GLoF Seal  Foreword

The Grand Lodge of France is glad to welcome you on its Web site.

Breaking with the historical secrecy behind which it sheltered itself until now, The Grand Lodge of France intends from now on to open itself to the questioning world, without however betraying any of the initiatic secrets which are its foundation.


With the Internet, progress puts itself in the service of Tradition, technology in the service of Knowledge, intelligence in the service of the Spirit.

The Grand Lodge of France, which works the Blue (or Craft) degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in the strictest regularity, now has at its disposal the best vehicle available for telling everyone what it is - and particularly what it is not - inasfar as its detractors are concerned.

Thus it is ready to share with you its references, its work, its reflections and thoughts, its lectures and conferences.

Those among us who have the responsibility to communicate through this marvelous planetary medium of our times will have at heart to answer all your questionings.

Do not hesitate to
appeal to them.

Freemasons of the world, Freemasons of today and of tomorrow, you are welcome.


M. W. B. Georges Komar,
M. W. Immediate Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of France


© 1998  Grande Loge de France









Grand Lodge of France
8, rue Puteaux 75017 Paris

Webmaster :
Last update : Tuesday, January 05, 1999

[French version]