Rituaal voor de bevordering tot Merkmeester

Deze tekst is een versie uit 1992 van de engelse Grootloge van Mark Master Masons. Het rituaal dat de Nederlandse District Grootloge gebruikt is een vertaling van dit engelse rituaal.


Furniture of the Lodge:
The furniture of the Lodge is as for a Craft Lodge with the following differences and additions:
Master's Pedestal: V.S.L. with Mallet and Chisel (not Square and Compass). Working Plan shewing Keystone.
Senior Warden's Pedestal: Two wickets (in vertical position), each having a hole for the insertion of a hand, one distinguished by a square and the other surrounded by a triangle. (No column, level, tripod or perfect ashlar is to be placed on the pedestal.)
Junior Warden's Pedestal: An Axe, placed on top of the pedestal. (No Column, plumb rule or rough ashlar is to be placed on the pedestal.)
At each of these three pedestals is placed a large candlestick, complete with candle (or an electric light, in lieu), which must be lit after the Lodge has been opened of immediately beforehand.
Overseers: In the centre of the Lodge, in front of each Overseer's chair, is placed a small pedestal, on which are laid a mallet and a T-square for the Master Overseer, and a mallet and square each for the Senior and Junior Overseers. There must also be a working plan on each pedestal, of a square ashlar and of an oblong ashlar.
Inner Guard: A mallet and chisel are provided close to the door for the use by the Inner Guard.
Wands are provided for use by the director of Ceremonies, his Assistant (if any) and the two Deacons. (Deacons do not carry wands when discharging non-ceremonial duties.)
Tracing Board of Mark Pattern is located in front of the Junior Warden's pedestal.
Mark Token, or a coin of the realm in lieu, is placed on the pedestal of the Senior Warden for the payment of wages for each candidate.
Mark Apron and Jewel for each candidate are placed on the pedestal of the Senior Warden.
Kneeling Stools: Two are required; one is located in front of the Master's pedestal, the other in the West, but not in front of the pedestal of the Senior Warden.
Stones and Working Aprons: A square ashlar, a oblong ashlar and a keystone must be provided outside the door of the Lodge, together with three large working aprons.
Marks: A choice of two or three marks for each candidate must be prepared in advance and located at the Secretary's table for either the Registrar of Marks of the Secretary to show the candidate; each mark must be constructed by straight lines but must not incorporate a triangle.
Craft Apron: The candidate must wear a Master Mason's Apron; one should always be provided in the Ante-Room, in case the candidate does not bring his own.

General Points of Procedure
In Mark Masonry the Lodge is not squared as is done in most Craft rituals; all movements should be made as directly as practicable from point to point.
Working plans for the Overseers are placed on their pedestals when the Lodge is set prior to the Opening; immediately prior to the Closing, these plans are collected by the Senior Deacon and deposited on the pedestal of the Senior Warden.
Certain portions of the Ritual are meant to be symbolic only - in particular, the heaving-over of the Keystone and the search for and recovery of it by the candidate. It is contrary to the instructions laid down in the Rubric to add embellishments designed to confuse or embarrass the candidate.
The Lecture on the Mark Master Mason's Degree and the Lecture on the Tracing Board should be given in full as often as practicable.
Reports (other than those given for a candidate) are dealt with as follows:
T. knocks on the door.
I.G. rises, gives Sn.M., then stands to order with H.Sn.: Bro. J.W., there is a report. Gives the third part of first sign and discharges it.
J.W. remains seated, looks for an affirmative nod from the W.M., then gavels once.
I.G. goes to and opens door and addresses Tyler: Whom have you there?
T.: Bro. …
I.G.: Wait while I report to the W.M. Closes door and returns to his station. Gives Sn.M., then stands to order with H.Sn: W.M., Bro. … seeks admission.
W.M.: Admit him, Bro. I.G.
I.G. gives third part of first sign and discharges it, goes to the door and admits Bro. …, who proceeds to the North side of the S.W.'s pedestal, gives Sn. M., then the H. Sn., and explains his presence. I.G. closes door and returns to his station.

Where more than one candidate is to be advanced at any one ceremony, it is strongly recommended that each candidate should be taken separately for certain portions of the Ceremony - in particular for the examination of materials, for the rejection of the Keystone and for the payment of wages and the discovery of the impostor.
Form of Opening a Lodge of Mark Master Masons

An Opening Hymn may be sung before the Lodge is opened.
W.M. seated, gavels once, repeated by S.W. and J.W.: Brethren, assist me to open the Lodge.
All rise.
W.M. to J.W.: Brother …, what is the first care of every Mark Master Mason?
J.W. (no sign): To see that the Lodge is properly tyled.
W.M.: Direct that duty to be done.
J.W. to I.G.: Brother …, see that the Lodge is properly tyled.
I.G. goes to the door, opens it and sees that the Tyler is present; he closes door and returns to his station. I.G. to J.W.: Brother …, the Lodge is properly tyled.
W.M. to S.W.: Brother …, what is the next care?
S.W. (no sign): To see that none but Mark Master Masons are present.
W.M.: To order, Brethren, as Mark Master Masons.
All give Sign Manual, then stand to order with Hailing Sign.
W.M.: Brother Junior Warden, how many principal officers are there in the Lodge?
J.W.: Six: namely the Worshipful Master, the Senior and Junior Wardens and the Master, Senior and Junior Overseers.
W.M.: Brother Junior Overseer: J.O. moves clockwise to the S. side of the pedestal and turns to the East. Where is your situation in the Lodge?
J.O.: At the South Gate.
W.M.: Your duty?
J.O.: To guard that gate; to examine all materials for the building of the Holy Temple and, if approved, to pass them to the Senior Overseer for further inspection. J.O. returns clockwise to his station.
W.M.: Brother Senior Overseer: S.O. moves clockwise to the N. side of his pedestal and turns to the East. Your situation in the Lodge?
S.O.: At the West Gate.
W.M.: Your duty?
S.O.: To guard that gate; to examine all materials for the building of the Holy Temple sent to me from the Junior Overseer and, if approved, to pass them to the Master Overseer for final approval or rejection. S.O. returns directly to his station.
W.M.: Brother Master Overseer: M.O. remains standing in his place. Your situation in the Lodge?
M.O.: At the East Gate.
W.M.: Your duty?
M.O.: To guard that gate; to examine all materials for the building of the Holy Temple sent to me from the Junior and Senior Overseers, and in any case of doubt or difficulty to call a Council of my Brother Overseers.
W.M.: Brother Junior Warden, your situation in the Lodge?
J.W.: In the South.
W.M.: Why are you placed there?
J.W.: To mark the sun at its meridian, to call the Brethren from labour to refreshment, that profit and pleasure may be the result; likewise to beware of and to punish impostors.
W.M.: Brother Senior Warden, your situation?
S.W.: In the West.
W.M.: Why are you placed there?
S.W.: To mark the setting sun; to close the Lodge by command of the Worshipful Master, after having paid the Mark Masters their wages, if any be due, and having deposited the working plans in a place of safety.
