Drugs and occult organizations
Various groups, claiming to be spiritual, religious, or scientific, have drug addiction therapies. Scientology has Narconon. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho) devotees were very active in this field in The Netherlands in the 1980s. Also in The Netherlands, Anthroposophists have Arta
Drogen und Sekten
VPM-'Jugend ohne Drogen': Prominente aus Kultur und Sport wollen nichts mehr mit Volksinitiative zu tun haben; Schweiz
Scientology and drugs
Many links to information on the potentially dangerous drug addiction therapy Narconon of Scientology
Scientology, Narconon, and schoolkids
Narconon rejected by schools
E-mail: jwgroot@xs4all.nl or stelling@xs4all.nl
or hermantl@stad.dsl.nl