Catalogue of the Library

Dr. James Musgrave
Rector of Chinnor, Oxon

(Entries marked with a star are also present in the Huggins List, and so were almost certainly owned by Newton. See the main catalogue page for an overview.)


Bacchinius de Eccles. Hierarchiæ Originibus, 4to. 1703
Baccius de Gemmis et Lapidibus, 8vo. 1643
Bacon's (Sr Fran:) Essays Divine & Moral, 8vo. 1706
Bacon Opuscula Posthuma, 8vo. 1658
Bacon Roger de Arte Chestmiæ Scriptæ, 8vo. 1603
*Baker's Reflections on Learning, 8vo. 1708
*Baker's Gate of Equations unlock'd, 4to. 1684
Balam's Algebra, 8vo. 1653
Balgny's Sermons, 2 Vol., 8vo. 1760
Ball of the Grounds of Separation, 4to. 1640
Barker (Mrs.) Poetical Recreation, 8vo. 1688
*Barnabæ Epistola Catholica Gr. Lat., 4to. 1645
Barnesii Catholico Romanus Pacificus, 8vo. 1680
Barrocii (Fr.) Cosmographia, 8vo. 1685
*Baronii Annales Eccleaiastici, 6 Vol., F. 1609
*Barrow Lectiones Mathematicæ, 4to. 1659
*Barrow Lectiones xxiii Mathematicæ Edit. altera., 8vo. 1685
*Barrow on the Pope's Supremacy, 4to. 1680
Barwick (Dr. John) Life, 8vo. 1724
*Basilii (St.) Opera Omnia Gr. Lat. 3 Vol., F. 1618
*Basnagii Annales Politico Ecclesiastici 3 Vol., F. 1706
*Basnage's History of the Jews, F. 1705
*Basnage Antiquetez Judaiques 2 Vol., 8vo. 1703
Baxter's (Richd.) Noncomformists Plea for Peace, 8vo. 1679
Baxter's Reform'd Pastor, 8vo. 1656
Baxter's Cure of Church Divisions, 8vo. 1670
Baxter's Directions for Peace & Comfort, 8vo. 1653
Baxter of the Unreasonableness of Infidelity, 8vo. 1655
Baxter's Treatise on Self Denyal, 4to. 1660
*Baxter (Guliel.) Glossarium Antiquit: Britain, 8vo. 1519
*Bayer Uranometria cum figuris, F. 1655
Bayer Explicatio characterum Uranomet. Imag: ulmæ, 4to. 1640
Bayle Lettres Choisies 3 Vol., 8vo. 1714
*Becher Physica Subterranea, 8vo. 1681
Beds Hist. Eccles Gentis Anglorum, 8vo 1601
*Beds Hist. Eccles. Gentis Anglorum per Smith, F. 1722
*Begeri Spicilegium Antiquitatis, F. 1692
Beguini Tyrocinium Chymicum, 8vo. 1669
Bellarminus de Ascensione Mentis in Deum, 8vo. 1626
Bellarminus de Eterna Felicitate Sanctorum, 8vo. 1626
Bellarmin de Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis, 8vo. 1613
*Bellarmine's Notes of the Church Confuted, 4to. 1688
Belle Assemblee, a Collection of Novels - 4 Vol., 8vo. 1754
*Bellinus de Urinis et Pulsibus, 4to. 1685
Belot Traite de la Chiromence, 8vo. 1622
Bennet on the Articles, 8vo. 1715
Bennet's Trinity in Unity, 8vo. 1718
Bennet's Abridgment of the London Cases, 8vo. 1721
Bennet Collectio Sententiarum, 8vo. 1700
Bentley (Dr.) Account of his Humanity & Justice, 8vo. 1699
Bentley's Dissertation on the Epistles of Phalaris, 8vo. 1699
Bentley's Sermons at Boyles Lectures, 8vo. 1735
Bernard Thesaurus Biblicus, F. 1644
Bernard de Mensuris et Ponderibus, 8vo. 1688
Berosii (Sacerd. Chald.) Antiquitat. Lib. V., 8vo. 1612
