

                                                                                 MARCH 2000

From the Desk of the Grand Commander

March is a month full of peculiarities, irregularities and contradictions. Too often do we look anxiously forward to the promised Spring on the calendar, only to be smitten with some of Mother Nature's cruelest winter weather... .or we may hopefully anticipate a bountiful late sugarin' season, only to suffer its end by the early band of warm weather. The calendar promises the end Winter and the beginning of Spring in March, but often delivers neither. Some scientists warn us of increasingly bizarre weather patterns with each passing year. For a Vermonter, that has to be a scary thought.

No matter, I'm always glad to see March arrive. In spite of its ragged reputation and its shaky promise, March never fails to spark an anticipation.. .or at least a hope.. .that Winter might actually be on its way out and that Spring would come early this year. Its often a vain hope but after most Vermont winters, we need at least hope. Even modem sophistication could not completely extin guish a fficker of elation last month when the groundhog failed to see his shadow in Vermont. It might help. So, bring March on! It will always bring us hope, if often little else.

It was in March, 209 years ago, when the Republic of Vermont laid down her 14 years of national sovereignty and became the 14th State of these United States. It is in March each year now when Vermonters take on the task of running their communities, State and Country in their Town Meeting Days. Good works can be accomplished even under difficult conditions.

In March, we can look over our progress of the past year to determine if we are achieving our our goals and, if we are short, we may still have time to apply a little more effort to reach the line. Has our worked improved over the year? Have we improved the numbers in our membership efforts? Have we been able to support our charities adequately? There's still time to improve before the bell rings.

In March, we also have to start preparing to close the books for this year and prepare to start the next year with new and better goals. So, Bring on March and the months that follow. Each month will bring its problems and its opportunities. Its a good time to be here.


Donald W. Gerrish

Grand Commander

White River Lodge #90, F&AN announced that 1999 Whitcomb High School graduate Joel Chamberlain has been awarded this year's Fred St. Lawrence Masonic Scholarship for higher education. Chamber lain has successfully completed the first semester of his three—year electrical engineering course at the Vermont Technical Colledge. Cliff Cyphers, Lodge Secretary shown here, made the presentation of a check for $500 to the enthusiastic college student.

The WHS graduate was congratulated on his achievements and encouraged him to continue his life-long endeavors in education.

To the Grand and Past Grand Officers and all Constituent Commanderies & Recorders within the jurisdiction of the Grand Commandery of Vermont


In accordance with the provisions of Section 2371/2 of the Statutes of the Grand Encampment a Meritorious Award known as the Knight Templar Cross of Honor may be conferred by the Grand Master upon a deserving Sir Knight of each Grand Commandery, once a year.

Each Constituent Commandery of Vermont may make a nomination of this award. It is to be noted that this award is to be made only for exceptionial and meritorious service rendered to the Order of Knlghts Templar far beyond the call of duty and beyond the service usually expected of an officer and member. It should also be noted that no Grand Commandery or Grand Encampment Officer, past or present should be considered for this award. This honor is for the Sir Knight in your Commandery who you consider has been or is outstanding in his chivalric labors.

The constituent Commandery desiring to make a nomination for this award must pass a Resolution to this effect then the Grand Encampment nomination form provided by this office should be tilled out and forwarded to the Grand Commander. It is his duty to make the final selection and forward the name to the Most Eminent Grand Master of the Grand Encampment.







The nomination forms must be made out in full Incomplete forms and those received after March 31,2000 will not be considered.

Given under my hand and Seal this 25" day of January, 2000.