We have the intention to show on these pages from time to time books concerning Mozart and his relation to Freemasonry we will start with two examples and refresh them every now and then.
Mozart and the Masons
Author H.C.Robbins Landon
Thames and Hudson (London 1982 and 1991)
ISBN 0-500-27647-1
The language of this book is English.
This book is a small documentary about Mozart's connection with Freemasonry in the 1780's known
from his correspondence and from his explicitly Masonic works. There is also an anonymus 18th
century painting of a Viennese Lodge meeting on which Mozart is positively identified. The
analysis of the author of the Viennese Lodge meeting will be of great interest for an
understanding of Mozart's vital relationships with leading figures in Viennese society and of
the history of Freemasonry in Austria in the composer's lifetime. From the same author other
books have been issued Mozart: the Golden years, 1781- 1791. also Mozart and
Vienna and last but not ...1791: Mozart's Last year. According to THE INDEPENDENT
is: 'H.C.Robbins Landon the leading (and most readable) Mozart scholar of modern times'.
Mozart in de Tempel
Author Bastiaan Blomhert
Luister 1991 (Luister is een imprint van La Rivière & Voorhoeve, Kampen)
ISBN 90-384-0158-2
This book is written in the Dutch language.
Since time immemorial a lot of speculation has been going on about Mozart and his relation
with Freemasonry. In the mean time very little is known about Mozart's position inside that
movement. The author gives at first a description of freemasonry and beautifully puts the
character of the man Mozart. Then he discusses precisely the position of Mozart in Freemasonry.
In a more business like manner he analyses Mozart's masonnic music which he judges primarily as
music and secondarily as a symbolical illustration of lodge acts. In conclusion the author
draws a parallel between the classical way of composing and the ideals of Enlightment.
The author Dr. Bastiaan Blomhert is composer and musicologist.