Scientology: welcome at this page by SIMPOS
Foundation in The Netherlands for information on social problems and occult tendencies
NEW: military; 200+ URLs; Austria; Bavaria; Russia; Stephen A. Kent; Lisa McPherson; dictators; racism
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Links to information on:
Karin Spaink's page: many links
Hard data on Scientology
200+ URLs critical of Scientology
Links on Scientology
Scientology - Is This a Religion? Stephen A. Kent
Scientology: links Rick Ross
Scientology Frequently Asked Questions
The Road to Xenu. A critical book by ex-Scientologist Margery Wakefield
Scientology criticized by Tilman Hausherr
Scientology: another dangerous UFO cult, by Vickie
Robert Vaughn Young on Scientology
Fredrik Bendz on Scientology
Truth about $cientology by Arnie Lerma
Sloth's Suppressive Person's Page
Modemac's Scientology Page
Boston Herald on Scientology
Stephen's UK Scientology page. An unofficial home page for Families Under Scientology Stress
Stupid Secrets of the Sue-happy Scientologists (Daniel Tobias). 'Learn how to talk to trees' for thousands of $
Scientology Audited (Chris Owen). Government reports on Scientology, and original scholarly essays
Essays on Scientology
International ViewPoints traces the roots of Scientology to the 1934 book, Scientologie by A. Nordenholz
Social Control in Scientology: Scientology Training: Sell
Scientologists embroiled in controversy all across Europe
Zenon vs Scientology; English and Swedish
Johan Wevers; Dutch and English language
French site on Scientology
Site in French (Switzerland) against Scientology
English translation of chapter on Scientology of Italian government report on cults
Scientology; Der Humanist
Scientology: Austrian criticism
Scientology; Information Österreich
Le secticide - l'anti-scientologie; French
Alejandro Agostinelli: Iglesia de la Cienciología. La religión de las estrellas; Spanish
Cienciología; Spanish
Official Church of Scientology sites
alt.religion.scientology newsgroup
The $cientology Cartoon Page
The painter Helnwein and Scientology; English
Der Maler Hellnwein und Scientology
Hellnwein und Scientology
Scientology and the Hollywood movie world
Scientology: annotated bibliography
Books about Scientology on the Web (Marina Chong)
Scientology vs. Cult Awareness Network
Broadcast, 28 Dec. 1997, "60 Minutes" (CBS TV; USA): Scientology's takeover of the Cult Awareness Network
Scientology related deaths; also here
Scientology charged in Lisa McPherson case
Site on Lisa McPherson
Lisa McPherson; Newsweek
Lisa McPherson autopsy pictures
Death of Lisa McPherson
In 1997, ZDF (German TV) broadcast the documentary Im Fadenkreuz von Scientology; also on Lisa McPherson
Articles on suspicious death of a Dutch Scientologist
Scientology: suicide cases
Death of Philip Gale
Intruding into the Workplace; Margaret Singer on 'spiritual training' in businesses by Scientology (and Landmark, etc.)
Scientological Epoch test in businesses
Scientology recruitment at the workplace
Businesses, linked to Scientology in Belgium according to parliamentary report, French/Dutch
Scientology und Wirtschaft
Scientology and the Hollywood movie world
France: workers strike against Scientologist director
English translations of German articles on Scientology in, eg, Germany
Secret service of Scientology (English)
Scientology (site Senat Berlin)
Bavarian government report on Scientology; in English
Scientology: Die Profit-Sekte; from Die Woche (Germany), Mai 12, 1995
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Interview mit ex-Scientologin
Scientology in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Glossary for Scientology terms; by critics; more extensive than the one by Scientology itself
Glossary for Scientology; by Scientology itself
Homosexuality; gays; lesbians
Scientology Homophobia
Hubbard against homosexuality
Hubbard against homosexuals (1985)
L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology
Is Scientology a religion? No, said L. Ron Hubbard
Pseudo-Buddhism in the form of Scientology. L. Ron Hubbard's claim to be a Buddha
Scientology and UFOlogy: The Gods of Eden by William Bramley; review
Scientology and Charles Manson; letter by L. Ron Hubbard
The saintly life of L. Ron Hubbard, according to his devotees
The not so saintly life of L. Ron Hubbard, according to the biography Bare-Faced Messiah
Ron the 'War Hero'
Jon Atack: Hubbard and the Occult, about Hubbard and the occult organization Ordo Templi Orientis
OT III Scholarship Page
The Commodore & The Colonels; book by John Forte; Hubbard and Greek colonels' dictatorship
Scientology, compared to other ideas
Scientology -- religion or not?
Is Scientology a religion? No, said L. Ron Hubbard
How cults work together
Tages-Anzeiger: Universal Church, racism, and Scientology
Scientology's Relationship With Eastern Religious Traditions; by Professor Stephen A. Kent
Pseudo-Buddhism in the form of Scientology. L. Ron Hubbard's claim to be a Buddha
Scientology and Satanism; FACTNet
Scientology and UFOlogy: The Gods of Eden by William Bramley; review
Richard Shand about Scientology and gnosticism
Is Scientology compatible with Christianity?
Scientology and Christianity
Scientology vs. the Internet
Lists of Internet keywords and sites censored by Scientology's Netnanny for Adults program
Scientology loses copyright fight; Salon magazine
Scientology vs. XS4all (Internet provider)
Ron Newman on Scientology
Church of Scientology v. the Net; archive of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
Scientology v. the Internet: from Skeptic Magazine
Text (in French) of French TV debate on cults (including Scientology)
On Thursday 18 September 1997, ZDF (German TV) broadcast the documentary Im Fadenkreuz von Scientology
Die dunkle Seite von Scientology; TV documentary German/English
Offshoots; groups, founded by (ex-)Scientologists
Avatar (Star's Edge)
Letter from Harvey Jackins, leader of Co-counseling, on Dianetics
More about Co-counseling (Re-evalution counseling)
Landmark Education (formerly: est)
Paul Twitchell, ex-Scientologist, founded Eckankar
The Free Zone claims: Scientology was originally good; CoS became corrupt later; publishes at Ewert Verlag, like Holey
Ambassador for Mankind: "Scientology went wrong in 1966"
The law; police; intelligence agencies
Operation Clambake about Scientology; from Norway
Church of Scientology International v. Fishman and Geertz; David S. Touretzky
Scientology and the Courts; Maureen Garde
Scientology and the Internal Revenue Service of the US
St. Petersburg Times: lawsuit by ex-Scientologist
Scientology and Charles Manson; letter by L. Ron Hubbard
Scientology and the CIA
Scientology and French courts; French, L'Express
Disparition d'un dossier sur la Scientologie
Scientology's own secret service (German)
Racism and Scientology
Scientologist and Holocaust 'revisionist' Tom Marcellus
Scientology's fight for apartheid (English); Italiano
Hubbard on South African 'natives'
Scientology and racism
French debate on Scientology and racism
Tages-Anzeiger: Universal Church, racism, and Scientology
Russia; Eastern Europe
L. Ron's Russia; from Mother Jones
"Clear Russia" and Kiriyenko; in German
Berliner Zeitung: Kirijenko en Hubbard College
Berliner Zeitung: Kiriyenko, Scientology, and parliament
Hubbard Colleges in Rußland
Russische Steuerpolizei und Dianetik
Sergueï Kirienko et la Scientologie
Albanie et Scientologie
United States
Thomas C. Tobin, St. Petersburg Times, May 7, 1998: Scientologists unveil Clearwater complex plans
Scientology and the CIA
Scientology and the Internal Revenue Service of the US
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