Sample2 Valley Banner

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Welcome, we hope you enjoy your visit.

The Scottish Rite is a world wide Masonic Fraternity
with over  26,900  members in Canada.   Its goals are
designed  to  build  on  the  moral  and philosophical
teachings  found in the  degree  work  studied in the
Craft Lodge  --   the  foundation  of  all Masonic Work.

butblu75.jpg (6898 bytes) The Three Bodies of the Sample2 Valley - along with their symbols, degrees and interesting information.
butblu75.jpg (6898 bytes) A Tour of the Sample2 Valley Temple.
What's New? A Calendar of Events for Sample2 Valley.
butblu75.jpg (6898 bytes) Tableau of Officers of Sample2 Valley.
Visit other Valleys Visit other Valleys of Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of Canada.

  Visit Supreme Council Visit the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite of Canada Scottish Rite of Canada

Email Webmaster, Kirk-White
Copyright© 1998, by Kirk-White