W.M.: Worthy and Worshipful Pas Master, where is the Master's place?
P.M.: In the East.
W.M.: Why is he placed there?
P.M.: As the sun rises in the East to open and enlighten the day, so is the Worshipful Master placed in the East to open the Lodge and to employ and instruct the Brethren in Mark Masonry.
W.M.: The Lodge being duly formed, before I declare it open, I will call upon the Chaplain to give us the benefit of prayer.
Chaplain: Brethren, let us invoke the blessing of the Great Overseer of the Universe. May He deign to keep us in all our undertakings and grant that, marking well His holy commandments, we may glorify Him in all our work so that, when He shall come to reckon with us, we may obtain our reward.
Omnes: So mote it be.
W.M.: In the name of Adoniram I declare the Lodge duly open All give the third part of first sign and discharge it for the instruction and improvement of Mark Master Masons.
Master gavels * * **, which is repeated by S.W., J.W., I.G., and Tyler; J.D. adjusts Tracing Board; Past Master goes to front of pedestal, opens V.S.L., places Working Tools thereon, so that Chisel lies South to North and Mallet lies over it East to West; P.M. salutes W.M. with the threefold first sign (Sign Manual, Hailing Sign and third part of the sign) and returns to his place.
W.M.: Be seated, Brethren.

Ceremony of Advancement

The materials for the building of the Holy Temple (two ashlars and Keystone), a M.M.'s apron (for Cand.) and three working aprons must be available outside the Lodge; a kneeling stool must be available in the West; it should not be placed in front of the Senior Warden's pedestal.
Tyler gives F.C. knocks on door.
I.G., rises, gives Sn. M. and then stands to order with H. Sn.: Brother Junior Warden, there is an alarm. Gives third part of first sign and discharges of it.
J.W. gavels once, rises, gives Sn. M. and stands to order with H. Sn.: Worshipful Master, there is an alarm.
W.M.: Brother Junior Warden, inquire who wants admission.
J.W. gives third part of first sign, discharges it and sits: Brother Inner Guard, see who wants admission.
I.G. goes to and opens door and addresses Tyler: Whom have you there?
T.: Brother …, who has served his time as an Entered Apprentice, worked in the quarries as a Fellow Craft and is now desirous of becoming a Mark Master Mason to qualify him to preside over a Lodge of Operative Masons.
I.G.: How does he hope to obtain that privilege?
T.: By the help of the Great Overseer of the Universe and the benefit of the pass-grip and the pass-word.
I.G.: Is he in possession of the pass-grip and pass-word?
T.: He is not, but I will give them on his behalf. T. gives pass-grip to I.G. and communicates pass-word.
I.G.: Wait while I report to the Worshipful Master. I.G. closes door and returns to his station; gives Sn. M. and then stands to order with H. Sn.: Worshipful Master, Brother …, who has served his time as an Entered Apprentice, worked in the quarries as a Fellow Craft and is now desirous of becoming a Mark Master Mason to qualify him to preside over a Lodge of Operative Masons.
W.M.: How does he hope to obtain that privilege?
I.G.: By the help of the Great Overseer of the Universe and the benefit of the p.g. and the p.w.
W.M.: Is he in possession of the p.g. and the p.w.?
I.G.: He is not, Worshipful Master, but his conductor has given them to me on his behalf.
W.M.: Advance and communicate them to me.
I.G. gives third part of the first sign and discharges it, advances directly to the front of W.M.'s pedestal, gives p.g. to W.M. and communicates p.w. aloud.
W.M.: The pass is correct
W.M. and I.G. disengage the p.g.; W.M. sits. I.G. returns directly to his station and faces East, gives Sn. M. and then stands to order with H.Sn.
W.M.: First assuring yourself that he has signed the required declaration, admit him in due form and take heed on what he enters Brother Deacons.
I.G. gives third part of first sign and discharges it, goes to door, opens it and audibly ascertains from Tyler that declaration has been signed. Deacons rise and proceed directly to the door. The Candidate, wearing a Master Mason's apron, is introduced between the two Deacons; I.G. closes door and steps aside; the Can. Is placed immediately in front of the closed door, flanked by the Deacons, S.D. on Can.'s right, J.D. on his left, I.G. picks up M. and C. and stands facing Can.
I.G.: Brother …, on your Initiation into freemasonry you were admitted on the point of a sharp instrument presented to your naked left breast; in the Second Degree on the square; you are now admitted on the Mallet and Chisel.
I.G. applies C. to Can.'s left breast and strikes it with the M. of a F.C., saying: Enter on the edge of the Chisel.
Can. is then conducted by the Deacons to the North side of the S.W.'s pedestal, all facing East. I.G. returns to his station and sits.
W.M.: Brother …, since the building of King Solomon's Temple and the institution of the Degree of Mark Master Mason as now practised, a regulation has been enacted that no one shall be advanced to the Degree you now seek unless he shall have been previously raised to the sublime Degree of Master Mason. Have you attained that high honour?
Can.: I have. S.D. will prompt if necessary.
W.M.: Give the proofs, to enable you to do which the Senior Deacon will now conduct you round the Lodge.
S.D. perambulates the Lodge with Can. without squaring: J.D. remains in the North-West and places kneeling stool in position. S.D. conducts Can. past W.M. without saluting; both halt in the South slightly to the East of J.W.'s pedestal, facing West.
S.D.: Salute the Junior Warden as an Entered Apprentice.
Can. alone takes step and salutes in the First Degree; J.W. gavels * * *. D.D. conducts Can. to the West, where they halt slightly to the South of S.W.'s pedestal, facing North.
S.D.: Salute the Senior Warden as a Fellow Craft. Can. alone takes step and salutes in the Second Degree; S.W. gavels * **. S.D. conducts Can. to the North of S.W.'s pedestal; they both halt facing East about one pace West of the kneeling stool; J.D. takes post on left of Can.
S.D.: Salute the Worshipful Master as a Master Mason with the full Signs of that Degree. Can. alone takes step and salutes in the Third Degree; W.M. gavels ** *.
W.M.: Do you seriously declare on your honour that you will steadily persevere through the Ceremony of Advancement to the honourable Degree of Mark Master Mason and that you will conceal whatever may be made known to you prior to your obligation?
Can.: I do.
W.M.: Thus assured, I will thank you to kneel while the blessing of Heaven is invoked on our proceedings.
W.M. gavels once, repeated by S.W. and J.W.: all rise and stand with right hand on heart during the prayer; S.D. instructs Can. to kneel and place right hand on heart; Deacons cross wands.
Chap.: May the Great Overseer of the Universe pour down on this convocation the continual dew of His blessing, and whether we be stationed on the plains of Zaradatha of in the forests of Lebanon, whether employed on the rough ashlar or in putting the key stone of a mystic arch, may He be with his faithful workmen; and when called off from labours here, may we be found worthy to receive the wages promised to those who work diligently in His Holy Temple.
Omnes: So mote it be.
