


Greetings To all Sir Knights and Ladies:


   By the time you are reading this message we are preparing to hold the 147th Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery of Pennsylvania at Erie, Pennsylvania.


   We hope you will be there to take part with us.


   At this event I will be turning over The Reigns of this Pennsylvania Knights Templars to my successor. This year has been very interesting and productive. We hope that our Membership has increased, not decreased.


   Hat's off to all who participated in our Templar 2000 Crusade. If our Membership increased it was due to many of you that worked hard to make this successful.


   As I have said many times, and it is My Theme, "YOU MAKE THE DIFFERENCE" and you certainly did. Thanks for all you have done. Your Friendship is my reward for my service.


Yours in Templary

William E. Clepper, Grand Commander



to be voted on at the Annual Conclave

Proposal 1:

   Change Section 22 to increase the mileage from fifteen (15) cents to twenty-five (25) cents.


Proposal 2:

   Delete entire Section 296 and substitute the entire new section to read as follows:

   When a Knight Templar has been suspended from His Commandery solely because of non-payment of dues to the Commandery, he may be restored to membership on written application therefor and a majority vote at a Stated Conclave and payment of such part of his dues in arrears as the Commandery may require. 


Proposal 3:

   Amend Section 405 by deleting: at least two thirds and substituting a majority.


Proposal 4:

   The following sentence to be added to Section 136, Paragraph (d):

   The fourragere will be worn with the single strand cords under the arm and the braided cord outside the arm.



At Butler 



   On March 11, 2000, Lorraine Commandery No. 87 hosted Division No. 8's participation in TEMPLAR 2000 by conferring the Orders in conjunction with their 14th Annual Military Ball.

   The afternoon was spent conferring the Orders on seven new Sir Knights, Eric L. Smith, Paul D. Kramer, James E. Schoonover and Richard L. Wilson of Lorraine Commandery No. 87, David Teorsky of Holyrood Commandery No. 100 and Dennis J. Morse and Bud N. Herold of Mt. Calvary No. 67.   The Order of the Red Cross was conferred by   S.K. Craig G. Saul, of  Lorraine Commandery No. 87,  serving as the Excellent High Priest and S.K  J. Renwich Steele of Holyrood Commandery No. 100, serving as  Sovereign Master.

   The Order of Malta was conferred by Sir Knight Albert A. Grossman, P.D.C. of Lorraine Commandery No. 87, serving as Prior.

   The Order of the Temple was conferred by Sir Knight James A. Allman of Mt. Olivet Commandery No. 30, serving as Commander.

   Following the conferrals the Sir Knights joined the Ladies in the Ball Room for a delicious buffet dinner attended by approximately 80 S.K.'s and Ladies and this was followed by the 14th Annual Military Ball.