Internet |
Congratulations on your farsightedness. Good Luck. Congrats to the Internet Lodge #9659 from all the members of Roosevelt Lodge #626 AF&AM of Davenport Iowa It is great to hear that the Grand Lodge Of England started this needed Lodge. I first became aware of the Lodge through my ScottishRite Journal. looking forward to chatting with you over the net and conversing in what we love most. Best wishes David M. Jones PM Jones_D@DD.Palmer.EDU Davenport, Iowa, Scott county USA - 04 February 1998 at 16:33:55 Congratulations. It was a great idea. Well executed by a group of highly dedicated and hardworking brethren. And the web site is absolutely super as well. My warmest fraternal regars to all. Murray D. Lampert Richmond Hill, Ontario Canada - 04 February 1998 at 04:28:00 Congratulations, on your new site. My lodge is The Pearl of the West, in New Port Richey, Florida. I am from Maidstone in England, but became a Mason here in America. I am a 32nd degree and a Shriner. It would be nice to visit a lodge in England. I will be coming to the Stratford upon Avon area in September. Any offers?? Len Slade Port Richey, Florida USA - 04 February 1998 at 04:16:40 Nice to see this. I was in England in Feb. of 1997 and was going to visit the Grand Lodge of England but it was closed for repairs. Once in a life time shot. Would like the email address for the Grand Lodge. Alan E. Ketcham Springfield, Georgia USA - 04 February 1998 at 01:05:56 OK. I seem to be getting the hang of this now. I have found my e-mail address , so if anyone can help me with my enquiry I can be e-mailed. The previous entry in the guest book is mine. I apologize for making such messy entries, but please bear with me things can only get better. Congratulations once again, yours sincerely, Chris Sellars. Christopher Sellars Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia - 04 February 1998 at 00:34:53 A warm fraternal greeting from the W.M, Officers and Brethren of Sirron Masonic Lodge, Northern Ireland, G.L of Ireland, I very much look forward to attending your forthcoming March meeting, many congratulations on the Internet Lodge's unprecedented success to date. Colin Cummings Dromore, Co.Down Northern Ireland U.K - 04 February 1998 at 00:29:36 nice web page joe tweedlie martins ferry, ohio usa - 04 February 1998 at 00:28:23 dear sirs, i am an englishman and have been living in bolivia for almost twenty years. i am most interested in freemasonry and would very much like to become a brother. my problem is that there are several groups of masons working here and nobody seems to be able to advise me which is the regular group. obviously as a brit i would like to join a lodge that is recognized in england. i would be most grateful if somebody can shed some light on the matter. i have only recently been connected to internet and am slowly fumbling my way along and as yet i am not really sure what is my e-mail address i hope that it shows itself automatically when i submit this note, if not my faxphone number is 591-3-340939. congratulations on your venture and hoping to hear from someone, yours sincerely chris sellars. christopher sellars santa cruz de la sierra, bolivia - 04 February 1998 at 00:06:34 It just goes to show that it is not a secret society after all. Keep breaking down the barries Brethren... Well Done John Dormer Hampton, Middlesex England - 03 February 1998 at 23:49:27 From your fellow brethern at Trinity Valley Lodge, 1048 AF&AM, Dallas, Texas, USA. Congratulations on brining the worldwide aspect of Freemansonry to the World Wide Web, as evidenced by those who have signed this guest book. I am looking forward to ther interactions with fellow masons from different areas of the globe and how they conduct their affairs. This is truly a great medium for this adventure in fellowship. Don Camp Cedar Hill, Texas United States - 03 February 1998 at 20:27:43 FRATERNAL GREETINGS TO ALL BRETHREN FROM CENTENARY LODGE NO 7215EC , CONGRATULATIONS , SEVERAL OF OUR BRETHREN HAVE EXPRESSED AN INTEREST IN JOINING Barry G Olivier Bulawayo, Zimbabwe - 03 February 1998 at 18:20:55 Fraternal Greetings from PM and current Secretary of Gorman Lodge # 716 A.F. & A.M. working under The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas. This is going to be very interesting as well as lots of fun. Thanks and best wishes. Roscoe Reeves Gorman, Texas USA - 03 February 1998 at 18:16:32 Fraternal Greetings from PM and current Secretary of Gorman Lodge # 716 A.F. & A.M. working under The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas. This is going to be very interesting as well as lots of fun. Thanks and best wishes. Roscoe Reeves Gorman, Texas USA - 03 February 1998 at 18:15:45 Fraternal greetings and sincere best wishes for a long and fruitful future Will watch your progress with great interest Brian Sandells http://Fidelity 4902 Haven 5462 Newcastle upon Tyne, Province of Northumberland England - 03 February 1998 at 18:02:24 Salutations from a PM of Hickman Lodge #256 A.F.