Deacons lower wands; all drop right hands.
W.M.: Let the Candidate rise.
Can. rises; all sit except Deacons and Can.; J.D. removes kneeling stool, which should not be placed in front of S.W.'s pedestal.
W.M.: In former times it was custom in all Fellow Craft Lodges for each Fellow Craft to choose a mark by  which his work might be known to his Overseer, the mark selected being one not previously chosen by a brother of the same Lodge, and the Triangle always excepted, that being the Mark Master's mark of approval. He was at the same time taught how to present his mark at the Senior Warden's wicket to receive his wages as a Mark Man. When you were passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft, was such a mark chosen by you?
Can., prompted by S.D.: It was not, Worshipful Master.
W.M.: Then the Senior Deacon will conduct you to the Registrar's table where that want shall be supplied.
S.D. conducts Can. to the Registrar of Marks in the North; J.D. returns directly to his station and sits.
R. of M. seated: It is my duty to inform you that a copy of whatever mark may be chosen by you will be inserted in the Register of this Lodge; it will then be returned for registration in the books of Grand Lodge and cannot afterwards be changed.
R. of M. proffers tow or three marks for Can. to choose from; after Can. has selected one as his mark, S.D. examines it; S.D. and Can. then turn to face East.
S.D. with F.C. Sn.: Worshipful Master, the mark which our Brother has selected is aptly chosen and clearly defined.
W.M.: Let me see it.
S.D. discharges F.C. Sn. and conducts Can. directly to the front of W.M.'s pedestal; Can., prompted by S.D., presents his mark to W.M., who takes and examines it.
W.M.: Brother …, I admire the ability displayed in the execution of your work. Such ingenuity deserves encouragement.
W.M. stands and picks up from V.S.L. the Mallet in his right hand and the Chisel in his left hand; he indents a triangle round the Can.'s mark with the knocks of a F.C. on each of the three sides; he then replaces Mallet and Chisel on V.S.L.
W.M.: I therefore designate you as a Mark Man. W.M. places mark in Can.'s left hand. And I will at once proceed to entrust you with the token of that rank. Put forth your right hand outstretched with your palm upwards and open. W.M. demonstrates, Can. copies. Place the mark in the palm of your right hand and cover it with the ball of the thumb. Can complies. So present your mark at the Senior Warden's wicket, and receive the wages due to patient industry and merit.
W.M. sits. S.D. conducts Can. via the South to the West, where both halt in front of and facing S.W.; S.D. gives knocks of F.C. on floor with his wand.
S.W.: Who have you there?
S.D. with the F.C. Sn.: Brother …, a trusty Mark man who has worked well and worthily six days or less at the building of King Solomon's Temple, and now comes by command of the Worshipful Master to receive the wages due to patient industry and merit.
S.W.: How shall I know him to be entitled to receive them?
S.D.: By the Sn. M. which he now offers.
S.D. discharges F.C. Sn.; Can., prompted by S.D., gives Sn. M. to S.W. by placing his right hand with his mark through the wicket distinguished by the square.
S.W. rises: I acknowledge the correctness of the Sn. and have pleasure in presenting you with the tribute awarded. S.W. places token in Can.'s right hand. Use it as not abusing it, and go on your way rejoicing.
S.D. instructs Can. to put mark and token into a pocket; he then conducts him to the North side of S.W. pedestal; J.D. rises and follows them; S.D. turns Can. to face East and places Can.'s right hand in left hand of S.W.; the Deacons take position on the left of Can., S.D. nearest to him, all facing East.
S.W. holding Can.'s right hand and with Sn. of F.: Worshipful Master, I present to you Brother …, who, having served his time as a Fellow Craft, has been admitted a Mark Man and is qualified for advancement to the honourable Degree of Mark Master Mason, of which he is desirous that he may be enabled to preside over a Lodge of Operative Masons.
W.M.: Brother Senior Warden, your presentation shall be attended to, for which purpose you will direct the Senior Deacon to instruct the Candidate to advance to the pedestal in due form.
S.W. discharges Sn. of F.; S.D. moves behind Can. and takes his right hand from S.W. who sits; S.D. moves Can. gently to the North and stands beside him on his right, with J.D. on his left.
S.W.: Brother Senior Deacon, it is the Worshipful Master's command that you instruct the Candidate to advance to the pedestal in due form.
S.D. conducts Can. to the North-East where they both halt and face South; J.D. follows, passes behind Can., halts on his left and faces South; S.D. moves out to a position to the East of the M.O.'s pedestal and faces Can.
S.D.: The method of advancing to the East is by nine steps: five as in the Fellow Craft Degree as if ascending a winding staircase; and four as in the Entered Apprentice Degree, save that the first two are long and slow and the last two short and quick. For your instruction I will go through them and you will afterwards copy my example.
S.D. returns to right side of Can. and faces South.
S.D.: Left foot across the Lodge, right foot down the Lodge; stepping off with the left foot. S.D. demonstrates first five steps, finishing with his left foot pointing East and with his right foot pointing South, saying: Two long and slow; two short and quick.
S.D. returns to position in front of M.O.'s pedestal, faces Can. and says: Left foot across the Lodge; right foot down the Lodge. Can. complies. Step off with the left foot.
Can. takes first five steps; S.D. takes position on right of Can. with left foot pointing East and right foot pointing South. Finishing with the feet in this position.
S.D. ensures that Can. has feet in same position; J.D. takes position on left of Can. with his feet in the same position; Can. and both Deacons then take last five steps together, S.D. saying as they do so: Two long and slow; two short and quick.
All three finish close in front of W.M.'s pedestal.
W.M.: As in every degree the secrets of Freemasonry are to be kept separate and distinct, an obligation similar in many respects to those in the former degrees will now be required of you. Are you prepared to take it?
Can.: I am.
W.M.: Then you will kneel on both knees; place both hands on the V.S.L.
Can. complies; W.M. gavels once, repeated by S.W. and J.W.; all rise and stand to order with Sn. of F.; Deacons cross wands.
W.M.: State your name at length and repeat after me: I, …, in the presence of the Great Overseer of the Universe and of this worthy, worshipful and regularly constituted Lodge of Mark Master masons, do hereby and hereon sincerely and solemnly swear that I will never divulge any of the secrets or mysteries of or belonging to the degree of Mark Master Mason to anyone in the world unless it be to a true and regularly advanced brother who, I shall have sufficient reason to believe, has come by them in as legal a manner as I am about to do; or in a body of a regularly constituted and warranted Lodge of Mark Master Masons consisting of three or more: that I will not unjustly use any brother's mark, but will receive it when presented to me, and grant his request if just and within my power, the same not being detrimental to myself or my connections. But I shall not feel myself bound again to relieve him until he shall have redeemed his mark from his former obligation.
All these points I solemnly engage to observe, so help me the Great Overseer of the Universe and keep me steadfast in this my solemn obligation of a Mark Master Mason.
W.M.: As a pledge of your fidelity and to render this a solemn obligation you will seal it with your lips four times on the V.S.L..
