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Internet Lodge No 9659How to JoinDear Brother, This page provides information on how to join Internet Lodge. You may wish to print it out and read it off-line because, as well as filling in the form for Part 1, there are other details that you are required to send by snail mail that are essential to joining the Lodge. It is recommended that persons seeking to become Freemasons join a Lodge that is local to where they live. For assistance with finding a local lodge please send an e-mail to Enquiries at Internet Lodge. Qualifications for Joining Members:
The joining fee is £50.00 and the annual dues are £45.00 About INTERNET LODGE.Internet Lodge No 9659, was Consecrated on the 29th January 1998. The Lodge is in the Province of East Lancashire and is under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England. The Lodge will meet as a normal Masonic Lodge three times each year on the third Saturday in March (Installation) and the second Saturdays in August and October. The Lodge's regular meeting place is Freemasons' Hall, Bridge Street, Manchester. It is intended, however, that the two meetings, apart from Installation, will be held in various locations. The fiscal year of the Lodge starts on the 1st day of March. The URL of the Lodge Web Page is The Lodge Aims:
Application for Membership.There are four stages to becoming a member of Internet Lodge:
PART THREE:When your application has been cleared by either the Provincial Grand Secretary or the Grand Secretary as the case may be, the Membership Secretary will send you an application form "Form-P" from the United Grand Lodge of England in the post. This must then be filled in be yourself and returned to the Membership Secretary at the above address. On receipt of the completed form your name will be added to the list of joiners waiting to be proposed in open Lodge. PART FOUR:After a successful ballot and when the Treasurer has received your dues for the first year you will become a member of Internet Lodge. NOTE:Joining members who were not previously members of a Lodge under the English Constitution will be required, under rule 163(f) in the Book of Constitutions of the United Grand Lodge of England, to sign a declaration that they will adhere to the Book of Constitutions and promise due obedience to the Grand Master. This declaration must be completed within one year of the ballot and before being admitted for the first time as a member of the Lodge. A Grand Lodge Certificate will be sent to joining members who were not previously members of a Lodge under the English Constitution. Thank you for your interest in this very new Masonic Adventure. Fraternal Greetings, Don Hyde, Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works, Founding Junior Warden and Membership Secretary of Internet Lodge No 9659 in the register of United Grand Lodge of England in the Province of East Lancashire. |
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