& A.M. Lincoln, Nebraska, US. Your new lodge should generate world wide membership. I hope to join with you. Marty W. Ivins Lincoln, Nebraska USA - 03 February 1998 at 16:13:28 Pleased to have witnessed this 'first' for freemasonry!! Roy Partridge Manchester, Lancashire U.K. - 03 February 1998 at 16:01:20 Greetings and salutations from Clarkston Lodge #492, working under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Georgia. We are a very active lodge within metro Atlanta, Georgia with meetings bi-monthly. Several 50 year Masons still active and young men coming into the fraternaty. We are growing in numbers and extend invitation to visit us upon any visits to the Atlanta area. We are what is called in the USA as Southerners or Rebels based upon our orgins, but in reality we like to keep alive the traditions of our past even thought based upon war events of the Confederate War over a hundred years ago. You will note that i did not say the War between the States, only Yankees call it that. As in England, we love out traditions as they reflect Masonic events and brotherhood even in wartime and when at odds with each other, I also belong to the Scottish Rite Masonic Organization, Valley of Atlanta, Southern Jursdiction: member of the Yaarab Shrine Temple and the Legion of Honor, the military unite of the Shrine Temple. It is great seeing innovation and modern technology in Masonic work and i commend you for your endeavors and wish you best luck and success. Eugene Lee McCord Atlanta (Stone Mountain), Georgia USA - 03 February 1998 at 11:41:49 Just found your web site, and what I've seen so far I really like. Keep up the good work. I will return often. Terry A Russell Austin, TX USA - 03 February 1998 at 04:29:19 Senior Deacon Corner Stone Lodge #216, Grand Lodge of Maine. Thank you , Brothers for a fine Web Site and fostering brotherhood. Russell E. Woods Jr. Portland, Maine / Cumberland U.S.A. - 03 February 1998 at 04:16:03 got to run, but I will return. this is just, greeeeeeat. Sir knight Earl Knight McLeansboro, Illinois USA - 03 February 1998 at 03:38:21 Good luck with your new lodge. Hope to chat with you soon. Valley Lodge 511, Valley Station, Kentucky, USA Michael Dudukovich III Louisville, Kentucky United States of America - 03 February 1998 at 02:43:28 Good luck with your new lodge. Hope to chat with you soon. Valley Lodge 511, Valley Station, Kentucky, USA Michael Dudukovich III Loiusville, Kentucky United States of America - 03 February 1998 at 02:42:06 I have only heard of Free Masonry but never encountered it. Having now discovered your site, I look forward to finally knowing more about its origins and value system. Thank you for this opportunity. Richard J. Anobile Toronto, ON Canada - 03 February 1998 at 02:24:27 congratulation to bring to the virtual world the freemasonic ideals, I hope that the GAOTU help the lodge to to spread the fraternity all of the earth. paulo s correa conchas, sao paulo brazil - 03 February 1998 at 01:44:00 Greetings from the Brother's at Broad Ripple Lodge #643 & Speedway Lodge #729. In addition, on behalf of the Adoniram Lodge of Perfection, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Indianapolis Valley--congradulations on your 'new' Internet Lodge 9659. Technology is bringing our craft and fraternity and all of the Freemason members worldwide closer together. My hand goes out to all of you for all of your hard work in establishing this Masonic link. May the Grand Architect of the Universe watch over all of us. Dennis A. Coltart,Past Master Indianapolis, Indiana United States - 02 February 1998 at 20:53:16 I came into your site from links starting at my site, and look forward to returning. I am going to stop by and see about joining. For my masonic history please stop by my 'masonic page'. Lynn Corbin Overland Park, Kansas USA - 02 February 1998 at 19:09:15 Congratulations on your new Lodge, I look forward to being counted amoung the members, I am a Past Master, and current Secretary of Haltom City Lodge No. 1331, Grand Lodge of Texas. Dan Gilbert Fort Worth, Texas USA - 02 February 1998 at 18:51:16 This is a great step forward and I look forward to many visits to your site. Fraternal Greetings and Best Wishes from the Brethren of Hughenden Lodge No 6308, Province