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Questions about E-Mason Services

E-Mason offers web hosting. Below are some commonly asked questions:

Anything else you need? We'll try to help!

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How do I contact E-M@son

You can send us an e-mail by clicking on the address below or, if you prefer, you can write to us 'the old-fashioned way'. We're always pleased to hear from you whichever means you use.

E-Mail:  E-M@son

or write to
2 KnockBolt Crescent
Toronto ON Canada M1S 2P6

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Where can I find out about E-Mason Web Hosting Services?

E-M@son provides low cost web hosting services to Lodges and Grand Lodges. For a quote, drop us an e-mail. We can also provide help in designing your Web Site. Just let us know what you need and we'll do our best to help.

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What URL's are available?

E-M@son can set up any URL that begins with for no additional cost. We also now provide a secure link service for credit card users in the event you sell things on your site.

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