Can. complies; all discharge Sn. of F. and remain standing; Deacons lower wands. W.M. taking can. by right hand with the pass-grip, which is given by engaging the bent fingers of a brother's right hand and inserting the thumbs in the form of a cramp, form the V.S.L., saying: Rise, duly obligated Mark Master Mason.
All sit, except Deacons and Can.
W.M.: For the better elucidation of the secrets of this Degree it is necessary that you should proceed to the quarries and re-enter the Lodge as a Mark man under the guidance of the Senior Deacon.
Deacons conduct Can. via South to the West and halt to North of S.W.'s pedestal, Can. between the Deacons, all facing East.
S.D.: Salute the Worshipful Master as a Fellow Craft.
Deacons and Can. take step together and salute as F.C.'s.; Deacons conduct Can. to door and he retires; Deacons remove collars and leave them, with their wands, within the entrance to the Lodge; Deacons do not remove Mark aprons; they retire.
Outside the door, M.M.'s apron is removed from Can.; Deacons and Can. put on working aprons; J.D. picks up the oblong ashlar, S.D. the square ashlar and Can. the Key Stone; Tyler gives F.C. knocks on door.
I.G. rises, with F.C. Sn.: Brother Junior Warden, there is a report. I.G. discharges F.C. Sn.
J.W. gavels * ** and rises, with F.C. Sn.: Worshipful Master, there is a report.
W.M.: Brother Junior Warden, inquire who wants admission.
J.W. discharges F.C. Sn. and sits: Brother Inner Guard, see who wants admission.
I.G. goes to and opens door: Whom have you there?
Tyler: Workmen from the quarries with materials for the building of the Holy Temple which they are anxious to submit for approval.
I.G.: Wait while I report to the Worshipful Master. I.G. closes door and returns to his station; with F.C. Sn.: Worshipful Master, workmen from the quarries with materials for the building of the Holy Temple which they are anxious to submit for approval.
W.M.: Let them be admitted that they may submit their materials for examination by the Overseers.
I.G. discharges F.C. Sn., goes to and opens door. Deacons and Can. enter, J.D. leading, followed by S.D. and Can.; in that order they proceed around the Lodge (without squaring), without saluting the W.M., to the South. All halt facing J.O.'s pedestal, on which S.D. gives F.C. knocks with knuckles of right hand.
J.O.: Whom have you there?
S.D.: Workmen from the quarries with materials for the building of the Holy Temple which they are anxious to submit for your inspection.
J.O.: I will examine them with pleasure.
J.D. hands oblong ashlar to J.O., who strikes the ashlar with F.C. knocks with the mallet, turns it over to examine the finish, then tries it with the square on three faces; being satisfied, he continues to hold it and says: This is fair work and square, such as is required for the building, and such as I am ordered to receive. J.O. hands ashlar back to J.D.
J.D.: Will you give me the pass-word?
J.O.: I will, so that you may pass to the West gate.
J.O. whispers pass-word (Joppa) into J.D.'s right ear, ensuring that Can. does not hear.
S.D. hands square ashlar to J.O., who tests and examines it as before; being satisfied, he continues to hold it.
J.O.: This is fair work and square, such as is required for the building, and such as I am ordered to receive. J.O. hands ashlar back to S.D.
S.D.: Will you give me the pass-word?
J.O. whispers pass-word into S.D.'s right ear, ensuring that Can. does not hear.
Can., prompted by S.D., hands K.S. to J.O., who looks at it and, seeing that it is not square, does not strike it with the mallet, does not examine it further, or try with the square; he continues to hold it.
J.O.: This is a curiously wrought stone, neither square nor oblong. I cannot receive it.
J.O. hands K.S. back to Can.
Can., prompted by S.D.: Will you give me the pass-word?
J.O.: I cannot, your work not being in accordance with my plans
J.D. leads the way to the West; all halt facing S.O.'s pedestal, on which S.D. gives F.C. knocks with knuckles of right hand.
S.O.: Whom have you there?
S.D.: Workmen from the quarries with materials for the building of the Holy Temple which they are anxious to submit for your inspection.
S.O.: I will examine them with pleasure.
J.D. hands oblong ashlar to S.O., who strikes it with F.C. knocks with the mallet, turns it over to examine the finish, then tries it with the square on three faces, being satisfied, he then places it on his pedestal, keeping his right hand on it.
S.O.: This is fair work and square, such as is required for the building and such as I am ordered to receive. Give me the pass-word you received from the Junior Overseer at the South gate.
J.D. whispers pass-word into S.O.'s right ear, ensuring that Can. does not hear.
S.O. hands ashlar back to J.D.: Pass to the East gate.
S.D. hands square ashlar to S.O., who tests it and examines it as before; being satisfied, he then places it on his pedestal, keeping his right hand on it.
S.O.: This is fair work and square, such as is required for the building and such as I am ordered to receive. Give me the pass-word you received from the Junior Overseer at the South gate.
S.D. whispers pass-word into S.O.'s right ear, ensuring that Can. does not hear.
S.O. hands ashlar back to S.D.: Pass to the East gate.
Can., prompted by S.D. hands K.S. to S.O., who looks at it and, seeing that it is not square, does not strike it with the mallet, does not examine it further, or try it with the square; he continues to hold it.
S.O.: This is a curiously wrought stone, neither square nor oblong, nor such in any respect as my instructions will enable me to pass. Give me the pass-word you received from the Junior Overseer at the South gate.
Can., prompted by S.D.: He declined to give it to me, informing me that my work was not in accordance with his plans.
S.O.: Neither can I give you the pass-word at the West gate. You may, however, if you like, submit your work to the Master Overseer for, although it is not in accordance with my plans, yet from the masterly skill displayed in its execution, I am unwilling to reject it on my own responsibility; or you can return to the quarries and there prepare other evidence of your ability. S.O. hands K.S. back to Can.
S.D. quietly suggest to Can. that he should proceed to M.O.; then J.D. leads via North to East; all halt facing M.O.'s pedestal, on which S.D. gives F.C. knocks with knuckles of right hand.
M.O.: Whom have you there?
S.D.: Workmen from the quarries with materials for the building of the Holy Temple which they are anxious to submit for your inspection.
M.O.: I will examine them with pleasure.
J.D. hands oblong ashlar to M.O., who strikes it with F.C. knocks with the mallet, turns it over to examine the finish, then tries it with the T-square on three faces, being satisfied, he then places it on his pedestal, keeping his right hand on it.
M.O.: This is fair work and square, such as is required for the building and such as I am ordered to receive. Give me the pass-word you received from the Junior Overseer at the South gate.
J.D. whispers pass-word into M.O.'s right ear, ensuring that Can. does not hear.
M.O.: Your work is approved and shall be passed on to the builders.
M.O. places ashlar on floor at right side of his pedestal
S.D. hands square ashlar to M.O., who tests it and examines it as before; being satisfied, he then places it on his pedestal, keeping his right hand on it.