of Buckinghamshire. Ken Brown High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire UK - 02 February 1998 at 17:58:34 I hail from Beaver Lodge #83 AF AM Strahroy Ont. Canada and I am very impressed with your internet activity Rick Denning Strathroy, Ontario Canada - 02 February 1998 at 16:16:50 Am a member of TriCounty Lodge #174 Barbourville,Ky USA. Will be looking forward to brothers on the net. Richard L. Peace Pineville, Kentucky USA - 02 February 1998 at 15:41:15 Great Work!!! I'm looking forward to getting to know my brothers from your side of the planet! Stephen B. Jackey EA Dickson,TN 37055 Stephen Dickson, TN USA - 02 February 1998 at 11:57:13 Cogratulations on your consecration which I thoroughly enjoyed as a guest. I am sure the Internet Lodge will prosper and allow masons from around the world to meet on the net and forge longlasting friendships. David Kavanagh Bolton, England - 02 February 1998 at 11:33:49 Congratulations on taking such a major step for Freemasonry.The Master and Brethren of Porchester Lodge 4907 send their best wishes for the future. Tim Keefe,PM. Tim Keefe Southwell., Notts UK - 02 February 1998 at 09:06:45 I commend you for your great effort to keep Masonic frienndship alive. PM Anderson Lodge # 621, 32nd degree Valley of Joplin Grover (Bud) Crawford El vDorado Springs, Mo/Cedar usa - 02 February 1998 at 04:49:39 As the newest Master Mason of Alma Lodge #244, I would like to say thanks to all of the bretheren who have kept Freemasonry going for all time. Good luck with the internet lodge! Robert A Zilch Waukegan, Il USA - 02 February 1998 at 04:28:01 Greetings from PM of Woodland Lodge #1157, The Grand Lodge of Texas. Very nice site. Good job. J.J. Millhouse Houston, Texas USA - 02 February 1998 at 03:22:16 Great web site. Greetings from Sojourners Lodge AF&AM located in Panama, Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. Tom Wilder Ocala, FL USA - 02 February 1998 at 02:33:17 Congratulations and fraternal greetings from Jersey City.I am glad I come acrose your sight It brings back fond memorys of when I sat In a London Lodge back in 1962. {god that a long time ago)I enjoyed your sight and will be back. James R. Scavo Jersey City, New Jersey U.S.A. - 02 February 1998 at 00:57:19 God Bless and Best Wishes to the Brethren of Internet Lodge No. 9659. Can Freemasons from all over the world join your Lodge? Larry M. Dillon, P.M., Bedford Lodge No. 207, F.&A.M., under the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan. Larry M. Dillon Battle Creek, Michigan United States of America - 01 February 1998 at 23:34:34 My thanks to every visitor to the site who has left such kind words of encouragement. My wish and my intention is that the Lodge will live up to your hopes for the future. Gordon Charlton, First Master, Internet Lodge 9659EC Gordon Charlton Yeading, Middlesex United Kingdom - 01 February 1998 at 22:49:55 Congratulations and fraternal greetings from Bellaire Lodge #1336 of the Grand Lodge of Texas. W.F.Norman Houston, Texas USA - 01 February 1998 at 22:41:11 Congratulations and fraternal greetings from Espoo lodge #118 Espoo, Finland. Jarmo Laakso Helsinki, Finland - 01 February 1998 at 19:50:12 Congratulations on your Consecration and my best wishes for the present and future Millenium. John Weidenbacher Maple Ridge, British Columbia Canada - 01 February 1998 at 19:19:24 Have requested application to join. Ray H. Nayle, SR. Houston, Texas USA - 01 February 1998 at 19:16:07 I echo the sentiments of RW Bro. Barry Kornspan from New Jersey and look forward to sharing warm fraternal communication with my brother masons at the Internet Lodge. Brian H. Blades Somerset, New Jersey USA - 01 February 1998 at 19:08:22 Brethern, my very best Congratulations. A big forward step. Aldine Lodge #1412 & Billy W. Tinsley Daylight Lodge. Howard C. Lockerman Houston, Texas USA - 01 February 1998 at 18:57:43 Brethern, my very best Congratulations. A big forward step. Aldine Lodge #1412 & Billy W. Tinsley Daylight Lodge. Howard C. Lockerman Houston, Texas USA - 01 February 1998 at 18:57:36 On behalf of Britannia Lodge #601, F&AM of Michigan I bring you greetings and wish you all the best in this new endeavour. Lary R. Smith Plymouth, Michigan USA - 01 February 1998 at 16:28:44 I was privileged to witness the consecration of this Lodge on 29th. January 1997. The whole afternoon and evening were a superb example of style and excellence; all of which were the result of careful planning, meticulous attention to detail and the obvious desire to enhance the existing masonic warmth that prevailed. My thanks to the WM, the Committee and