MARCH 2000 - JUNE 2000

In our Lodge we have three kinds of meetings:
The so called 'Open Lodges'. These are formal, ritual meetings in the temple for the initiation of a candidate , the passing of an entered apprentice, the raising of a fellow craft to a master, the masonic feasts ( Opening of the Work Year, St-John the Baptist, St-John the Divine, Masonic New Year), or a mourning lodge. In 'De Waare Broedertrouw' all the 'open lodges' are followed by a table lodge, in which a meal is served, speeches made, toasts drunk, etc..
Comparities are meetings with a simple opening and closing ritual. The main issue usually is a lecture on a masonic subject (it also could be a non-masonic, but otherwise interesting subject) given by one of our brothers or by an outside brother on request. The lectures is followed by a discussion, according to the masonic rules (e.g. no dogmatic arguments).
Meetings of brothers with their wives, partners and widows of deceased brothers. A lecture on a subject of mutual interest followed by discussion. Recent subjects have been Astrology and Mozart's Opera "The Magic Flute".
'Comparities' start at 8.15 p.m.
Open Lodges start at 8.00 p.m.
All the meetings are held in our own masonic hall.
Adress: Nicolaas Beetsstraat 2, 2802 NA Gouda (in the 'Korte Akkeren' quarter).
Phone: 0182-584224


Kind of meeting/ Degree


May 30

Gathering with partners and widows

How to tell 'it' to the neighbours?

June 6

Open Lodge 1st Degree

Mourning lodge

June 13

Comparitie 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degree


June 20

Open Lodge 1st Degree

St-John the Baptist

The new Working Year will start Sept 19 (Open Lodge 1st Degree) 

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