M.O.: This is fair work and square, such as is required for the building and such as I am ordered to receive. Give me the pass-word you received from the Junior Overseer at the South gate.
S.D. whispers pass-word into M.O.'s right ear, ensuring that Can. does not hear.
M.O.: Your work is approved and shall be passed on to the builders.
M.O. places ashlar on floor at left side of his pedestal
Can., prompted by S.D. hands K.S. to M.O., who looks at it and, seeing that it is not square, does not strike it with the mallet, does not examine it further, or try it with the T-square; he continues to hold it.
M.O.: This is a curiously wrought stone, neither square nor oblong, nor such in any respect as my instructions will enable me to pass. Give me the pass-word you received from the Junior Overseer at the South gate.
Can., prompted by S.D.: I cannot; he declined to give it to me.
M.O.: And yet you have presumed to make your way to the East gate to present yourself to me! Stand aside while I call a council of my Brother Overseers.
Deacons and Can. move backwards to the North-East part of the Lodge and face S.; M.O. places K.S. on pedestal and knocks once with mallet. J.O. leaves his pedestal by the left side and moves directly (without squaring) to the South side of M.O.; S.O. leaves his pedestal by the left side, moves round it to the North side and proceeds directly (without squaring) to the North side of M.O.; both face inwards; no signs are given.
M.O., seated: Brother Overseers, when we were selected by the Worshipful Master to aid in the work confided in his care, the charge of the three gates was entrusted to us with ample instructions as to our several duties. Notwithstanding these instructions, you have allowed this stone to pass your respective gates, although it in no way answers to our plans or descriptions. I am bound therefore not only to reject it but to demand an explanation of this neglect of your duties and your reason for allowing this stone to pass your inspection.
M.O. picks up K.S. and hands it to J.O.
J.O. holding K.S. in front of him: I admit that I did allow this stone to be submitted at the South gate but, before permitting the Craftsman to enter, I informed him that the work was not such as I could receive. From the skill displayed in its execution, however, and from its beauty and workmanship I felt unwilling to reject it on my own responsibility and allowed him to proceed to the West gate, but I did not give him the pass-word.
J.O. hands K.S. back to M.O.
M.O. hands K.S. to S.O.
S.O. holding K.S. in front of him: Prompted by feelings similar to those which actuated my Brother Junior Overseer, and not being willing to undertake the responsibility of rejecting the stone, I left the Craftsman free either to return to the quarries or to pass to the East gate if willing to incur the risk, but refused to give him the pass-word to which his work did not entitle him.
S.O. hands K.S. back to M.O.
M.O. places K.S. on pedestal in front of him: Brother Overseers, I accept your explanation as some excuse for what I had regarded as a neglect of your Masonic duty; but, the orders of our Grand Master being peremptory to receive only such stones for the building of the Holy Temple as are either square or oblong and marked and numbered by a regular Mark Master Mason, we have no option but to condemn and reject the stone as unavailable for the work. You will therefore cause it to be heaved over among the rubbish.
M.O. picks up the K.S. and hands it to S.O. and J.O., who, carrying it between them, move to the Deacons in the North-East and hand it over to them. S.D. invites Can. to watch what ensues.
Deacons, after swaying it backwards and forwards three times, heave the K.S. over and deposit under the S.D.'s chair, where it is to remain until subsequently found by the Can.; S.O. and J.O. watch the operation, and then return to stand on either side of M.O., facing East. S.D. moves to the right of Can.; all turn West; S.D. leads all three in front of M.O.'s pedestal, where they turn to face West.
M.O., addressing Can.: Your work is rejected.
Deacons and Can. turn to South and S.D. leads the way to three reserved seats in the South-East where they all sit; S.O. and J.O. return directly to their stations and sit.
After a short pause, S.W. gavels once and rises, with F.C. Sn.
S.W.: Worshipful Master, it is the sixth hour of the sixth day of the week, and the craftsmen are impatient to receive their wages. S.W. discharges F.C. Sn. and sits.
W.M.: Brother Deacons: (both Deacons rise) you have my command to assemble the craftsmen and march them in procession to the wickets of the Senior Warden to receive their wages. Brother Junior Warden: (J.W. rises) do you proceed to discharge your special duty.
J.W. picks up the axe and moves directly to the North side of the S.W.'s pedestal, where he stands facing South, the axe resting on his right shoulder, blade upwards. J.D. moves directly to the North East to head the column; a suitable number of bRethren leave their seats and form line in the North, facing South; depending upon the size of the Lodge room, the number of such Brethren should be between six and ten; the Overseers should not leave their stations. When all are in position, S.D. leads Can. via South and West to complete the column in the North, with Can. on his right.
J.D. leads the column via East and South to the S.W.'s wicket, where each Brother presents Sn. M. of a Mark Master at the wicket surrounded by the Triangle; S.W. stands and touches right hand of each Brother in token of payment. J.D. leads procession on and re-forms column in the North, where Brethren remain standing, facing South.
S.D. prompts Can. to present right hand with Sn. M. of a Mark Man at the wicket surrounded by the Triangle; S.W. immediately seizes hand of Can.
S.W.: An impostor! An impostor! Off with his hand!
J.W. raises axe preparatory to inflicting the ancient punishment. S.D. seizes hold of haft of axe near blade with right hand, right arm outstretched, to prevent strike.
S.D. to S.W.: Spare him! Spare him! He is not an impostor! I vouch for him as a Mark Man, having worked with him in the quarries.
S.W.: I denounce him as an impostor, having attempted to obtain the wages of a Mark Master, without giving the token. The ancient punishment must be inflicted.
S.D. maintains hold on haft of axe; J.W. makes no further attempt to strike.
S.D. to S.W.: If you will confide him to my care, I will take him before the Worshipful Master when, if he decides that the ancient punishment must be inflicted, I pledge myself to see it duly executed.
S.W.: On those conditions I release him.
S.W. releases hold of Can.'s hand, who withdraws it from the wicket; S.D. releases hold on haft of axe; J.W. lowers axe on to right shoulder, blade downwards. S.W. sits. S.D. conducts Can. at quick pace via North directly to front of W.M.'s pedestal.
S.D., with F.C. Sn.: Worshipful Master, this Craftsman has been denounced as an impostor, having attempted to obtain the wages of a Mark Master, being entitled only to those of a Mark Man. S.D. discharges F.C. Sn.
W.M. to Can.: Are you a Mark Man?
Can., prompted by S.D.: I am.
W.M.: I demand the proof.
Can., prompted by S.D., shows Sn. M. of Mark Man.
W.M.: Whilst acknowledging you as a Mark Man, I cannot too strongly express my indignation that you should have attempted to obtain the wages of a Mark Master without being justly entitled to them. S.D. prompts Can. to drop Sn. M. Such conduct merits the ancient punishment of having the right hand struck off and being debarred from all further privileges in Masonry. However, as your fault appears to have been the result of ignorance, and not of any wilful intention to defraud, I now order you to return to the quarries, where I hope that you will be able to prepare some work which, when submitted for inspection, will be received, approved and entitle you to share the privileges of this honourable Degree. S.D. leads Can. to former place in South-East and both remain standing.
