale (van) de Origine et Progressu Idolatriæ, 4to. 1696
Daille's Right Use of the Fathers, 8vo. 1675
*Dallæus de Iejuniis & Quadragesima, 8vo. 1654
*Dallæus de Cultibus Religi-Latinorum 2 Vol., 4to. 1671
*Dallæius de Imaginibus Libri IV., 8vo. 1642
Damasccni et Cassianæ Opera, F. 1575
*Damasi (Papæ) Opera, 8vo. 1672
Dart's Antiquities of Westminster Abbey 2 Vol, F. -
Dary's Mathematical Theorems, 8vo. 1669
Dary's Book of Interest, 8vo. 1677
*Davenant's Discourses of ye Trade of England 2 Vol., 8vo. 1698
*Davis's Life of Epictetus & Tablet of Cebes, 8vo. 1650
*Davis History of Oxford & Cambridge Writers 3 Vol., 8vo. 1716
Davison Philosophia Pyrotechnica, 8vo. 1640
*Declaration du Roy des Monnoyes, 4to. 1689
Dee Fasiculus Chemicus, 8vo. 1620
Delaune's Sermons, 8vo. 1728
*Dellon Voyage aux Indes Orientales, 8vo. 1699
*Delusion of Christians on God's revealing Himself, &c, 8vo. 1713
Demosthenis Orationes Selectus Gr. Lat., 8vo. 1660
*Derham's Astro & Physico Theology 2 Vol., 8vo. 1715
*Derham Demonst. della Essenza et Attributi D'Iddio, 4to. 1720
*Desagulier's Physico Mechanical Lectures, 8vo. 1717
Desagulier's new method of Building Chimneys, 8vo. 1715
Desagulier's Science des Nombres 2 Vol, 8vo. 1701
Desaguliers de la Reduction des Changes et Monnoyes, 4to. 1701
Descartes of Local Motion, 8vo. 1670
Descartes Med. de prima Philosophia, 8vo. 1664
*Descarte's Principia Philosophiæ, 4to. 1656
Descarte's Algebra in Dutch by de Graaf, 4to. 1672
Description and use of the Globes, 8vo. 1700
Devout Companion from Tillotson, Taylor &c., 8vo. 1752
Dialogue betwixt two Protestants, 8vo. 1686
*Dickenson de Quintessentia Philosophorum, 8vo. 1686
*Dictionnaire Oeconomique par Chomel, F. 1709
Digby of Bodies & Man's Soul, 4to. 1658
Dicty's Cretensis de Bello Trojano, 8vo. 1691
*Diodorus Siculus Gr. Lat. Rhodomanni, F. 1604
*Diodorus Siculus English by Booth, F. 1700
*Diogenes Laertius Gr. Lat. Pearson, F. 1664
*Dion Cassius Gr. Lat., Leundavii, F. 1606
*Dionysius Halicarnasseus Gr. Lat., Sylburgii, F. 1691
*Dionysii Orbis Descripto Gr. Lat. Eustachii, 8vo. 1710
*Diophanti Alexandrini Arithmet. lib. VI, Gr. Lat., F. 1621
Directory for the Publick Worship of God, 4to. 1644
Discourse on divine Providence, 8vo. 1700
Discourse of the Nature of Man & State after Death. 8vo. 1650
Discourse concerning Laws in General, 8vo. 1673
Ditton on the Resurrection, 8vo. 1727
*Ditton's Law of Fluids, 8vo. 1714
Divine Rights of Church Government, &c., 4to. 1646
Dixon's English Instructor, 8vo. 1763
*Dodwell Dissertationes Cyprianicæ, 8vo. 1684
*Dodwell's Works abridged with his Life, 8vo. 1723
*Douglas Bibliographiæ Anatomicæ Specimen, 8vo. 1715
Druræi Dramatica Poemata, 8vo. 1628
*Du Chesne curieux et rares Secrets, 8vo. 1648
*Duez Dictionnaire Francois Allemand Latin 2 Vol., 8vo. 1663
*Duhamel Reg. Scient. Academ. Historia, 4to. 1701
*Du Pin Bibliotheque Universelle des Historiens, 4to. 1708
*Du Pin's Church History 4 Vol., 8vo. 1716
Ductor Historicus or a System of Univ. History, 8vo. 1698

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