Annual Election and Installation of Officers

Saturday, June 3, 2000

George Washington Masonic National Memorial

Alexandria, Virginia


Washington & Lee York Rite College No. 93 Assembly............................... 1:30 PM

Ladies Program............................................................................................ 1:30 PM

Virginia Council No. 12 Meeting................................................................... 3:00 PM

Social Hour and Dinner*............................................................................... 5:30 PM


Dress for Officers:  Black Tuxedo


* Dinner Cost $15.00.  Please contact Walter P. Benesch IMMEDIATELY if you plan to stay for dinner.  Read below for more detail information!


Companion Knights:

   Our next meeting will be Saturday, June 3, 2000 at 1:30 p.m. in the north room of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia.  This will be our annual meeting where we elect and install the officers for Washington & Lee YRC No. 93 for the ensuing year.  Please make an effort to attend this important meeting.  The Knight Masons will be meeting immediately after our election and installation of officers.  Following their meeting, the Deputy Governor, Walter P. Benesch, has made dinner arrangements for our ladies and us.  The cost is $15 and includes a choice of chicken or veal with antipasto salad, two vegetables, garlic bread, cake and beverages.  Please contact Walter immediately at  703 237-3116 or by email if you plan to attend the dinner!  I have made arrangements for the ladies program (while we are in the meetings).  Karen Snow, wife of our Sentinel, will be having an arts and crafts program.  There will be no cost to the ladies for this endeavor.

   July 19-23, 2000, will bring about the next General Assembly of the York Rite Sovereign College of North America.  It will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina this year.  Please refer to your York Rite Crusader for more detail information, or you may contact me at 703 818-1323 (home) or by email at I hope to see you there.

   I would like to thank the Companion Knights for allowing me to serve as Governor of this prestigious College.  It was a great honor and privilege to serve you during this past year!


Sincerely and fraternally,


Mark W. Underwood
