Uri Geller; telepathy; telekinesis
Randi: Uri Geller book
Uri Geller in detail
Uri Geller, by Richard Feynman
Uri Geller Caught by Massimo Polidoro
Uri Geller and Heaven's Gate
Skeptic's Dictionary: Uri Geller
Skeptic's Dictionary: Uri Geller; reader's comments
Dutch daily NRC, 21-4-2000: Uri Geller sues computer games business Nintendo for about 100 million of dollars; because in the game Pokémon fun is poked at a spoon bending fox, called "Ungeller" ["Kadabra" in translation]. Geller wants to sue Ikea as well, for calling furniture with bended legs "Uri"
Uri Geller libel suit dismissed
James Randi's Geller Hotline
Intervista a Uri Geller; Italiano
Uri Geller; Dansk
Uri Geller; Rasti Rostelli; Swedish
The New Age of spoon bending
Skeptic's Dictionary: telekinesis
Telekinesis; bibliography New York Skeptics
Telepathy; bibliography New York Skeptics
Apollo 14 et Télépathie
Telepati; Dansk
Music to this page: Magical Mystery Tour (Beatles)
E-mail: jwgroot@xs4all.nl or stelling@xs4all.nl
or hermantl@stad.dsl.nl