Founders for their marvellous hospitality. Philip E.H. Thomas Penzance, Cornwall United Kingdom - 01 February 1998 at 16:23:00 Fraternal Greetings from The W.M.,Officers and Brethern of AGAPINOR LODGE No 8905 E.C. in the District of Cyprus. John Trevor Lace Peyia, Paphos Cyprus - 01 February 1998 at 15:45:16 Brethren -- Arrived home -- still flying without the benefit of airplane! Had to go see the site activated and leave a message. Site looks absolutely superb!! Good job, Chris and all who helped. Best to all. Rich Rich Van Doren Belle Mead, New Jersey USA - 01 February 1998 at 13:42:43 Congratulations, brethren, on your consecration, and on your web-site. As both a mason and a net-junkie, I think this is a terrific idea. Graham Cairns, Charles Stumm Lodge 367 UGLQ Graham Cairns Brisbane, Queensland Australia - 01 February 1998 at 11:43:26 Congratulations on a brilliant concept. V. Allen Gray Issaquah, Washington U.S.A. - 01 February 1998 at 08:08:13 Will there be copies of the internet lodge pin available for purchase. I would love to have one. rick rick sepolen seattle, wa usa - 01 February 1998 at 07:22:36 congratulations. as a prince hall mason from washington state, i am always interested in communicating with my brotheres. i am the sitting worshipful master with a year of rebuilding ahead. if anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to pass them along. rick sepolen rick sepolen seattle, wa usa - 01 February 1998 at 07:20:46 Super job on your Web Page and site. I bring you greetings from Fraser Masonic Lodge #598 F&AM, Eastpointe, Michigan. Jerry Combs Fraser, Michigan USA - 01 February 1998 at 06:04:32 I just read about the Internet Lodge in the Scottish Rite Journal Of Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction USA. The Lodge will be good for Freemasonry around the world. J. David Lloyd, Past Master and Secretary Carterville Lodge #401, Carterville, Mo. James David Lloyd Joplin, Missouri US - 01 February 1998 at 02:30:25 Congratulations and good luck. I can't wait until March when I can count myself amongst the numbers. Beautiful meeting on Thursday. Good site. Everyone else has said everything else!! Bruce S. Morton PM/Sec North Wold 7513 Middlesex UGLE Bruce S. Morton BMorton@CompuServe.Com Rickmansworth, Herts UK - 01 February 1998 at 01:05:18 Dear Brethren of all lodges in England. Congratulations on this very fine initiative - You are in front - Fraternal greetings from the Worshipful Master and Brethren of lodge "EGIN" of Rønne, Bornholm, DENMARK (you know a very small island in the Baltic Sea). In brotherly love, we join our hands around the globe. (The world seemes to shrinks, when it comes to the internet, don`t you think. Fraternal, bro. Holger Juul-Pedersen. (Look up: ) Holger Juul-Pedersen Rønne, , BORNHOLM DENMARK - 01 February 1998 at 00:53:56 Congratulations now that you are up and running! Every good wish and success for the future. Jim Carroll I.P.M. Lodge Loretto Centenary No 1373 P.M. Thistle Lodge No 270 P.P.S.G.W. of Midlothian Jim Carroll Edinburgh, Scotland - 31 January 1998 at 22:56:09 Congratulations Brethren on such a fine initiative. This medium opens a whole new opportunity for world-wide brotherhood.-John A. Cullis, PGSD 1994, Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario. John A. Cullis North Bay, Ontario Canada - 31 January 1998 at 22:22:49 YOU DID IT! Congratulations! Now I'm seeking a copy machine with my GL certificate so that I could apply joining membership... Simo EW Laine, PM, F. & A.M. Suorakulma Lodge No. 99, Helsinki, Finland - under jurisdiction of GL of Finland Simo EW Laine Tervakoski, Finland - 31 January 1998 at 22:18:52 On behalf of the e@Masons of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey F&AM, I extend to you our sincere congratulations upon the consecration of Internet Lodge. Having followed the process from its start (through MU - great job Gordon!), I can truly appreciate the effort made by the Brethren involved. We are especially proud of RW Richard VanDoren of Princeton Lodge, Princeton, NJ who is one of the founding members of Internet Lodge (and I think the only US founding member). We look forward to his return home to hear of the ceremonies and the amazing fraternal bonds which have been established "across the pond". Congratulations! R.W. Barry P. Kornspan, Past Grand Organist, WebMaster, GL of NJ Somerset, New Jersey USA - 31 January 1998 at 21:59:58 This a bold new step which I am sure will be cause for much debate and discussions across the Lodges of the World. I commend you on your bold adventure and look forward to watching the progress of this effort in