Catalogue of the Library

Dr. James Musgrave
Rector of Chinnor, Oxon

(Entries marked with a star are also present in the Huggins List, and so were almost certainly owned by Newton. See the main catalogue page for an overview.)


*Cæsaris Commentaria per Clarke, Tabulis Æneis, F. 1712
*Cæsaris Commentaria notis Sam Clarke, 8vo. 1720
*Cæsaris Commentaria notis Variorum, 8vo. 1670
Cæsaris Commentaria notis Delphini, 8vo. 1731
Cæsaris Commentaria notis Ursini &c., 8vo 1610
*Cæsar's Commentaries in English by Bladen, 8vo. 1706
*Cæsar's Commentaries in English by Gooding, 8vo. 1565
*Cæsius de Mineralibus, F. 1636
Calamy's Sermons, 8vo. 1670
*Calepini Dictionarium Octo Linguarum, F. 1647
*Callimachus Gr. Lat. Spanhemii 2 Vol., 8vo. 1697
Calvini Institut. Christianæ Religionis, 8vo. 1565
*Cambridge Verses on the Death of Queen Anne, F. 1714
*Cambridge Concordance to the Bible, F. 1698
*Camdeni Britannia, abridgement, 8vo. 1646
*Cambden's Annals of Queen Elizabeth, F. 1688
Camus Homelies sur la Passion de not. Seigneur, 8vo. 1606
*Caneparius de Atramentis, 4to. 1660
Cantabrigia Illustrata per Loggan, F. 1690
Cappelli Historia Apostolica, 4to. 1634
*Cappelli Historia Apostolica illustrata, 4to. 1682
Carrellus de Auri Essentia, 8vo. 1646
Carr's Travellers Guide, 8vo. 1697
*Caryophili (Blasii) Dissertat. Miscellanea, 4to. 1698
*Casalius de Splendore Romani Imperii, F. 1650
Casimiri Lyricorum Lib IV, 8vo. 1624
Cassander de Articulis Religionis, 8vo. 1608
Catalogue of Chymical Books, 8vo. 1675
*Catalogus Bibliothecæ Bodleianæ per Hyde, F. 1674
*Catalogus Bibliothecæ Thuanæ 2 Vol., 8vo. 1679
*Catalogus Manuscriptorum Angliæ et Hiberniæ, F. 1697
*Catrou Hist. de L'Empire du Mogal, 8vo., 2 copies. 1705
Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, 8vo. 1686
Cave's Primitive Christianity 8vo. 1702
Caussini Thesaurus Græcæ Poesæ, 8vo. 1614
Causinus de Symbolica Ægyptiorum, 8vo. 1631
Cawdrey's Inconsistence of the Independent Way, 4to 1651
*Cawley's Laws of Queen Elizabeth, &c., concerning Jesuits, F. 1680
*Cawood's Navigation compleated, 4to. 1710
*Celsus de Medicina per Vander Linden, 8vo. 1665
*Censorinus de Die Natali, 8vo. 1695
*Censure on some Mistakes concerning Civil Government, 8vo. 1713
*Chamberlayne's State of Great Britain, 8vo. 1718
*Chardin Voyages en Perse &c. 3 Vol., 4tp. 1711
*Chardin's Voyages & Travels into Persia, &c., F. 1686
*Charles I Trial, see England's -
Chastre parfaict Exemplaire de L'Art Chymique, 8vo. 1720
*Chesne (Jos. du) Medicine Balsamique des Anciens Philosophes, 8vo. 1626
*Cheyne Fluxionum Methodus Inverse, 4to. 1711
*Cheyne Philosoph. Principles of Nat. Religion, 8vo. 1705
*Cheyne of Health & Long Life, 8vo. 1725
*Child Discourse on Trade, 8vo. 1694
Chorographia Britanniæ, being Maps of all ye Counties, 8vo. 1750
Christianity no Enthusiasm, 8vo. 1678
Chrysostomi Opera Lat, F. 1603
Chrysostomi Vita et Philosophia Democriti, 8vo. 1658
Chymical & Medecinal Addresses to S. Hartlib Esq., 8vo. 1658
Chymica Nannus inventa pro Authoribus immort. Adeptis, 4to. 1666
*Ciceronis Opera Omnia 2 Vol., F 1618
Ciceronis Opera Omnia per Grævium et Davisium 25 Vol, 8vo. 1699
*Ciceronis Epistolæ ad Familiares edit antiqua, .F -
*Cicero de Officiis, comment Sam Rachetii, 8vo. 1686
Claget of the Operations of the Holy Spirit, 8vo. 1680
*Clarke (Dr. Sam) Sermons 10 Vol., 8vo. 1730
*Clarke's, Sermons at Boyles Lectures, 8vo. 1706
*Clarke's Seventeen Sermons, 8vo. 1724
Clarke on the Church Catechism, 8vo. 1729
*Clarke's Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity, 8vo. 1712 and 1719
*Clarke's Essays on Buptism, Confirmat. & Repentance, 8vo. 1710
Clarke & Pyle on the new Testument 5 Vol., 8vo. 1758