W.M.: Brother Junior Warden, resume your station.
J.W. moves directly to his Chair, places axe on pedestal and sits.
W.M.: Be seated, Brethren.
J.D. and Brethren leave column in North and move directly to their seats; J.D. returns to former seat in South-East. All sit.
After a short pause, S.W. gavels once and rises, with F.C. Sn.: Worshipful Master, the work is at a standstill.
W.M.: On what account?
S.W.: For want of a Key Stone for the sacred arch of King Solomon's Temple. S.W. discharges F.C. Sn. and sits.
W.M.: I will remember issuing the design for such a stone.
W.M. searches for and picks plan from his pedestal; he displays it: Here is a copy, Brother Junior Overseer.
J.O. leaves his pedestal by the left side, advances directly to the East, halts in front of W.M.'s pedestal, takes step, gives F.C. Sn. and discharges it.
W.M. hands plan to J.O.: Have you seen such a stone?
J.O. examines plan: Such a stone was brought to me for examination, but not being in accordance with my plans, I passed it to the Senior Overseer. J.O. returns plan to W.M.; he takes step, gives F.C. Sn. and discharges it; he returns directly to the West side of his pedestal and resumes his seat.
W.M.: Brother Senior Overseer.
S.O. leaves his pedestal by the left side, proceeds via the South directly to the East, halts in front of W.M.'s pedestal, takes step, gives F.C. Sn. and discharges it.
W.M. hands plan to S.O.: What did you do with it?
S.O. examines plan: It not being in accordance with my plans, or the instructions I had received, but possessing considerable beauty of workmanship, I passed it to the Master Overseer for final approval or rejection. S.O. returns plan to W.M.; he takes step, gives F.C. Sn. and discharges it; he returns directly via North to his pedestal and resumes his seat.
W.M.: Brother Master Overseer.
M.O. leaves pedestal by the left side, advances directly to the East, halts in front of W.M.'s pedestal, takes step, gives F.C. Sn. and discharges it.
W.M. hands plan to M.O.: Do you remember such a stone submitted to you?
M.O. examines plan: I do Worshipful Master, but seeing that it was neither square nor oblong, nor in any way answering to my plans nor to the instructions I had received, I ordered ot to be heaved over among the rubbish, which was accordingly done. M.O. returns plan to W.M.; he takes step, gives F.C. Sn. and discharges it; he returns directly to the South side of his pedestal and resumes his seat.
W.M. displaying plan: Let diligent search be made for it. It is the most important stone in the building. Richly rewarded shall he be who succeeds in finding it. W.M. replaces plan on pedestal.
Deacons and Can. rise and proceed directly to the North-East; Can is prompted by S.D. to search for, discover and pick up K.S.; all three turn to face W.M.
S.D. takes step and gives F.C. Sn.: Worshipful Master, the stone is found.
W.M.: By whom?
S.D.: By the skilful Craftsman who prepared it.
W.M.: Let me see it.
S.D. discharges F.C. Sn. and conducts Can. directly to the front of W.M.'s pedestal; J.D. follows and stands on left of Can.; S.D. prompts Can. to present K.S. to W.M., who takes it and examines it; he checks that shape is identical with plan by picking up plan and examining it; the stone should not be laid on the plan for this purpose.
W.M.: It is indeed a very good stone. W.M. replaces plan and puts K.S. on its side on the left side of his pedestal. Brother Craftsman, I congratulate you not only on the skill displayed in having prepared the stone but also on your present good fortune in being the bearer of it uninjured after it had been rejected by the Overseers. To mark my deep sense of your merit and ability I shall now proceed to entrust you with the secrets of the Mark Master Mason's Degree.
S.D. and Can. move clockwise to face North and then move directly to the North side of W.M.'s pedestal, where they halt about four paces away from it, facing South. J.D. takes K.S. from W.M.'s pedestal and places it upright on the ground in front of M.O.'s pedestal; he then returns directly to his station and sits.
W.M., seated to Can.: You will advance to me by four steps: first as an Entered Apprentice Can. takes step, gives E.A. Sn. and discharges it; as a Fellow Craft Can. takes step, gives F.C. Sn. and discharges it; and as a Master Mason, giving the third sign of that degree Can. takes step, gives third sign of M.M. and discharges it. You will now take another short pace forward with your left foot and bring your right hand into its h. as before. Can. takes step and completes it. That is the fourth r.s. in Freemasonry and it is in that position that the secrets of the Degree are communicated. They consist of a pass-word given for you on your entrance into the Lodge; a pass-grip by which you were raised after your Obligation; and signs, a token and words peculiar to the Degree. But before further explanation, it is my duty to call your attention to a portion of Holy Writ. W.M. gavels once, not repeated by Wardens.
Chap. rises and reads 2 Chron., chap. 2 vv. 11 to 16. Brn. remain seated.
"Then Huram the King of Tyre answered in writing, which he sent to Solomon, because the Lord hath loved his people, he hath made thee king over them.
Huram said moreover, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, that made heaven and earth, who hath given to David the king a wise son, endued with prudence and understanding, that might build a house for the Lord, and a house for his kingdom.
And now I have sent a cunning man, endued with understanding, of Huram my father's.
The son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his father was a man of Tyre, skilful to work in gold, and in silver, in brass, in iron, in stone, and in timber, in purple, in blue, and in fine linen, and in crimson; also to grave any manner of graving, and to find out every device which shall be put to him, with thy cunning men, and with the cunning men of my Lord David thy Father.
Now therefore the wheat, and the barley, the oil, and the wine, which my lord hath spoken of, let him send unto his servants:
And we will cut wood out of Lebanon as much as thou shalt need: and we will bring it to thee in flotes by sea to Joppa; and thou shalt carry it up to Jerusalem."
Chap. resumes his seat.
W.M., rises: The pass-grip is given by engaging the bent fingers of a brother's right hand and inserting the thumbs in the form of a cramp. W.M. gives p.g. to Can. The pass-word is found in the last verse of the passage of Scripture you have just heard read and is Joppa. Can. repeats p.w.; W.M. and Can. disengage p.g. It is said to have taken its rise either from the Degree having been established there by Hiram Abiff before he went to Jerusalem, or from the timber for the Temple, felled and prepared in the forest of Lebanon, being carried on floats by sea to that place, where masonic tradition informs us that the shore was so steep that it was impossible to ascend from the rafts without assistance form above, which was rendered by persons stationed there for that purpose, and with this strong grip W.M. gives p.g. to Can. which is called a lewis W.M. and Can. disengage p.g.. The Signs peculiar to this Degree are four in number.
W.M. sits and gavels once, not repeated by Wardens: I now call your attention to a further portion of Holy Writ or: I will now call attention to a chant.
Brn. Will rise if they chant; otherwise they remain seated. Chap. rises and reads - or all Brn. Rise and chant - Rev., chap. 13, v. 9: If any man have an ear, let them hear.