the future. I am currently preparing a paper on the use of email in Freemasonry and find your use of the Internet a fascinating idea. S&F, Bro. Carl Williams Junior Deacon Benjamin B. French Lodge #15 Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia Carl Williams Centreville, VA US - 31 January 1998 at 20:35:21 HERE HERE< I commend you on this outstaning idea and break throuhg for Masions everywhere....I Truely believe that this is the next step in a greater one towards the bettering of Freemasions around the fellow Brothers Chris Colline Trinity lodge #14 Livingston, Texas of the Greand Lodge of Texas Chris Collins Munising, Mich. USA - 31 January 1998 at 16:23:47 Fraternal greetings! Congratulations from the Worshipful Master and Brethren of "Zur unverbrüchlichen Einigkeit", VGLvD-Matrikel No. 276 - Matrikel No. 80 on the Register of the Grand Lodge of Germany - Order of Freemasons. Richard Ebert Hamburg, Germany - 31 January 1998 at 14:32:32 Fraternal greetings from Ongar Lodge 4785. Best wishes to you all and congratulations on Masonic entry to cyberspace,----- may the force be with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bro Willy White Fyfield, Ongar, Essex UK - 31 January 1998 at 12:35:00 As DC of Internet Lodge can I say how proud I was of ALL our founders on Thursday. Everyone did their bit splendidly and with dignity. May the Lodge now grow and go from strength to strength. We have a great team & some really enthusiastic members so now we boldly go ... Victor Sereno - 31 January 1998 at 11:59:40 Congratulations to all who took part in the consecration of Internet Lodge. It was a most memorable and exciting day, not to be forgotten. The Provincial Team are to be particularly congratulated both for the diginified way they performed the ceremony and the way they looked after the Founders. Charles H Arnold PM, (Secretary to Internet Lodge) Byfleet, Surrey UK - 31 January 1998 at 11:20:30 It's great to see the Lodge finally realised. Congratulations and fraternal greetings to all. Bro John Garrick Edinburgh, Scotland - 31 January 1998 at 11:16:31 What a wonderful set of greetings. Now that the quarries have opened the real labours of hewing and squaring can begin. If the Lodge can offer something useful for the good of Freemasonry as we approach the next Millenium then I am sure all the Founders will be well satisfied. WBro John Belton Founding SW, Internet Lodge 9659 WBro John Belton New Mills, Derbyshire England - 31 January 1998 at 10:57:13 Brethren All, the response that you have given to the opening of the Internet Lodge Web site and the comments, e-mails and communications regarding the consecration have been overwhelming. We look forward to many more comments from around the world. Webmaster - Internet Lodge 9659 Chris White - 31 January 1998 at 10:30:45 Magnificent and memorable - The Concecration. What an wonder ful experience, never to be forgotten. I look forward to th e development of the Internet Lodge and I am very proud to be a Founder Member. Tony Scott London England - 31 January 1998 at 09:51:19 Fraternal Greetings and Sincere Congratulations from the W.M ., Officers and Brethren of Wynnstay Lodge No. 3876, Ruabon in the Province of North Wales T. Gareth Williams Wrexham, North Wales - 31 January 1998 at 08:30:19 I am sure we all look forward to the contribution that Inter net Lodge will make to the devlopment of Freemasonry Univer sal. Congratulations on such a good start. Keith Williamson Greasby, Wirral England - 31 January 1998 at 08:17:30 Happy to meet William D. Jasper Victoria, British Columbia Canada - 31 January 1998 at 07:19:29 Greetings and congratulations from the Worshipful Master and Brethren of White Ensign Lodge #129 on the Register of t he Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia. Look ing forward to many h ours of Masonic communications. Yours in the Faith Ke n Peach Ken Peach Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada - 31 January 1998 at 05:19:23 we wish you well, I bring greeting to you all from the Offic ers & brethern of Lodge Hinemoa No 786 S.C Raymond Streeton New Plymouth, New Zealand - 31 January 1998 at 04:51:09 Good luck in your new lodge. I will be visiting from time t o time to se whats happening. Just a note to let you kno w I received this announcement on tarheel-masons list ser ve here in North Carolina George Summers Oxford, NC USA - 31 January 1998 at 04:00:11 Greetings and congratulations from River Rouge Lodge #511 Wy andotte, MI. USA. On behalf of our Worshipful Master, Ray E . Vanover and the entire lodge, thank you for the opportuni ty to meet and greet brethren from