Why Internet ??
1. To Improve Communications with our membership - a sort of telephone list
2. Let the world know what we really are!! - Official Sites & Magazines - Combat Anti-Masons
3. Promote our CHARITIES - Complete descriptions - how to contribute are on the net
4. Promote our EVENTS to our membership & families - online registration forms
5. Encourage new young men to join freemasonry - New applications every day
NOTE - if we have web sites we can't be THAT OLD!! Least in our thought process!!!
6. Put people to work on a new projects - Creating "on-line sites"
7. Stimulate interest in membership - Chance to visit his Body even though separated
8. Help manage our "craft", especially in Grand Bodies where officers are separated
by distance and ability to meet together! - "GET OUT THE WORD" - ie VA report forms on line
EXAMPLE - GHP of Missouri used "the system" to manage his Body
9. Create "list server or net" of key people to communicate where one message reaches everyone "instantaneously". - "alert pyramid" -ie - MIGIM of SDakota - Harlan Peterson - PSOC NET
10. Continue to Educate our Brethren - "Further Light" in all aspects of Freemasonry through discussion groups, Sites by Masonic Educators,"chatting" with Brethren from other jurisdictions