Loge Wending


We welcome you on the homepage of the Lodge "Wending", nr. 186 in Amsterdam the Netherlands, working under the guidance of the Grandchapter of the Netherlands!
The Lodge is one of twelve lodges who are working in Amsterdam. It operates within the so-called "Blue" degrees of Apprentice, Fellow and Master.
The lodge counts 36 members and 16 honorary members. It conviens every wednesdayevenings in the lodgebuilding of the Amsterdam Lodges in the Vondelstraat near the Leidseplein. Our Lodge manifests itself as a closeknit group of indivdualists. To comprehend this in more detail is it of importance to know that the ambiance unique is of any other Lodge in the Netherlands.

On the next pages you can obtain more information of the Grandchapter of the Netherlands
Orde van Vrijmetselaren onder het Grootoosten der Nederlanden.
Are you interested in Dutch Freemasonry and want to know more?
Or want to know more about "Wending" in particular, send us a note
Information form.

If your visiting and want to attend a ceremonial find out here!

Agenda Lodges Region Great Amsterdam

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