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The Scottish Rite Masonic Story

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Sample2 Lodge of Perfection

Many questions raised in the Craft Lodge are answered in the Scottish Rite degrees. All Master Masons in good standing with their Lodge are welcome. The continued growth of the Scottish Rite is most important to ensure its rich history is carried on with tradition and honour.
This Body confers degrees from 4th to 14th. They amplify the legend of the Master Mason Degree and the story of the building of King Solomon's Temple. These degrees are designed to build on the teachings of the first three degrees given in the Craft Lodge.
Unlike the Craft Lodge, candidates are not required to do memory work in any of the Scottish Rite degrees. These special and unique degrees are held either in May or November.
The Mason who has advanced to the 14th degree has received spiritual and moral instruction, based on the events leading up to and associated with the building and completion of the Temple of King Solomon and the Architects who designed and furnished it.
Upon completion of the 14th degree, the new Scottish Rite member is entitled to wear the distinguished Scottish Rite ring that has retained its design over 200 years. An inscription inside the ring reads: "Virtue has joined, death shall not separate".

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Sample2 Chapter Rose Croix

After completion of the 14th degree, the Masonic educational journey continues with the degrees of the Rose Croix.
The 15th and 16th degrees related to the rebuilding of the Second Temple by Zerubbabel. The Second Temple degrees portray the never ending struggle against the adversaries of Truth and Light: a struggle which is still going on today.
In these degrees important moral and spiritual precepts of value to Masons of all ages are proclaimed. The 17th degree is an approach to and the 18th degree a recognition of the religious ethics in universal terms: thus assisting in the building in our hearts of the Third Temple not made with hands. The 18th degree culminates with the degree of the Knight Rose Croix.
In the Rose Croix Chapter, Easter Ceremonies constitute a solemn observance of the Passover or Paschal Supper on Maundy Thursday in Holy Week and then on Easter Sunday an inspiring observance of the Resurrection.

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Sample2 Consistory

This Body is responsible for conferring the 19th to the 32nd degrees inclusive. These degrees are often elaborate and highly dramatic, covering a variety of approaches to Masonic knowledge. The 30th, 31st and 32nd degrees culminate the teachings of the Scottish Rite and must be conferred in full ritual form. The 31st degree is the judicial branch of the Scottish Rite. The 32nd is a miltary degree, roviding a bright beacon for candidates in search of a deeper understanding of man and compassion.
Consistory degrees portray events of universal significance associated with the building of the Second Temple. Candidates are shown a way to erect the Third Temple - that Temple being Truth and Love which exists in the hearts of man when he strives to identify himself with that which is highest and best.
The Consistory helps to develop the history and philosophy of Masonry through ceremony and grand drama. This setting provides the Master Mason with an unequalled opportunity to acquire a deeper understanding of Masonic symbolism and allegory.

To join, please contact a Scottish Rite member for a petition form. Fees are payable upon acceptance and dues commuted for life.
For reunion degree dates and general information,
please call or write.

The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of Canada
Valley of Sample2
99 Morrow Road
Barrie, Ontario, L4N 3V7
(705) 722-0432

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