*Clarke's Reply to Nelson 8vo. 1714
*Clarke's Letters to Leibnitz, 8vo. 1717
*Clarke (Dr. John) Sermons at Boyles Lectures 2 Vol., 8vo. 1720
Clark's Seder Olam, or ye Order of Ages, 8vo. 1694
Clarissa - 8 Vol., 8vo. 1764
Claubergius de Cognitione Dei, 8vo. 1685
Clauderus de Tinctura Universali, 4to. 1678
*Claudianus, ex Emendat. Heinsii, 8vo. 1677
Clavii Apologia adv. Erastum, 8vo. 1602
*Clement Alexand. Opera Gr. Lat., F. 1641
*Clerici (Dav.) Quæstiones Sacræ, 8vo. 1685
*Clerk, Le Histoire de la Medecine, 4to. 1702
*Clerici Vita et Catal. Operum, 8vo. 1711
*Clerici Comment in Vetus Testamentum 4 Vol., F. 1710
*Clerici Historia Ecclesiastica, 4to. 1716
Clergyman's Vade Mecum 2 Vol, 8vo. 1723
Clipsham of Suppressing Popery, 8vo. 1685
Cladovei Leges Nationum, 8vo. 1540
Cluveri Introductio ad Geographiam, 4to. 1697
*Cockburn of the Nature & Cure of Diseases, 8vo. 1716
*Cockburn of Sea Diseases, 8vo. 1706
*Codex Theodosianus per Gothofredum 4 Vol., F. 1665
Coettogon's Dictionary of Arts & Sciences 2 Vol., F. 1745
*Coles's English & Latin Dictionary, 8vo. 1699
*Collectanea Chymica, Ten Treatises in Chymistry, 8vo. 1684
*Collins et aliorum Commercium Epist de Analysi promota, 8vo. 1724
Collins of the Grounds of the Chlistian Religion, 8vo. 1724
*Collier's Historical & Geograph. Dictionary, F. 1710
Collier's Essays 4 Parts 3 Vol., 8vo. 1710
Colson of the Philosophers Stone, 8vo. 1668
Comber's Advice to Roman Catholicks, 8vo. 1677
Common Prayer 8ook, very large Print, 8vo. 1731
Common Prayer Book, rul'd with red lines, 8vo. 1679
Common Prayer Book, in Spanish, calf gilt leaves, 8vo. 1715
Common Prayer Book the best Companion, 8vo 1753
*Comte's, Le, Journey through China, 8vo. 1698
Comte's Traite de la Liqueur de L'Alchaest, 8vo. 1678
*Conferences with the Danish Missionaries, &c., 8vo. 1719
Confectio Vera Lapidis Philosophici, 8vo. 1678
*Confucii Scientia Sinensis, studio Couplet, F. 1687
Congreve's Plays, 4to. 1694
Congreve's Poems, 8vo. 1720
Conybeare's Defence of Revealed Religion, 8vo. 1734
*Cooke's Voyage to the South Sea, 8vo. 1712
*Cooperi Thesaurus Linguæ Latinæ, F, the last leaf written 1578
*Cosin Historia Transubstantionis, 8vo. 1713
*Cornaro of Health & Long Life, 8vo. 1704
*Cornelius Nepos in Usum Delphini, 4to. 1675
*Cornelius Nepos per Rutgersium, 8vo. 1688
*Cornelius Nepos sine notis, 8vo. 1673
Cosmopolite, ou Nouvelle Lumiere Chymique - 2 Vol., 8vo. 1691
*Cotelerii Patres Apostolici per Le Clerc 2 Vol., F. 1700
*Cotefii Harmonia Mensurarum per Smith, 4to. 1722
*Covel's Account of the Greek Church, F. 1722
*Court Dela, Cours. de Change de L'Europe, 8vo. 1695
Cowell's Interpreter of Law Terms, F. 1658
Cowley's Works with his Life, F. 1680
*Cowper on the Muscles with fine Prints, F. 1726
Cozzandus de Magisterio Antiq Philosophorum, 8vo. 1684
Cradock's Apostolical History, F. 1671
*Craig de Calculo Fluentium, 4to. 1717
*Crellius in Epist. Pauli ad Thessalonicences, 8vo. 1636
Cressener's Judgments of God on ye Roman Church, 4to. 1689
Croecii Historia Hebræorum ab Homero, 8vo. 1704
Crollii Basilica Chymica, 4to. 1647
Crousaz sur la L'utilite des Mathematiques, 8vo. 1715
*Crousaz Commentaire sur L'Analyse des Infin. Petits, 4to. 1721
Crudens Concordance to the Holy Scriptures, 4to. 1738
Cudworth on the Lord's Supper, 8vo. 1670
*Cumberland of Jewish Weights & Measures, 8vo. 1686
*Cumberland Origines Gentium Antiquissimæ, 8vo. 1724
*Curcellæi Opera Theologica, F. 1675
Curse of Popery and Popish Princes, 8vo. 1716
*Cuspinianus de Turcarum Origine, 8vo. 1654
*Cypriani Opera per Fell, F. 1682
*Cyrilli (Hierofol) et Synesii Opera Gr. Lat., F. 1631
Cyzieni Comment Actorum Concil Nicæni, 8vo. 1599

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