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     2000 C.E.
at The Four+Corners
Site Started 9/96 - Changes as of 6/2/00

1. Articles: Rosicrucians and
Philosophical History
2. Classic Texts
3.Classic Graphics Collection
4. Links

5. Honors

6. World Clock

This site is sponsored by a Rosicrucian of the OMCE and CR+C (Confraternity),
and, as such, is a personal site presented independently of these organizations.
Rosicrucian Reorganization 1990: Q&A - Dismissal of AMORC vs. Imperator Gary L. Stewart 1993.
For R+C-Free Speech-Forum (List-Serve), Write To Armand Santucci, reference
2000 C.E. and give reason for wishing to join the Forum.
Additional Related Site: CR+C (Cenacle, France), "French initiatory order which sticks to the promotion and
the diffusion of the Rosicrucian tradition  as revealed by Harvey Spencer LEWIS."


Linda S. (Schrigner) Santucci (1985)

Thank You!  For These Unsolicited Recommendations
                                            —Linda S. (Schrigner) Santucci  (6/2/00)

Literary Listings & Awards on the Web

Canterbury City Library - Literary Criticisms I - P
The Esoteric Content of Paradise Lost
Milton, John - The Esoteric Content of Paradise Lost   (Looksmart)
"Paper takes a deep and interesting look at the many references to 
pagan [old or folk, or Nature religions B.C.] influences and knowledge
that are evident in 'Paradise Lost.' "
us530556/eus552435/r?l&[Be certain to pick up both lines, no spaces, for manual URL].
Serafine's Rose Thank You2000 C.E. at the Four+Corners - A Rosicrucian Page, was selected as an
Outstanding Mystical Web Site of the Month by Serafine Anthony Lemos, whose pages provide information for interested seekers, about mystical literature and graphics on the internet.

World Clock
Current Time and Date in Listed Countries

Email : 2000 C.E. at The Four+Corners

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