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The © Logo used by The Int'l Guild of Masonic Webm@sters, the Golden Square & Compasses with the blue "G" in the center,
was designed by Guild Founder Bro. Pieter Nootenboom to symbolize the Lightning Speed of communication on the Internet.These Guidelines are offered to Branch and Chapter
Officers in order to provide benevolent direction for their respective duties and
responsibilities. 1. One of the most important responsibilities of any Guild Officer is to actively promote the Goals of the Guild. 2. Each Guild Officer should actively solicit members for his Branch or Chapter by using e-mail, written correspondence, personal meetings, telephone or any other available means. 3. Any Guild Officer may enroll a new member as a Member Webm@ster within his respective geographic territory. For those new members that are deserving of the higher Fellow Webm@ster membership level, a request for approval should be sent to either their Chapter President, Chapter Vice President or to a member of the Guild's Executive Council. 4. The same Guideline should be applied to changing the membership level of a current member (i.e., Member Webm@ster to Fellow Webm@ster). 5. Only Chapter Officers or Executive Council Officers may authorize the establishment of a new Branch as well as appointing a President for either a new or existing Branch. 6. Each Branch President has the authority and responsibility of finding and appointing a high-qualified and motivated Branch Vice President, Secretary and other Committee Members for their Branch. 7. A Branch Vice President will assist the Branch President in carrying out programs established by the Branch and, in the Branch President's absence, will perform the duties of the Branch President. 8. Only the Guild's Executive Council Officers may authorize the establishment of a new Chapter. They will also have the responsibility of appointing the President of a new or existing Chapter. 9. A Chapter President has the authority and responsibility of finding and appointing a high-qualified and motivated Chapter Vice President. First consideration should always be given to an existing Branch President or Branch Vice President. 10. A Chapter Vice President will assist the Chapter President in carrying out programs established by the Chapter and, in the Chapter President's absence, will perform the duties of the Chapter President. 11. Branch and Chapter Officers should periodically review the Masonic web sites of their respective Members for the purpose of: Maintaining a current knowledge of developments within their respective areas; Ensuring that Member Masonic web site's conform to the rules and regulations of the Guild regarding the use of Guild logos and symbols; Identifying new ideas and approaches being used my Members so that such knowledge can be shared with the Guild, when appropriate; and to promote Fellowship of Members through frequent contact and communications. 12. Branch and Chapter Officers are strongly encouraged to visit the Guild's Home Page on a frequent and regular basis for new announcements and other important information as this will remain our primary means of communication until other arrangements are made. Officers should also encourage their Members to do the same. 13. Chapter Officers should consider adding a "Chapter Secretary" when growth and activity warrant it. The Chapter Secretary may be selected from among any of the Members within the Chapter. The Chapter Secretary does not have to be a current or previous Branch President or Branch Vice President nor does he have to hold a Fellow Webm@ster level of membership. 14. When web site technical questions and problems arise, and answers are not readily available, Officers should use and encourage others to use the Guild's Webm@ster Forum (located on the Guild's Home Page). A Forum Moderator has been appointed and he will make every effort to help the Member find the technical resources and expertise required to identify a solution. 15. The Guild includes Members from all over the world and who operate under a multitude of different jurisdictions. The Guild's primary reason for existing is to assist our Masonic Brethren as they design, implement and use their respective Masonic web sites. The Guild WILL NOT become involved, either directly or indirectly, in any jurisdictional disputes or recognition issues between Members, Lodges or Appendant Bodies. Each Member remains under the authority and directives of his respective Grand Lodge. 16. Branch and Chapter Officers are encouraged to utilize the Guild's Chat Room (located on the Guilds Home Page) in order to establish a communications link between themselves and their Branch and Chapter membership. Members, too, should be encouraged to use this facility. It is an excellent way to Meet and Greet Brother Masons from around the world. 17. Branch and Chapter Officers should actively solicit ideas, suggestions and recommendations from their Members. This is an excellent way to help ensure that Members feel that they are "included" in and needed by the Guild -- and they are! Their ideas should be forwarded to the Chapter-level of then on to the Executive Council. 18. Branch Officers should set-up and maintain a Membership list of all Branch Members. This information will be regularly passed on to the Chapter who will do the same thing, and then on to the Guild's Executive Council. 19. When Branch and Chapter Officers receive e-mail from other Officers or Members, they should make every effort to respond to the sender within the next 24 hours, if at all possible. We want to extend every courtesy and consideration to a Brother Member who has taken the time and effort to write to us. A quick response will also demonstrate, probably in the most effective way possible, that we value our Members -- and we do! Approved by the Executive Council |
© Copyright 1997. International Guild Of Masonic Webm@sters. All Rights Reserved.
Last Updated 1st May 1998