around the globe. It's e xciting to realize that thousands of years of Masonic histo ry and tradition has moved into the 21st century, proving t hat the Brotherhood is alive and flourshing in the modern w orld! We look forward to exchanging ideas and forming new b onds within the international fraternity. We wish you succe ss in this most worthy endeavor. Fraternally, Paul M. K lug Senior Deacon Paul M. Klug Wyandotte, MI. U.S.A. - 31 January 1998 at 02:35:47 WB Charlton,Officers and Members of Internet Lodge 9659, con gratulations,on all the hard work involved for the consecra tion of the lodge. May the GAOTU shine forth upon your lodg e and members. Will be visiting the site often,to see whats going on. Fraternal Regards, WD Cone,PM, St James Lodge #121, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada WD Cone Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada - 31 January 1998 at 01:52:54 Congratulations on your consecration. John Mason, SW, Lodge of Antiquity no. 178 Province of West Lancashire. John Mason Wigan, Lancashire England - 31 January 1998 at 01:35:30 Well done brothers!! This is a great way to meet other broth ers around the world. I am very glad that this page is as g reat as it is. Best of luck from a Michigan Yank James C. Archambeau Jackson, Michigan USA - 31 January 1998 at 01:34:06 CONGRATULATIONS JOHN COLLINSON JOHNCOLLINSON@COMPUSERVE.COM PRESTON, LANCS UK - 31 January 1998 at 00:09:19 Well done Brothers...... I look forward to exchanging Masoni c pleasantries with my Brethren across the seas. I live ju st north of Grand Rapids, Michigan, in the United States. I am a very recent Past Master of Doric Lodge #342 F&AM of Michigan. Any Brother wisiting the area, please feel free t o contact me ( We would enjoy welcoming y ou and visiting with you. Fraternally...........Donald Van der Jagt P.M. Doric Lodge #342 F&AM Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA Donald H. Vander Jagt Sparta, MI USA - 31 January 1998 at 00:06:11 Congratulations and we wish you well in you endeavors Tony Aspeslet Lethbridge,, AB., CANADA - 30 January 1998 at 23:36:38 Best wishes and congratulations to the members of Internet L odge on your consecration. Chris Nicholls Coopers Old Boys Chris Nicholls Dagenham, Essex - 30 January 1998 at 23:32:56 I am a dual member of Ft Benning 579 Columbus Ga, and Rising Sun Lodge #29 Decatur Al. I am Glad to see a lodge on the net i will get my letter on the way so I can Join Tha nk You David Glenn James D. Glenn Decatur , AL USA - 30 January 1998 at 23:27:40 Worth waiting for. All the best tropical wishes from LLR #225 Lindsay Parkhill Darwin, Northern Territory AUSTRALIA - 30 January 1998 at 23:18:26 What a wonderful surprise to find the Internet Lodge No. 965 9. We in District #11 of the MW Grand Lodge of Washington wish you all the best in the future. VWB B. D. "Ben" Bena, DDGM in District #11 of F&AM of Washington Port Angeles, Washington U.S.A - 30 January 1998 at 23:14:48 Congradulations to all those who worked so hard in putting t his effort together and best wishes for the future success of your Lodge on behalf of myself and the officers and br ethren of Bedford Lodge #638 GRC (Ontario) V.W. Bro. Brian Waldman, J.W. Brian A. Waldman Toronto, Ontario Canada - 30 January 1998 at 23:06:53 Glad to see it has come to fruishion Gord. It was good to me et with your for that short time in Winnipeg last summer. W ill catch you on the net. All the best and good luck to the new Lodge Brian Monkman Winnipeg, , Manitoba Canada - 30 January 1998 at 22:30:20 Congratulations Gordon on becoming the first Master of the I nternet Lodge - I cannot think of a better choice!! Well do ne everybody in bringing the Lodge to fruition. Chris Lewis PProvSGD Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex U.K. - 30 January 1998 at 22:27:32 Fraternal greetings from the Michigan Grand Lodge Board of G eneral Purposes, and may the Internet Lodge propser and spr ead light for many years to come. William E. LeVeque, P.M. Munising, Michigan United States of America - 30 January 1998 at 22:17:57 It is nice to see this site and Lodge up and running. It is a boost for Freemasonry across the whole world. Keep up the good work. Bill Thompson Toronto, Ontario Canada - 30 January 1998 at 21:03:16 Greetings from the Lodge of the Ancient Landmarks No. 654, G .L.of Canada in the Province of Ontario Wm. MacPherson Hamilton, Ontario Canada - 30 January 1998 at 20:38:35 We at Joppa Lodge #7 wish you Good Luck and Congrats. Fr aternally, Bro. Les Walker, WM Bro Les Walker, WM, Joppa Lodge #7, MWUGL OF FLA (PHA) JOPPA7FWB@AOL.COM Ft Walton Beach, Florida USA - 30 January 1998 at 20:35:47 On behalf of the Master and brethren of my mother lodge, Ebu te metta 3973 and my current lodge, Cathay 4373, may I pr esent our heartiest best wishes at your consecration. May y our lodge flourish and grow. Look forward to following yo ur progress. Elias Lostrom http://geocities/eureka/2010 Athens, Attica Greece - 30 January 1998 at 20:19:04 I send you warmest fraternal and personal greetings on behal f of the current presiding Master, Wardens, Past Masters a nd Brethren of Moses Michael Hays Lodge, A.F.