Chap. sits, or all Brn. Sit.
W.M. rises and takes step: The first Sign is of a threefold character. The first part is called the Sign Manual and is given thus, by extending the right hand with the first two fingers extended, the other fingers and thumb closed. W.M. demonstrates Sn. M., Can. copies. This is the mode in which the ancient Mark Masters presented their hands at the Senior Warden's wicket to receive their wages. Both drop Sn. The Mark Man presented their hands at a different wicket and in the manner in which you were instructed at a previous part of the Ceremony. A Mark Man presenting his hand in that manner W.M. shews Sn. M. of a Mark Man at a Mark Master's wicket was immediately detected as an impostor, and the ancient punishment was that of having his right hand struck off, which the Junior Warden stood ready to inflict. W.M. drops Sn. M. of Mark man.
The second part of the threefold Sign is called the Hailing Sign and is given by elevating the right hand, still extending the two fingers and placing them behind the right ear W.M. demonstrates; Can. copies.
The third part alludes to the ancient punishment and is given thus, by dropping the right arm to the horizontal and striking the right wrist with the edge of the left hand. W.M. demonstrates, Can. copies. This alludes to the ancient punishment of having the right ear struck off so that you would no longer be able to hear the word; and the right hand struck off, so that you would no longer be able to make your mark, give the grip or receive the wages of a Mark master Mason, should you improperly disclose the secrets of the Degree.
This complete Sign W.M. demonstrates the three parts of the Sn.; Can. copies should always be given when entering or leaving the Lodge, or when addressing the Worshipful Master, except during the Ceremony of Advancement up to this point, when the Fellow Craft Sign is used.
W.M. sits and gavels once, not repeated by Wardens.
W.M.: I now call attention to a further portion of Holy Writ or: I will now call attention to a further chant.
Brn. Will rise if they chant; otherwise they remain seated. Chap. rises and reads - or all Brn. Rise and chant Psalm 118, v. 22:
The stone which the builders refused is become the headstone of the corner.
W.M. rises: The second or Heave-Over Sign is given by interlacing the fingers, placing the hands on the right hip and swaying them with three distinct motions across the body, on the third as if heaving something over the left shoulder. W.M. demonstrates, Can. copies. This is an allusion to the manner in which unapproved materials for the building of King Solomon's Temple were thrown aside as useless.
The third or Disconsolate Sign is given by resting the cheek in the palm of the right hand, saying 'Alas, alas, my labour is lost'. W.M. demonstrates, Can. copies. This took its rise when the skilful craftsman witnessed the unworthy treatment and rejection of his work, the Key Stone being ordered to be heaved over amongst the rubbish, at which W.M. shews D. Sn. again he exclaimed Alas, alas, my labour is lost. S.D. restrains Can., who does not copy the D. Sn. or repeat the words.
The fourth, or Sign of Thanksgiving is given by clasping the hands in front of the body, elbows close to the sides. W.M. demonstrates, Can. copies. This is the ancient mode of rendering thanks to the Great Overseer of the Universe for favours received, and refers to the Triangle W.M. drops Sn. and indicates T. on Can.'s body and arms, the chest forming the base and the arms the sides. W.M. prompts Can. to drop Sn. It took its rise at the recovery of the Key Stone which, on being found after concealment under the rubbish, was carried with much pomp and placed in its proper position; when the skilful Craftsman, seeing his ingenuity rewarded, and his work appreciated, clasped his hands W.M. shews Sn. of T.; Can. copies in ecstasy of joy, exclaiming: " Thanks be to God I have marked it well." Can. repeats words; both drop Sn. of T.
The Grip or Token is given by interlocking the little fingers of the right hands and bringing the knuckles into apposition W.M. gives G. to Can.. It alludes o the perfect adjustment of each portion of the works, joint to joint W.M. points with his left hand to knuckles of both right hands and with the thumbs erect W.M. adjusts both thumbs to the Triangle W.M. indicates T. with forefinger of l.h.: The Mark Master's mark of approval, and with the thumbs deflected W.M. adjusts thumbs to the want of a Key Stone to complete the arch. Both disengage G.
W.M. sits and gavels once, not repeated by Wardens.
W.M.: The Chaplain will now read a further portion of Holy Writ.
Chap. rises and reads Ezekiel, chap. 44, vv. 1, 2, 3, & 5. Brn. Remain seated.
Chap.: "Then he brought me back the way of the gate of the outward sanctuary which looketh toward the east; and it was shut.
Then said the Lord unto me: This gate shall be shut, it shall not be opened, and no man shall enter in by it; because the Lord the God of Israel, hath entered in by it, therefore it shall be shut.
It is for the prince; the prince, he shall sit in it to eat bread before the Lord; he shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate, and shall go out by the way of the same.
And the Lord said unto me, Son of man, mark well, and behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears all that I say unto thee concerning all the ordinances of the house of the Lord, and all the laws thereof; and mark well the entering in of the house, with every going forth of the sanctuary."
Chap. sits.
W.M. rises: The ancient word is KEBRAOTH Can. repeats word alluding to the people and signifying companions of the mark; but, in most Lodges where the English language is spoken, the words 'mark well' are substituted. W.M. and Can. engage G. with thumbs erect Pass …, and mark well.
W.M. passes right hand of Can. to S.D. and sits. S.D. conducts Can. via South to North side of S.W.'s pedestal; J.D. rises and follows them; S.W. rises; S.D. places right hand of Can. in left hand of S.W., and turns him to face East; S.D. and J.D. take position alongside Can., S.D. nearest to him, both facing East.
S.W. gives Sn. M. and then stands to order with H. Sn.: Worshipful Master, I present to you Brother …, on his advancement to the honourable Degree of Mark Master Mason for some mark of your approval.
W.M.: Brother Senior Warden, I delegate you to invest our newly-advanced Brother with the badge and jewel of a Mark Master Mason. But I will first call attention to a further portion of Holy Writ or: But I will first call attention to a further chant.
W.M. gavels once, not repeated by Wardens. S.W. releases Can.'s right hand, gives third part of first sign and discharges it; he sits, unless there is to be a chant. Brn. Rise if they chant; otherwise they remain seated.
Chap. rises and reads, or all Brn. Rise and chant, Rev., chap. 2, v. 17:
"To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name is written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it."
Chap. sits, or all Brn. Sit.
S.D. turns Can. to face South, and removes working apron from him; J.D. removes working apron, puts on his collar and picks up his wand; J.D. then relieves S.D. in attendance on Can.; S.D. removes his working apron, puts on his collar and picks up his wand; S.D. then resumes his place in attendance on Can.; at no time must Can. be left unattended by a Deacon
S.W.: Brother …, by the Worshipful Master's command I invest you with the badge S.W. puts Mark apron on Can. and the distinguishing Jewel of a M.M.M. S.W. pins jewel on Can.s' left breast to mark the further progress you have made in the science.
S.W. sits; S.D. turns Can. to face East; Deacons take their places on either side of Can., also facing East.