*Bernoulli de la Manoeuvre des Vaisseaux, 8vo. 1714
Bertram on the Body and Blood of the Lord, 8vo. 1688
*Beveregii Institut Chronologicæ, 4to. 1705
Beveridge's Theasurus Theologicus 4 Vol., 8vo. 1711
Beveridge on the Church Catechism, 8vo. 1749
Bezæ (Theod.) Poemata, 8vo. 1556
Bezæ Epistolæ Theologicæ, 8vo. 1675
Bezæ Annotat. in Novum Testamentum, 8vo. 1594
*Biæi Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum, F. 1700
*Biblia Sacra Polyglotta et Castelli Lexicon 8 Vol, F. 1655
*Biblia Sacra Hebraica cum Princtis, 4to. -
Biblia Græca per Grabe 2 Vol., F. 1707
Biblia Græca, Prog Daniel, 8vo. 1653
*Biblia Latina Edit Vulgata, 8vo. -
*Biblia Sacra Junii et Tremellii, 8vo. 1648
Biblia Latina Hieronymi, 8vo. 1523
Biblia Latina Hieronymi, 8vo. 1568
Bible on Imperial Paper 2 Vol. rul'd printed by Basket, F. 1757
Bible with Notes printed by Barker, 4to. 1599
Bible & Com: Prayer black Letter with Annotat, 4to. 1641
Bible in French with Notes, 4to. 1637
*Bibliotheca Patrum 3 Vol. per Le Bigne, F. 1624
*Bibliotheque Choisie 2 Vol., 8vo. 1754
*Bibliotheque des Philosophes Chymiques 2 Vol., 8vo. 1672
Bidloo Exercitationum Anatom. Chirurg. Decas., 8vo. 1704
*Binnii Concilia Generalia 5 Vol., F. 1618
Biagraphia Britannica 7 Vol., F. 1747
Birrius de Transmutatione Metallorum, 8vo. 1668
Bishop's Poems Lat. & English with others, 4to. 1766
Bisse's Sermons on the Lord's Prayer, 8vo. 1730
*Bizot Hist. Metallique de la Repub: de Hollande 3 Vol, 8 vo. 1688
Blackerby's Justice of Peace, 8vo. 1711
Blackhall's Sermons on several Occasions, 8vo. 1706
*Blackmore's Essays on several Subjects 2 Vol, 8vo. 1716
Blair's Botanick Essays, 8vo. 1720
*Blanc Le Traite Historique des Monnoyes de France, 4to. 1692
*Blanchinus de Kalendario & Cyclo Cæsaris, F. 1703
*Blondel Apologia pro Hieronym. de Episcopis, 4to. 1646
*Bocharti Geographia Sacra, 4to. 1681
*Bocharti de Animalibus Sacræ Scripturæ, F. 1663
*Boeclerus de Scriptoribus Græcis et Lat., 8vo. 1700
*Boerhaave Institutiones Medicæ, 8vo. 1713
*Boerhaave Aphorismi de Cog. & Curand. Morbis., 8vo 1715
*Boisard Traite des Monnoyes 2 Vol., 8vo. 1714
*Borrellus de Motionibus Naturalibus, &c., 4to. 1670
Borrellus Bibliotheca Chemica, 8vo. 1654
*Borellus de Motu Animalium, 4to. . 1680
Borrichii Lingua Pharmacopæorum, 4to. 1670
Borrichius de Ortu et Progressu Chemiæ, 4to. 1668
*Bosman Voyage de Guinee, 8vo. 1705
Boyer's French Dictionary, 8vo. 1708
*Boyle's Hydrostaticks, Flame without Air, &c., 8vo. 1672
*Boyle's Sceptical Chymist, 8vo. 1680
*Boyle's Christian Virtuoso, 8vo. 1690
*Boyle's Observat. on the Materia Medica, 8vo. 1690
*Boyle's Languid & Unheeded Motion, 8vo. 1690
*Boyle's Saltness of the Sea, &c., 8vo. 1673
*Boyle's Experimenta Physico-Mechanica, 8vo. 1680
*Boyle's Mechanical Origine of Heat & Cold, 8vo. 1675