&A.M., in Need ham, Massachusetts, U.S.A. on the consecration of Internet Lodge. May all our labors be rewarded as well as yours ha ve been on this historic occasion. Our Lodge stands read y to welcome you warmly should you have occasion to visit. David H. Jacobs Sharon, Massachusetts U.S.A. - 30 January 1998 at 19:52:48 Good luck from the officers and members of Wellsville Lodge #180, Grand Lodge F&AM of Ohio. Tom Jones East Liverpool, OH USA - 30 January 1998 at 19:46:07 Congratulations on this historic event! Member of UK-Masonl ist, SW of Godson No 2385, Scribe Ezra of Godson No 2385 Ch apter RAM. Stuart H. Miller http://- Droitwich Spa, Worcs. UK - 30 January 1998 at 19:43:16 Congratulations, best wishes and Fraternal Greetings from MW B Robert W. Stevens, Grand Master and from the 65,000 Michi gan Masons. This Lodge will truly bring Freemasonry into t he 21st century and assit in shedding more light to Brethre n around the world. David R. Bedwell, Grand Marshal, GL of Michigan USA Canton, Michigan USA - 30 January 1998 at 19:42:04 Congratulations and best wishes from the Officers & Brethren of Mt. Masada-Galaxy Lodge #902, F&AM, under the jurisdic tion of the Grand Lodge of New York, USA, on the occasion o f the formation of Internet Lodge. W:. Jay D. Marksheid, P M & Chaplain, Lodge #902 W:. Jay D. Marksheid Little Neck, New York USA - 30 January 1998 at 18:40:38 A bridge that spans and connects the "old and respected, to the new and not always understood!" A "rusty nail" brothe r of the Lodge, Rite, and Shrine T.E. Lyman Tuckahoe Lodge # 347 Theodore E. Lyman Richmond, Va. USA - 30 January 1998 at 18:35:03 Congratulations and fraternal greetings from WM John "Bill" Tetrick, officers and Brethren of Wasatch Lodge # 1 F.& A. M. Salt Lake City, Utah USA John G. Paras Sandy, Utah USA - 30 January 1998 at 18:17:21 Congratulations to all who had a hand in developing this sit e. It should provide wealth of knowledge to present and fu ture brethren. Bob Parker Secretary Burlington Lodge # 165 GRC R.A.(Bob) Parker Burlington, Ontario Canada - 30 January 1998 at 17:33:20 Congratulations & looking forward to joining you soon. RWM, Lodge Star in the East #640, SC. Nicholas Koya Kubota Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture Japan - 30 January 1998 at 17:25:31 Congratulations and fraternal greetings from the Master and Brethern of Virgin Lodge No.3 on the Registry of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia. I am delighted that you have officia lly arrived and I greet you well! I look forward to followi ng your progress and hope one day to visit. Eric G. Edgar Past Master and Treasurer, Virgin Lodge No. 3 Eric G. Edgar Waverley, Nova Scotia Canada - 30 January 1998 at 17:20:36 Congratulations and fraternal greetings from the Master and Brethern of Virgin Lodge No.3 on the Registery of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia. I am delighted that you have offici ally arrived and I greet you well! I look froward to follow ing your progress and hope one day to visit. Eric G. Edgar Past Master and Treasurer, Virgin Lodge No. 3 Eric G. Edgar Waverley, Nova Scotia Canada - 30 January 1998 at 17:18:13 Past Master & Secretary Satucket Lodge AF&AM East Bridgewa ter, MA Francis E. Foster Jr. East Bridgewater. , MA USA - 30 January 1998 at 17:14:47 What a wondeful event we all had yesterday - Congratulations to all who helped organise the day A superb web site. Yo u make me proud to be a Founder of Internet-9659. Good luc k to all our wonderful Officers. mike herman Hertfordshire U K - 30 January 1998 at 17:11:58 Congratulations to ALL who played any part in bringing to fr uition the Consecration of Internet Lodge No. 9659. An ou tstanding historical event which will go down as such in th e annals of Freemasonry and which will prove of great benef it to all who call themselves "True Masons". It is my gre at pleasure to be associated. The Web Site is truly magnif icent and a good sign for the future education of Intereste d Brethren. Ray Dinning Lumley Lodge No. 5807, Chester-le-Street, Province of Durham England - 30 