W.M.: I must add to the observations of my Brother Senior Warden that the badge with which you have been invested not only points out your rank as a Mark Master Mason, but is also meant to remind you that as you mark well or ill so your words and actions will be observed and recorded by the Great Overseer of the Universe, to whom you must give an account of your conduct through life, and whose reward is with Him to give to every manaccording as his work shall be.
The jewel with which you have been invested S.D. shews his own jewel to Can. and indicated as necessary is a model of the stone which the builders rejected, the Key Stone of the sacred arch of King Solomon's Temple.
It bears on the reverse the English letters H.T.W.S.S.T.K.S., which are synonyms of the Hebrew characters on the obverse, and are read thus: Hiram The Widow's Son Sent To King Solomon; and may you be as distinguished among your fellows as was Hiram, the Widow's Son, amongst his. In the centre of the jewel on the obverse you may have your mark engarved, and that mark you may use aster your signature in the Lodge Book, or whenever in correspondence with a Brother Mark Master Mason.
S.D. conducts Can. directly via the North to the front of W.M.'s pedestal; J.D. returns to his station and sits.
W.M., seated: I now present you the Working Tools of a Mark Master Mason, which are the Mallet and Chisel, on which also you were admitted to this Degree. With their symbolic uses in other degrees you are familiar. In this Degree they are employed to indent the Triangle, the Mark Master's mark of approval of the work, as being fitted for its place in the intended structure. But as we are not all operative but free and accepted, or speculative Masons, we are by these tools again reminded of the moral advantages of discipline and education, and are led to entertain a firm but humble hope that, by the correction of irregularities and the subjugation of our passions, we may hereafter be found worthy to receive the approving of the Great Overseer of the Universe, as fitted to form part of that spiritual adifice, 'that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens'.
As in the course of the evening you have been, or will be, called upon for certain fees of your advancement, it is but right that you should know by what authority we act.
W.M. rises and displays Warrant handed to him by I.P.M.: This is our Warrant from the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and its Districts and Lodges Overseas; it is open for your inspection at this meeting or at any other meeting of the Lodge. W.M. hands Warrant back to I.P.M. and sits. These are the Constitutions and Regulations of the Order, and these are the By-Laws of this Lodge, both of which I recommend to your serious perusal; by the one W.M. hands Constitution to Can. you will learn the duties you owe to Mark Masonry in general; by the other W.M. hands By-Laws to Can. those you owe to this Lodge in particular.
S.D. and Can. move back two or three paces.
W.M.: In conclusion, allow me to congratulate you on being advanced to this honourable Degree in Freemasonry, and let me remind you that your assiduity should commensurate with your progress. Be careful that, while in discharge of the duties of your station, you will continue to act in conformity with the sublime precepts of the Order: do justice, love mercy, practise charity, maintain harmony, and endeavour to live in unity and brotherly love. Should other friends forsake you, should the envious traduce your good name, or the malicious presecute you, should dangers, doubts or difficulties assail you, should force attempt to drive or temptation entice you from the right path, among Mark Master Masons you will ever find friends, who will administer relief to your distress and comfort in your affliction; whilst as a consolation under all the frowns of fortune and as an encouragement to hope for brighter propsects, you will bear in mind that the stone which the builders rejected, possessing merits to them unknown, ultimately became the headstone of the building.
You are now at liberty to take your seat in a Mark Master Mason's Lodge, and on some future occasion your attention will be directed to a lecture expounding the histiry of the Degree and explaining the origins of our Ceremony and Signs.
S.D. and Can. move forward to the pedestal. W.M. offers a welcome to Can.; S.D. conducts Can. to a seat in the South-East; S.D. then returns to his station and sits.

Form of closing a Lodge of Mark Master Masons

W.M., seated, gavels once, repeated by Wardens; he rises: I rise to inquire for the first time whether any Brother has aught to propose for the good of Mark Masonry in general or this Lodge in particular. W.M. sits.
W.M., as before: I rise to inquire for the second time …
W.M., as before: I rise to inquire for the third and fourth times …
S.D. collects working plans from W.M. and Overseers and deposits them on S.W.'s pedestal.
W.M., seated, gavels once, repeated by Wardens: Brethren, assist me to close the Lodge.
All rise.
W.M.: Brother Junior Warden, what is the constant care of every Mark Master Mason?
J.W. gives Sn. M. and stands to order with H. Sn.: To prove the Lodge close tyled.
W.M.: direct that duty to be done.
J.W. gives third party of first sign and discharges it: Brother Inner Guard, prove the Lodge close tyled.
I.G. goes to door and knocks * * **; Tyler replies * * **; I.G. returns to his station, gives Sn. M. and then stands to order with H. Sn.: Brother Junior Warden, the Lodge is close tyled. Gives third part of first sign and discharges it.
J.W. gavels * * **, gives Sn. M. and then stands to order with H. Sn.: Worshipful Master, the Lodge is close tyled.
W.M.: Brother Senior Warden, what is our next care?
S.W. gives Sn. M. and then stands to order with H. Sn.: To see that the Brethren appear to order as Mark Master Masons. Gives third part of first sign and discharges it.
W.M.: To order, Brethren, as Mark Master masons.
All give Sn. M. and stand to order with H. Sn.
W.M.: Brother Senior Warden, where is your constant place in the Lodge?
S.W.: In the West
W.M.: Why are you placed there?
S.W.: As the sun sets in the West to close the day, so is the Senior Warden placed in the West to close the Lodge by command of the Worshipful Master, after having seen the wages distributed and the working plans deposited in a place of safety.
W.M.: Have the working plans been so deposited, the dues all rendered and the wages paid?
S.W.: They have, Worshipful Master, to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Chaplain or W.M.: Before the Lodge is closed, let us with all reverence and humility express our gratitude to the Great Overseer of the Universe for favours already received and, as the stone rejected by the builders, possessing merits to them unknown, became the head of the corner, so may we by patient continuance in well-doing be built up as living stones into a spiritual house, meet for His habitation.
Omnes: So mote it be.
W.M.: Brother Senior Warden, our labours being ended, you have my command to close the Lodge. Gavels with left hand * * **.
S.W.: In the name of Adoniram, and by command of the Worshipful Master, I close the Lodge. All give third part of first sign and discharge it; S.W. gavels * * **.
J.W.: And it is closed accordingly until the next regular meeting, emergencies excepted, of which due notice will be given. Gavels * * **.
I.G. goes to door and knocks * * **; Tyler replies * * **; I.G, remains at door; J.D. adjusts Tracing Board; P.M. goes to front of pedestal, removes Mallet and Chisel, closes V.S.L., places Mallet and Chisel thereon and returns to his place.
P.M.: Nothing now remains but, according to ancient custom, to lock up our secrets in the safe repository of our hearts, uniting in the act of Fidelity,  Fidelity,  Fidelity Fidelity.
All place right hand on heart four times to the rhythm of the knocks of the Degree.
A closing hymn may now be sung.


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