*Boyle's Spring of the Air & its Effects, 8vo. 1660
*Boyle's Observations touching Cold, 8vo. 1665
*Boyle's Hidden Qualities of the Air, 8vo. 1674
*Boyle's Nat. Philosophy in an experimental way, 8vo. 1691
*Boyle's Subtilty & Efficacy of Effluviums, 8vo. 1674
*Boyle's Porosity of Bodies, 8vo. 1684
*Boyle's Observations on the Icy Noctiluca, 8vo. 1682
Boyle's Reconcileableness of Reason & Religion, 8vo. 1675
*Boyle's Natural History of human Blood, 8vo. 1684
*Boyle's Origin of Gems & Curiosities in Chymistry, 4to. 1680
*Boyle's Physiological Essays & Tracts, 4to. 1669
Boyle's Usefulness of Experimental Philosophy, 4to. 1664
Boyle's Considerations on Experimental Philosophy, 4to. 1671
*Boyle's General History of the Air, 4to. 1692
*Boyle's Works epitomized by Boulton 3 Vol., 8vo. 1699
Bracken's Traveller's Pocket Guide, 8vo. 1747
*Bradley's Account of the Works of Nature, 4to. 1721
Bradley of Planting & Gardening, 8vo. 1726
*Bradley on the Plague at Marseilles, 8vo. 1721
Bragge on the Parables - 2 Vols., 8vo. 1702
Bragge on the Miracles 2 Vol., 8vo. 1702
Bragge on the Passions, 8vo. 1708
Bragge's Sermons on undissembled Religion, 8vo. 1713
Bragge's Prayers & Meditations, 8vo. 1712
Bray on the Church Catechism, F. 1696
Brendelii (Zachar) Chimia, 8vo. 1671
Brent on the Nature & Guilt of Lying, 8vo. 1702
*Brerewood on Languages & Religions, 8vo. 1674
*Brewster's Essays on Trade & Navigation, 8vo. 1695
*Brigii Trigonometria Artificialis, F. 1633
*Brigg's Opthalmographia et nova Visionis Theoria, 8vo 1685
*Britannia Languens, a Discourse on Trade, 8vo. 1680
Brixanus de Alchemia, 8vo. 1673
Brotherly Love to the Studious in ye Hermatick Art, 8vo. 1694
*Broughton's Great Apostasy from Christianity, 8vo. 1718
Brown Arithmetica Infinita, 8vo. 1718
Brown's On the Muscles, with Cutts, F. 1698
Brown's Advice to Justices of the Peace, 8vo. 1695
Brun (Le) on Painting & Sculpture, 8vo. 1701
Bruyere's Character in English, 8vo. 1702
Bucani Institutiones Theologicæ, 8vo. 1604
*Buchanani Opera Omnia, Burmanni 2 Vol, 4to. 1725
*Bull Defensio Fidei Nicænæ, 4to. 1685
Burcheti Element. Christ. Fidei, 8vo. 1658
Burkit on the New Testament, F. 1753
*Burnet (Dr. Thos.) Archæologia Philosophica, 4to. 1692
*Burnet de Statu Mortuorum, 4to. 1721
*Burnet Telluris Theoria Sacra 2 Vol., 4to. 1689
Burnet's Theory of the Earth, F. 1697
*Burnet (Bp.) on the thirty nine Articles, F. 1700
Burnet's Pastoral Care, 8vo. 1692
Burnet on the Church Catecishm, 8vo. 1710
Burns Justice of Peace 2 Vol., 8vo. 1757
*Busbei Gram. Græca Metrica, 8vo. 1722
Butler's Hudibras, 8vo. 1716
Butler's Posthumous Works, 8vo. 1715
*Buxtorfi Lexicon Hebraicum, 8vo. 1621
Buxtorfi Epitome Grammat. Hebreæ, 8vo. 1629
Buxtorfi Synogoga Judaica, 8vo. 1622
*Bythner Institutio Linguæ Sanctæ, 8vo. 1650

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