January 1998 at 16:56:44 A great site, a great idea. I will refer to your site on a regular basis, as it contrains a wealth of information. Richard A. Vlach Auburn, Nebraska U.S.A. - 30 January 1998 at 16:52:17 I greet you well Brethren, and the best of luck. Masonry Un iversal and for the Future. Peter Bray Eastleigh, Hampshire UK - 30 January 1998 at 16:40:54 Congratulations on such a worth while endeavor. Robert W. Byrd Fort Worth , Texas USA - 30 January 1998 at 16:40:45 Fraternal Greetings and Congratulations from the Officers an d members of California Lodge #1 in San Francisco, Californ ia. Scott R. Beard, PM Daly City, California USA - 30 January 1998 at 16:38:52 Well thought out, Good luck to all>> Ronald A. Stunden Richmond,, PROVINCE B.C. Canqada - 30 January 1998 at 16:27:30 Many thanks for your hospitality last night and all the best for the future. Stephen Blank Prov. Dep. G.D.C Menorah L odge no 4849 and Column Lodge no. 5813 (UGLE) Stephen M Blank Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 4BU England - 30 January 1998 at 16:26:24 Congratulations on this worthy endeavour Ian Clancy, WM. Sons of Kendrick Lodge #8362, Prov. of Berkshire Oxfordshire UK - 30 January 1998 at 16:13:09 Well done. Good Luck. Best wishes. #44 St. Thomas Carrie Riddell Saint Thomas, Ontario CANADA - 30 January 1998 at 15:50:05 A true step forward ! Barry Mason Arnhem, NL. - 30 January 1998 at 15:43:12 Congratulations and Best Wishes on this worthy endeavour. Matthew F. Flynn Scranton, PA USA - 30 January 1998 at 15:23:02 For the so many who worked so hard the dream has come true - - Internet Lodge. Congratulations my Brothers. rtj/ R.T. (Dick) James Halifax/Bedford, Nova Scotia Canada - 30 January 1998 at 14:57:37 Congratulations to all on the consecration of Internet Lodge . May your labours be successful, happy and above all heal thy. Sorry that I couldn't be with you. WBro Ivan J Goldberg PProvJGD Altrincham, Cheshire UK - 30 January 1998 at 13:45:55 What a wonderful day at Bridge St.Manchester! My guest and t he Brethren who accompanied me to the Concecration were ful l of praise for what turned out to be a magnificent Masonic occasion. Dave J. Siviter Bangor, Gwynedd Wales/UK - 30 January 1998 at 09:23:07 Congrats to Gordon and all you brethren who have labored so diligently on cresting the Internet Lodge. Jack T. Carson , Marshal, Friendswood Lodge No. 1416 Jack T. Carson Friendswood, Texas USA - 30 January 1998 at 04:24:06 Congratulation for the new lodge Lets hope you do not have a problem with reducing numbers !!! Mike Frost MHFL7@AOL.COM Bradford, West Riding of Yorkshire England - 30 January 1998 at 00:05:06 I have just returned home from the consecration and want to bre the first to congratulate everyone on a wonderful eveni ng. I was without doubt the most memorable masonic event I have ever witnessed and I am most proud to be numbered amo ng the founders. W Bro Gordon R Desser - Steward Internet Lodge 9659 Gordon Desser Manchester, England - 29 January 1998 at 23:07:12 This site is a job well done. I am pleased to be a joining member. Morrie Alec Bishop morriebishop Saint Amant, Louisiana USA - 29 January 1998 at 20:22:01 Congratulations on a job well done Ian Parry Exmouth, DEVON UK - 29 January 1998 at 19:59:43 Best wishes for the future. Regards Peter Holt Rossend ale District Chairman W.Bro P.Holt. P>Prov. J.G.W http://Under Construction Huddersfield, West Yorks England - 29 January 1998 at 19:34:27 An internet lodge - a very good idea. With every wish for i t's success Chester Hjelm http://An internet lodge Prescott, Arizona, Arizona--Yavapai USA - 29 January 1998 at 17:57:01 Have very much enjoyed visiting your website and also on you r progress - Congratulations I hope to visit more often and hopefully in person to the Lodge. Geoff Hashman Inglewood, Perth, Western Australia Australia - 29 January 1998 at 15:36:09 The quality of this site is a wonderful reflection of the wh at I hope will be the quality of the new Lodge. Well done C hris Adrian Peel - Internet Lodge IPM Dr.A.T.Peel Royton, Lancs UK - 28 January 1998 at 10:51:40 And as I designed the guestbook, I thought I'd be second to sign it Neil Tollfree Chelmsford, Essex England - 27 January 1998 at 17:01:42 Well, as the creator and webmaster of the Internet Lodge sit e I thought that I ought to be the first person to include something in this part of the site. Please follow me and include what you like and dislike about the site. You rs, Chris White. MM Internet Lodge IG. Chris White Chelmsford, Essex UK - Tuesday, January 27, 1998 at 4:37:55 PM |
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