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The © Logo used by The Int'l Guild of Masonic Webm@sters, the Golden Square & Compasses with the blue "G" in the center, was designed by Guild Founder Bro. Pieter Nootenboom to symbolize the Lightning Speed of communication on the Internet.
Guild News & Notices
MW Enrique L. Locsin's
visit to Los Angeles, California
The Visitation of, The Most Worshipful Enrique L. Locsin, Grand Master of the Philippines, F. & A. M. September 12, 1998 @ 6:30 P.M., we were all gathered together at Atwater Larchmont Tila Pass Lodge No. 614., 2927 Rowena Avenue Los Angeles, CA. Dexter Rosario, WM... presided. It was a pleasurable night for our Dignitaries from the Philippines to witness the Officers of the said Lodge perform a splendid display of their expertise in the rituals, especially the reception of the Grand Master from a foreign country. When the Master declared that the Brethren may consider themselves free from restraint until the sound of the gavel, that was the time when the Most Worshipful Locsin, stepped out to get ready for a Grand Dignitary's reception. The Flag of our country was escorted by the Marshal, and presented it to the Master who in turn lead the allegiance to the flag before, the same was placed in it proper place in the East. There was a knock at the door. The gavel sounded in the East and the Junior Deacon informed the Master of such alarm. The door openned unto the Grand Master of the Philippines and he was escorted by the Marshal. The Master received our destinguised dignitary with proper protocol and honor. Thanks to the 320th Masonic District Inspector, A. Bruce Ivie,33° who coordinated the protocols and rituals in a very smooth fashion. Illustrious Bruce, was so happy being part of this reception. When the MW Locsin was seated to his proper place in the East, The Master, recognized the Past Masters of his Lodge and then the Masters and Past Masters of other Lodges. The Lodge room was full to its capacity. A real good turn out indeed...... Successful! After the recognition, a few words from our honored Guest. His entourage were introduced before his speech, which include VWBro. Bert Pagotan-Grand Executive Officer, VWBro. Ramon Nuñez - and VW Bro. Isaac F. Arribas, Jr., Senior Grand Lecturer . Although RWBro. Toddy Eusebio is not a member of the entourage, due respect was extended him since he was a Past Grand Secretary of the Philippines, was also seated in the East with the said entourage. After the word from our Honored Dignitary, The President of the USA Chapter of the International Guild of Masonic Webm@sters, WBro. Gani R. Hernandez, Jr., (also a Committee member of the IGMW Executive Council) requested permission from the Master of the Lodge if he could approach the East for a Presentation. Request was Granted by Dexter Rosario, WM. The Most Worshipful Locsin was awarded an HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSHIP by the International Guild of Masonic Webm@sters, USA Chapter. This plaque is a symbol of appreciation for the deed the Grand Master has done to encourage Computerization not only among Lodges in the Philippines but Internationally. Also, that todate, in the Philippine Jurisdiction of Masons, MW Locsin appointed an officer to the Grand Lodge..... a Grand Webm@ster which is a non-progressive position. Bro. Pieter Nootenboom is the Grand Webm@ster appointed by the MW GM. Brother Pieter is also the founder of the Guild The Grand Webm@ster seats in the East, on the right of the Grand Treasurer. Not only that, but also, in the constituent Lodges, a Masonic Webmaster has also been appointed in each Lodge. Therefore, it if just fitting that we endeavored to make the Most Worshipful Enrique L. Locsins visitation, a pleasurable and memorable one with such an award that will remind him of his accomplishments during his term of office as a Grand Master of the Philipppines. The next presentation was made by ALTP No, 614 Master, Dexter Rosario. A check as an honorarium for the Honored Guest. When the Lodge was closed, we all did take some photos but at this time we have not had them processed as yet. As soon as I get them, I will post then on the Internet ASAP. After the photo session, we all walked into the dining room for a delicioul dinner. WBro. Leo de Castro,PM., prayed for the grace that all have really enjoyed. After dinner, came all the brethren to respect to our destinguished Grand Master with his 1st Lady...Susan. Autograph signing on the cover of our truly missed Cabletow drew a long line of excited brethren from everywhere. Long lost friends and brethren found each other in this joyous ocassion. Few minutes after 10:00P.M., our honored guests and their spouses left for an informal fellowship hosted by past grand Chaplain of the Philippines, VWBro. Ben Brown.(Now Secretary of Sunrise Lodge No. 840) The Speech of our honored guest will be posted soon, as
well as the pictorial that will follow, plus more to come.
So click on the link above and
Join now! IGMW on mIRC It is a great pleasure for the Guild to introduce it's latest efforts on the task of bringing it's members together in fellowship and harmony. Through the efforts of Hon. Fellow Webm@ster Peter J. Mello, we now have our own channel on IRC; a place where members can associate and ask questions of each other, and make new friends as well. Upon entering, you can meet the people that created the Guild, those that are sustaining it, and those that are partaking of it. It is our hope that by interaction between the members, that we can more closely obtain the goals set down in our charter, to assist Masonic Webmasters with their tasks and labors in creating another quality presence for Masonry on the Internet. For those of you that have yet to experience IRC, here is set down a brief explanation of the technology. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) was created for people to be able to converse using text. Upon hitting the <Enter> key at the end of your statement, every other person in the room sees it in less than one second. This makes it an ideal medium for conversation, question and answer, or just plain interaction between Brothers. Since entry into the channel is not limited to members of the Guild, we also have the opportunity to enlighten some would-be Masons who need more information about the fraternity. It is our hope to see you in our new "room" in Cyberspace very soon. A page has been posted by Webm@ster Mello and linked to by our Home Page, with precise directions on how to get to the IGMW channel of IRC. Any furthers questions can be directed to him at <webmaster@mendocinomasons.org>. Happy chatting! http://members.xoom.com/OceanViewOES/igmw/igmwirc.htm |
© Copyright 1997. International Guild Of Masonic Webm@sters. All Rights Reserved.
Last Updated 2nd October 1998
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